The movie illustrates how the ExGantt/JS can manage and adjust resource usage:

For instance, when a task necessitates the allocation of particular resources, the target control can be configured to display detailed information about how these resources are being utilized. To ensure that the resource data remains consistent across different parts of the system, you can employ the PutRes method to synchronize the source control with the target control. This synchronization mechanism ensures that any modifications made in the source control--such as updates to resource data, allocation adjustments, or changes in status--are automatically reflected in the target control. Conversely, any alterations made in the target control will also be communicated back to the source control, maintaining an up-to-date and accurate representation of resource usage in both controls.

The following movie shows the first look of the newly eXGraph/COM component

The Exontrol's ExGraph component is a versatile tool designed to meet the diverse needs of data visualization. With support for numerous chart types, it empowers users to represent their data in various formats, from simple line charts to complex radar charts, all within the same view. In addition to its extensive charting capabilities, our graph control offers seamless printing and print preview functionality, ensuring that users can easily generate hard copies of their charts with precision and clarity. The exGraph library lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.

The following movie shows the first look of the newly eXGraph/JS component

ExGraph/JS is a component that offers excellent graphical data visualization. It has many different types and styles of charts. Easy to use, zoom, resize, scroll, overview, legend, cursor view, owner-draw, numerous chart types to different axes in the same view, multiple views, and much more are features of the ExGraph/JS package. The ExGraph/JS is a HTML standalone-component, written in JavaScript, that uses no third-party libraries. The version of eXGraph for /COM, /NET and /WPF will be available in the near future.

The following movie shows the Predecessor/Successor feature

Tasks may have multiple predecessors or multiple successors. Before you begin establishing dependencies, it's important to understand that there are four types: Finish to Start (FS), the predecessor ends before the successor can begin, Start to Start (SS), the predecessor begins before the successor can begin, Finish to Finish (FF), the predecessor ends before the successor can end, Start to Finish (SF), the predecessor begins before the successor can end. The Predecessor/Successor columns show the bar's predecessor/successor based on its incoming/outgoing links. The control allows you to highlight the selected link, to add or remove the links based on the dependencies you type.

The following movie shows the expandable HTML caption feature

The expandable-captions allow you to expand(show)/collapse(hide) different information using "<a ;exp=>" or "<a ;e64=>" anchor ex-HTML tag. The exp/e64 field of the anchor stores the information to show once the user collapses/expands the caption. Any ex-HTML caption can be transformed to an expandable-caption, by inserting the anchor ex-HTML tag. For instance, "<solidline><b>Header</b></solidline><br>Line1<r><a ;exp=show lines>+</a><br>Line2<br>Line3" shows the Header in underlined and bold on the first line and Line1, Line2, Line3 on the rest. The "show lines" is shown instead of Line1, Line2, Line3 once the user clicks the + sign. The feature will be available for almost all components that provide the AnchorClick event, such as eXSwimlane, eXSurface, eXHTML, eXG2antt, and so on (/COM, /NET, /WPF and Javascript as well)

changes and additions for 2008, so far

12-15-2008 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to specify a range of dates to scroll within.
*Added: ScrollRange property. Specifies the range of dates to scroll within.
*Fixed: Draws the caption/text of the bar, no matter if the start and end date of the bar are identical.
*Fixed: The ConditionalFormat.Font property doesn't change the specified font for items or cells where it should apply.
*Fixed: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted, in a MaskType editor.
12-15-2008 ExPrint,
*Added: Images method sets at runtime the list of icons being displayed by eXPrints's mainframe.
*Added: ReplaceIcon method adds a new icon, replaces an icon or clears the eXPrint's mainframe image list
*Added: HTMLPicture property specifies a HTML picture being used by HTML captions inside the eXPrint's mainframe
*Added: ToolTip property specifies the button's tooltip in the print's preview toolbar.
*Added: Refresh method refreshes the print preview.
12-12-2008 ExShellView/NET, ( initial release )
Exontrol's new ExShellView/NET assembly  provides a file list view which is identical with the right pane of your Windows Explorer. The look and behavior of eXShellView control is the same as you would run your Windows Explorer in a form.
12-12-2008 ExFolderView/NET, ( initial release )
Exontrol's new eXFolderView/NET assembly provides a folder list view which is identical to the left side of your Windows Explorer. Using eXFolderView you can easily present a list of folders to your users. There are a number of properties which can be used to enable special features such as checkboxes, buttons, and lines between folders.
12-8-2008 ExOrgChart,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:3923)
*Added: CopyTo method exports the control's view to an EMF file, or to an one dimensional array of bytes.
*Fixed: The LoadXML method fails, if the control gets data from a specified URL.
12-5-2008 ExFolderView,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:5000)
*Added: FolderCombo.Font property specifies the combo's font
*Added: FolderCombo.Appearance property removes the combo's border.
*Fixed: HasCheckBoxes property available for runtime too.
*Fixed: Enabled property doesn't work properly
12-3-2008 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to show the current date-time using different EBN objects, up to seconds.
*Added: The DateTimeChanged event notifies your application when the current date-time is changed.
*Added: Chart.MarkNowColor property specifies the background color or the visual appearance ( EBN files ) of the object that shows the current time in the chart.
*Added: Chart.MarkNowUnit property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the base time unit while highlighting the current time.
*Added: Chart.MarkNowCount property specifies the number of time units to count while highlighting the current time.
*Added: Chart.MarkNowWidth property specifies the width of the object that indicates the current time.
*Added: Chart.MarkNowTransparent property specifies the percent of the transparency to display the object that shows the current time.
12-3-2008 ExCalendar,
*Added: The LabelFont property specifies the font to display the label area.
*Added: The Font property specifies the font to display the drop down portion of the control.
*Fixed: The path to load pictures from, is limited to 127 characters. 
12-1-2008 ExPrint,
*NEW: Ability to customize the preview's toolbar, ie adding new buttons, rearranging buttons, icons, pictures and so on
*Added: ToolbarFormat property specifies the CRD format to arrange the buttons inside the eXPrint's toolbar.
*Added: ToolBarClick event notifies whether the user clicks a button on the print's toolbar to perform your custom operations.
*Added: Ability to select an area to be printed instead printing the whole document, by right clicking the preview.
*Fixed: The caption of the eXPrint's preview mainframe displays HTML characters.
12-1-2008 ExG2antt,
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarHAlignCaption property may specify whether the caption of the bar is displayed outside of the bar, in the left or right side of the bar, if its value includes AlignmentEnum.exHOutside value ( 16 ). For instance if Items.ItemBar(,,ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarHAlignCaption) = AlignmentEnum.exHOutside(16) Or AlignmentEnum.LeftAlignment(0), means that the caption is displayed outside of the left side of the bar, since the ItemBar(,,ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarHAlignCaption) = AlignmentEnum.exHOutside Or AlignmentEnum.RightAlignment(2) means that the text is displayed outside of the bar, in the right side. 
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarVAlignCaption property may specify whether the caption of the bar is displayed outside of the bar, in the top or bottom side of the bar, if its value includes VAlignmentEnum.exVOutside. For instance if Items.ItemBar(,,ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarVAlignCaption) = VAlignmentEnum.exVOutside(16) Or VAlignmentEnum.exTop(0), means that the caption is displayed outside of the top side of the bar, since the ItemBar(,,ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarVAlignCaption) = VAlignmentEnum.exVOutside(16) Or VAlignmentEnum.exBottom(2) means that the text is displayed outside of the bar, in the bottom side. 
*Added: Items.SelectedObjects(exSelectBarsOnly/exSelectLinksOnly/exSelectObjects OR exSelectSingleObject) property retrieves the first selected bar/link/object in the chart ( it does not return a collection ).
*Fixed: The Items.ItemBar refreshes the bars inside the item, so you can call the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate only when multiple changes are required for a single or multiple items.
*Fixed: The RClick and Click events are not fired if the cursor hovers the chart area.
11-27-2008 ExList,
*Added: Items.VisibleItemCount property specifies the number of visible items.
*Added: Column.Def(exHeaderBackColor) property defines the column's header background color.
*Added: Column.Def(exHeaderForeColor) property defines the column's header foreground color.
*Fixed: Avoids calling the ShowFilter method while the filter drop down window is still visible.
*Fixed: In the /NET Assembly, the accelerator key on the dialog/form may be called without pressing the ALT key.
11-26-2008 ExButton/NET, ( initial release )
Exontrol's exButton component is our answer to your GUI needs. The control provides predefined button skins for Windows XP, Windows 95/98, and Mac 8.x buttons. Create your own skins for your buttons in minutes, using a WYSYWG skin builder.
11-24-2008 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
*Added: The column's drop down filter window is shown up, if the column's FilterOnType property is True, so it does not cover the list.
11-19-2008 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to load or save hierarchies (not just flat tables) using the PutItems/GetItems methods
*Added: The Parent parameter of the PutItems method indicates the handle where the array is being inserted.
*Added: The PutItems method takes arrays that may hold child items too ie Array("Parent",Array("Child 1","Child 2")) adds a parent item and two child items.
*Added: The GetItems method retrieves the collection of items as they are displayed, including the child items as new arrays inside, Options parameter is not 0
11-19-2008 ExPrint,
*Fixed: On Windows Vista, the Settings(exPrinterName) does not change the printer, so the default printer is changed. Starting from version if changing, the Settings(exPrinterName) must be called before any other settings!
*Fixed: The printer button is missing in the printer page setup dialog, on Windows Vista
*Fixed: The Setting(exDisplayInch) on 1 does not change the measurements to millimeters
11-17-2008 ExG2antt,
*Added: Select multiple bars at the same point as follows: the first bar from the cursor gets selected at the first click, the second bar from the cursor gets selected at next click in the same point, and so on.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarKeepWorkingCount specifies a value that indicates whether the bar keeps constant the working units, while the user moves the bar to a new position.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarWorkingCount specifies the count of working units in the bar.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarNonWorkingCount specifies the count of non-working units in the bar.
11-13-2008 ExFileView/NET, ( initial release )
Provide rich display of file and folder information from within your applications. ExFileView is a component for creating Windows Explorer-style functionality. The ExFileView library lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
11-12-2008 ExShellView,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:10000)
*Added: UNICODE configuration
*Added: Fade effect for browsing a new date in a date type editor.
*Fixed: The excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate )
*Fixed: Memory leaks when releasing the control.
11-12-2008 ExPopupMenu,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:5000)
*Fixed: The excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate )
11-10-2008 ExGantt,
*Added: The SelBackColor property keeps the item/cell's visual appearance, background colors, if the FullRowSelect property is exItemSel, and the SelBackColor property points to an EBN object ( with or without transparent regions )
*Added: The SelBackColor property keeps the item/cell's visual appearance, background colors, if the FullRowSelect property is exItemSel, and the SelBackColor property points to an EBN object ( with or without transparent regions )
*Fixed: The SaveXML method saves the date type values using English format, even if the Regional Options in the Control Panel indicates another locale settings.
*Fixed: Prevents painting the hierarchy lines for hidden items ( Items.ItemHeight property is 0 )
11-06-2008 ExEdit,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:9000)
*Fixed: Moving the splitter on Windows Vista does not refresh the splitter bar.
*Fixed: Erasing the starting or ending part of a multi-line expression gets back the HTML expression being used to define the expression.
11-06-2008 ExHelper, (update)
The Exontrol's eXHelper tool helps you to find easy and quickly the answers and the source code for your questions regarding the usage of our UI components. Currently, the eXHelper may convert x-script samples to VBA, VB6, VB7/VB.NET, VFP6, VFP9, C# , C++ and Delphi.
11-04-2008 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:10000)
*Added: Fade effect for browsing a new date in a date type editor.
*Fixed: The excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate )
*Fixed: Sometime a property of Color type loses changed value
11-03-2008 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
*Added: EditorOptionEnum.exProgressBarBackColor option can display the progress bar by using EBN files.
*Added: The column's drop down filter window is shown up, if the column's FilterOnType property is True, so it does not cover the list.
*Fixed: The editing cell is not properly get while grid's ViewMode is exCardView, and the SingleSel property is false.
11-03-2008 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to get only the objects being selected or unselected in the chart,
*Added: SelectObjectsEnum.exSelectSingleObject type specifies whether the user can select a single object in the chart.
*Added: SelectObjectsEnum.exObjectsJustAdded specifies a value that indicates the SelectedObjects property should get only objects just added to the selection. For instance, the SelectedObjects( exSelectBarsOnly Or exObjectsJustAdded ) retrieves a collection that specifies only the bars being selected since last selection change.
*Added: SelectObjectsEnum.exObjectsJustRemoved specifies a value that indicates the SelectedObjects property should get only objects just added to the selection. For instance, the SelectedObjects( exSelectBarsOnly Or exObjectsJustRemoved ) retrieves a collection that specifies only the bars being un-selected since last selection change.
*Added: ItemsAllowSizing property specifies a value that indicates whether the user can resize a specified item or all items.
10-30-2008 ExScrollBar,
*NEW: Ability to display semi-transparent skins using different colors ie 0x1FF0000 displays the skin with more blue color, or 0x10000FF displays the skin using more blue color.
*Fixed: The path to load pictures from, is limited to 127 characters.
*Fixed: In the /NET Assembly, the accelerator key on the dialog/form may be called without pressing the ALT key.
10-29-2008 ExCRD, ( update )
The Exontrol's Custom Row Designer is a WYSWYG tool to build new layouts for cells/nodes, items/rows,  columns/fields or panels. The exCRD tool generates CRD strings from the layout you built. The syntax of CRD strings is designed to be easy to build, change and read. Using CRD strings is powerful than preformatted card view, group view formats, nested bands, and so on, since you are free to define the full layout of the cell/node, item/row or a column/field.
10-27-2008 ExLabel/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's eXLabel component provides HTML labels for your forms or dialogs. A label control displays static text on a forms and allows you to manipulate it programmatically. The eXLabel control easily replaces the Standard Windows label by supporting most of the same properties, methods and events. In addition, you have complete control over how the label is to be displayed.
10-24-2008 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to expand the control's header when user resizes the column.
*Added: HeaderSingleLine property specifies whether the control resizes the columns header and wraps the captions in single or multiple lines.
*Added: The SelBackColor property keeps the item/cell's visual appearance, background colors, if the FullRowSelect property is exItemSel or exRectSel, and the SelBackColor property points to an EBN object ( with or without transparent regions ). This way you can still display the ItemBackColor/CellBackColor for selected items too.
*Added: The SelForeColor property is ignored, if it has the same value as ForeColor property.
*Fixed: Prevents painting the hierarchy lines for hidden items ( Items.ItemHeight property is 0 )
10-24-2008 ExButton,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:5000)
*Fixed: The <img> tag does not display icons loaded using the Images method
*Fixed: The excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate )
*Fixed: The path to load pictures from, is limited to 127 characters.
10-22-2008 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to sort the items and include inner cells in the drop down filter window
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exIncludeInnerCells) includes the values of the inner cells in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc) sorts descending the values in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc) sorts ascending the values in the drop down filter list.
10-20-2008 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to display semi-transparent skins using different colors ie 0x1FF0000 displays the skin with more blue color, or 0x10000FF displays the skin using more blue color.
*Added: Group.PutItems method inserts an array of objects into the control. ( /NET Assembly )
*Added: Group.GetItems method retrieves the control's items into an array. ( /NET Assembly )
*Fixed: The ShortcutPicture property may loads files with the path no longer than 127 characters.
10-15-2008 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to display any bar using EBN files.
*Added: The Bar.Color property may define the skin object to be used when showing the bar in the chart. 
*Added: ChartSelectionChanged event notifies your application when the user selects a bar or a link.
*Added: Items.SelectedObjects(exSelectBarsOnly/exSelectLinksOnly) property retrieves a collection of selected bars/links in the chart.
*Added: PatternEnum.exPatternBox specifies a box rectangle shape.
10-15-2008 ExThumbnail/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's exThumbnail component provides thumbnail views for your files. Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of pictures, used to make it easier to scan and recognize them, serving the same role for images as a normal text index does for words.
10-14-2008 ExFileView,
*Added: The Parent folder named .. stays always on top, even if a column gets sorted.
*Fixed: The path to load pictures from, is limited to 127 characters.
*Fixed: On Vista, browsing the Assembly folder closes the application.
10-14-2008 ExCalendar,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:4500)
*Added: Displays fade animation when a new date is browsed.
*Fixed: The arrow keys selects the appropiate date, when multiple months are displayed.
*Fixed: The IDE Visual Studio 2008 on Windows Vista crashes when accessing the properties of excalendar/net component.
10-09-2008 ExOrgChart,
*Added: The Node.Alignment property aligns the caption of the node.
*Added: SelectNode property retrieves Nothing, instead Empty if no object is selected.
*Added: If the Node.BackColor property is equal with BackColorNode, the Node.ClearBackColor method is called.
*Added: If the Node.ForeColor property is equal with ForeColorNode, the Node.ClearForeColor method is called.
*Fixed: The Background(exToolTipAppearance/exToolTipBackColor/exToolTipForeColor) property does not change the border appearance / background color / foreground color for tooltips on the scrollbars.
10-07-2008 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to expand the control's header when user resizes the column.
*Added: HeaderSingleLine property specifies whether the control resizes the columns header and wraps the captions in single or multiple lines.
*Added: The SelBackColor property keeps the item/cell's visual appearance, background colors, if the FullRowSelect property is exItemSel or exRectSel, and the SelBackColor property points to an EBN object ( with or without transparent regions ). This way you can still display the ItemBackColor/CellBackColor for selected items too.
*Added: The SelForeColor property is ignored, if it has the same value as ForeColor property.
*Fixed: Prevents painting the hierarchy lines for hidden items ( Items.ItemHeight property is 0 )
10-06-2008 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to display semi-transparent skins using different colors ie 0x1FF0000 displays the skin with more blue color, or 0x10000FF displays the skin using more blue color.
*Added: PutItems method inserts an array of objects into the control. ( /NET Assembly )
*Added: GetItems method retrieves the control's items into an array. ( /NET Assembly )
*Fixed: The eXPrint component can't display skinned objects.
10-03-2008 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Histogram support, that allows to display workload and capacity by a histogram that automatically adapts to your current planning situation.
*Added: HistogramVisible property specifies whether the histogram is visible or hidden.
*Added: HistogramBackColor property specifies whether the histogram's background color
*Added: HistogramHeight property specifies whether the height in pixels, of the histogram
*Added: Bar.HistogramPattern property specifies the pattern to show the bar's histogram
*Added: Bar.HistogramColor property specifies the color to show the bar's histogram.
10-01-2008 ExGantt,
*Added: The Bar.Height property controls the height of the starting and ending parts ( icons ) of the bar, not only for the middle part.
*Fixed: The Items.SelectedItem property retrieves 0, if there is no selected item. 
*Fixed: The Background(exToolTipAppearance/exToolTipBackColor/exToolTipForeColor) property does not change the border appearance / background color / foreground color for tooltips on the scrollbars.
*Fixed: Sometimes the vertical scroll bar is not shown even if required, if items with different heighs are loaded between BeginUpdate / EndUpdate block. 
10-01-2008 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to display semi-transparent skins using different colors ie 0x1FF0000 displays the skin with more blue color, or 0x10000FF displays the skin using more blue color.
*Fixed: The eXPrint component can't display skinned objects.
*Fixed: The path to load pictures from, is limited to 127 characters. 
09-29-2008 ExEditors/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's ExEditors Library, contains 16 data edit controls. Each editor can have a three-state check box associated and an unlimited number of buttons on the left or right side. Each button can display an icon or a picture and can have its own tool tip. Most of the editors are mask based.
09-22-2008 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to load or save hierarchies (not just flat tables) using the PutItems/GetItems methods
*Added: The Parent parameter of the PutItems method indicates the handle where the array is being inserted.
*Added: The Group.PutItems method takes arrays that may hold child items too ie Array("Parent",Array("Child 1","Child 2")) adds a parent item and two child items.
*Added: The Group.GetItems method retrieves the collection of items as they are displayed, including the child items as new arrays inside, Options parameter is not 0
09-22-2008 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to sort the items and include inner cells in the drop down filter window
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exIncludeInnerCells) includes the values of the inner cells in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc) sorts descending the values in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc) sorts ascending the values in the drop down filter list.
09-17-2008 ExComboBox,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:7477)
*Fixed: The excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate )
*Fixed: The path to load pictures from, is limited to 127 characters. 
09-17-2008 ExplorerBar,
*NEW: Ability to display semi-transparent skins using different colors ie 0x1FF0000 displays the skin with more blue color, or 0x10000FF displays the skin using more red  color.
*Fixed: The path to load pictures from, is limited to 127 characters. 
*Fixed: In the /NET Assembly, the accelerator key on the dialog/form may be called without pressing the ALT key.
09-15-2008 ExScrollBar/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's newly exScrollBar control simulates vertical or horizontal scroll bar, slider, track, volume or gauge controls. The exScrollBar component lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure. Skins are relatively easy to build and put on any part of the control. The control is written from scratch as most of our controls, and it is not sub classing a scrollbar window class or similar, that's why it supports features never seen in other controls.
09-15-2008 ExScrollBar,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:2000)
*Added: Value property is enabled in trial mode.
*Fixed: The IDE Visual Studio 2008 on Windows Vista crashes when accessing the properties of exlistbar/net component.
*Fixed: The excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate )
09-12-2008 ExG2antt,
*Added: The <%mr%> format, in Level.Label, displays the month using Roman numerals, I, II, III, ... XI, XII
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns when the user presses the SHIFT key and double clicks the line between two sizable columns.
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns from the right of double clicked column, when the user presses the CTRL key.
*Added: The Chart.Zoom method changes the scale unit, if less days are displayed.
*Fixed: A VARIANT parameter passed by reference during ItemOleEvent event can not be changed.
09-12-2008 ExListBar,
*NEW: Ability to display semi-transparent skins using different colors ie 0x1FF0000 displays the skin with more blue color, or 0x10000FF displays the skin using more blue color.
*Fixed: The path to load pictures from, is limited to 127 characters. 
*Fixed: Shows the control's shortcutbar, on the bottom of the control when the Orientation property is exHorizontal.
09-11-2008 ExGantt,
*Added: OleEvent.ToString property retrieves information about the OLE event, including the name, parameters and values.
*Added: OleEvent.ID property retrieves a long expression that indicates the identifier of the OEL event being fired.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
*Added: If the Items.ItemBar(exBarHAlignCaption) is 3, 4 or 5 the text get's clipped to the bar size.
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Fixed: The positions of the items are not restored after removing the filter.
09-11-2008 ExCalendar,
*NEW: Abiliy to display and edit the TIME too.
*Added: CalendarCombo.FormatUserDate property supports %h, %hh, %n, %nn, %s, %ss, and %a options to display the hour, hour in 2 digits, minutes, minutes in 2 digits, seconds, seconds in 2 digits and the AM/PM indicator.
*Added: CalendarCombo.AMPM property specifies the AM/PM indicators being displayed in %a fields.
09-09-2008 ExOrgChart,
*Added: Assigns an unique key for all nodes, if the Key parameter is missing when adding the node.
*Added: AllowSelectNothing property specifies whether the user can select nothing if he clicks out of any node
*Added: AcceptFiles property specifies whether the control accepts drag-and-drop files
*Chang: By default, the Node.ArrangeSiblingNodesAs property is exHorizontally
09-09-2008 ExPrint,
*Added: AsDisplay property specifies whether the print and print preview is closer with what you see on the screen device.
*Added: ClientWidth property retrieves the width in pixels, of the drawing area of the printer page. You can use the ClientWidth/ClienHeight property to determine the size of the paper ( the client area only ), so you can implement print-to-page feature for your application.
*Added: ClientHeight property retrieves the height in pixels, of the drawing area of the printer page.
*Fixed: Calling the Refresh method after setting the exPaperSize property, so exPageWidth, or exPageHeight settings are updated properly.
09-03-2008 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to sort the items and include inner cells in the drop down filter window
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exIncludeInnerCells) includes the values of the inner cells in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc) sorts descending the values in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc) sorts ascending the values in the drop down filter list.
09-01-2008 ExFileView,
*NEW: Ability to highlight the found result while typing characters ( incremental search )
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:4500)
*Added: IncrementalSearch property specifies how the control searches for the objects while user types characters.
09-01-2008 ExListBar,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:2000)
*Fixed: The IDE Visual Studio 2008 on Windows Vista crashes when accessing the properties of exlistbar/net component.
*Fixed: The excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate )
08-27-2008 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to display a prompt is a label or short instruction placed inside an editable drop-down list as its default value.
*Added: Column.Prompt property indicates the developer-specified prompt when the associated edit control contains no text. It support built-in HTML text.
08-27-2008 ExList,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:3088)
*Added: Drag-and-Drop support for the /NET version. AllowDrop property, DragEnter, DragDrop events, and so on.
*Fixed: The excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate )
08-21-2008 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to specify a range of data to scroll within.
*Added: ScrollRange property. Specifies the range of dates to scroll within.
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Fixed: The Column.Remove method does not shift the cells to the left, if a column in the middle is removed. 
08-20-2008 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to show the bars using transparent colors, so the intersection between bars is shown using blending colors.
*Added: Chart.ShowTransparentBars property indicates the percent of the transparency to display the bars.
*Added: The ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarTransparent specifies the percent of the transparency to display the bar.
*Added: The ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarOffset specifies the vertical offset where the bar is shown.
08-19-2008 ExSlider/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's eXSlider assembly allows you adding skinable sliders to your forms or dialogs. A "slider control" (also known as a trackbar) is a window containing a slider and optional tick marks. When the user moves the slider, using either the mouse or the direction keys, the control sends events to indicate the change. The volume controls in the Windows operating system are slider controls.
08-19-2008 ExSlider,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:4000)
*Fixed: The IDE Visual Studio 2008 on Windows Vista crashes when accessing the properties of exlistbar/net component.
*Fixed: The excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate )
08-19-2008 ExPrint,
*Added: ClientWidth property retrieves the width in pixels, of the drawing area of the printer page.
*Added: ClientHeight property retrieves the height in pixels, of the drawing area of the printer page.
*Fixed: Calling the Refresh method after setting the exPaperSize property, so exPageWidth, or exPageHeight settings are updated properly.
08-14-2008 ExLabel,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:1500)
*Added: VAlignment property specifies the caption's vertical alignment.
*Fixed: The Caption property is limited to 2048 characters.
08-14-2008 ExThumbnail,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:2000)
*Added: Timeout property specifies the number of milliseconds to wait for extracting the object's thumbnail. 0 for indefinite
*Fixed: Ability to get the image or the shell icon on Windows Vista.
08-12-2008 ExCalendar,
*NEW: Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: [CalendarCombo.]UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
*Added: CalendarCombo.Locked property specifies whether the control is locked or unlocked.
08-11-2008 ExplorerTree,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:8500)
*Added: MouseWheel support as the object from the point gets scrolled once the user rolls the mouse's wheel.
*Fixed: On Vista, the excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate )
08-07-2008 ExListBar/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's ExListBar assembly, an accurate reproduction of the Microsoft Outlook Bar, provides an intuitive user-interface when large amounts of information need to be presented. The ExListBar component lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
08-07-2008 ExEditors,
*NEW: Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:3000)
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
*Added: Appearance object holds a collection of skin objects to apply on the control's parts.
08-05-2008 ExOrgChart,
*NEW: Ability to save the control's content to a template string.
*Added: ToTemplate property. Generates the control's template at runtime.
*Added: AllowCopyTemplate property. Specifies whether the Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Insert sequence copies the control's content to the clipboard, in template form.
*Added: Node.Remove method removes recursively the child nodes, the assistant nodes and all the nodes in the same group, and if possible remove the node itself ( the root node itself can't be removed ).
*Fixed: The exPrint control can print EBN objects, so if the chart uses skin objects they get printed.
*Fixed: Node.Image property is not initialized.
08-05-2008 ExPrint,
*Fixed: The exprint hangs while trying to print/preview the control's content to a shared/network printer
08-04-2008 ExGrid,
*Fixed: The user can't paste numbers to a float editor in UNICODE/NET version.
*Fixed: The Background(exToolTipAppearance/exToolTipBackColor/exToolTipForeColor) property does not change the border appearance / background color / foreground color for tooltips on the scrollbars.
*Fixed: The Items.SelectedItem property retrieves 0, if there is no selected item. 
*Fixed: Sometimes the vertical scroll bar is not shown even if required, if items with different heighs are loaded between BeginUpdate / EndUpdate block. 
08-04-2008 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
*Added: The column's drop down filter window is shown up, if the column's FilterOnType property is True, so it does not cover the list.
*Added: Displays the SIZENESW cursor while the cursor hovers the size grip area, and the RightToLeft property is True.
08-01-2008 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to select multiple chart objects in the chart, by dragging the mouse while RIGHT mouse button is pressed.
*Added: Chart.RemoveSelection method removes or delete the chart objects from the selection.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarSelected) property specifies whether the bar is selected or unselected.
*Added: Items.Link(exLinkSelected) property specifies whether the link is selected or unselected.
08-01-2008 ExGantt,
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarHAlignCaption property may specify whether the caption of the bar is displayed outside of the bar, in the left or right side of the bar, if its value includes AlignmentEnum.exHOutside value ( 16 ). For instance if Items.ItemBar(,,ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarHAlignCaption) = AlignmentEnum.exHOutside(16) Or AlignmentEnum.LeftAlignment(0), means that the caption is displayed outside of the left side of the bar, since the ItemBar(,,ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarHAlignCaption) = AlignmentEnum.exHOutside Or AlignmentEnum.RightAlignment(2) means that the text is displayed outside of the bar, in the right side. 
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarVAlignCaption property may specify whether the caption of the bar is displayed outside of the bar, in the top or bottom side of the bar, if its value includes VAlignmentEnum.exVOutside. For instance if Items.ItemBar(,,ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarVAlignCaption) = VAlignmentEnum.exVOutside(16) Or VAlignmentEnum.exTop(0), means that the caption is displayed outside of the top side of the bar, since the ItemBar(,,ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarVAlignCaption) = VAlignmentEnum.exVOutside(16) Or VAlignmentEnum.exBottom(2) means that the text is displayed outside of the bar, in the bottom side. 
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarWorkingCount specifies the count of working units in the bar.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarNonWorkingCount specifies the count of non-working units in the bar.
*Fixed: The ConditionalFormat.Font property doesn't change the specified font for items or cells where it should apply
*Fixed: Draws the caption/text of the bar, no matter if the start and end date of the bar are identical.
*Fixed: Removes the optional flag for Options parameter of the GetItems method so #import directive doesn't fire the error C2668: 'GetItems' : ambiguous call to overloaded function, when the Items property is called in C++.
08-01-2008 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
*Added: The column's drop down filter window is shown up, if the column's FilterOnType property is True, so it does not cover the list.
08-01-2008 ExTree,
*Fixed: The Items.SelectedItem property retrieves 0, if there is no selected item. 
*Fixed: The Background(exToolTipAppearance/exToolTipBackColor/exToolTipForeColor) property does not change the border appearance / background color / foreground color for tooltips on the scrollbars.
*Fixed: Sometimes the vertical scroll bar is not shown even if required, if items with different heighs are loaded between BeginUpdate / EndUpdate block. 
07-09-2008 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to expand the control's header when user resizes the column.
*Added: HeaderSingleLine property specifies whether the control resizes the columns header and wraps the captions in single or multiple lines.
*Added: The SelBackColor property keeps the item/cell's visual appearance, background colors, if the FullRowSelect property is exItemSel or exRectSel, and the SelBackColor property points to an EBN object ( with or without transparent regions ). This way you can still display the ItemBackColor/CellBackColor for selected items too.
*Added: The SelForeColor property is ignored, if it has the same value as ForeColor property.
*Fixed: Prevents painting the hierarchy lines for hidden items ( Items.ItemHeight property is 0 )
07-09-2008 ExplorerTree/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's ExplorerTree/NET assembly, The ExplorerTree component adds navigation functionality to your applications, it brings simple information structuring and easy application navigation. The ExplorerTree component lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
07-07-2008 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to select multiple objects in chart like bars or links, using the mouse and CTRL Key.
*Added: Chart.AllowSelectObjects property specifies whether the user can select bars or/and links, using the mouse and the CTRL key.
*Added: Short tasks displaying. A task of 1 minute duration is visible, even if the time unit scale is Year, HalfYear, QuarterYear, ... 
*Added: Chart.ShowEmptyBars property. Specifies whether empty bars are shown or hidden. In other words, if this property is 1, the bars will be shown from the start date to end date plus 1 unit, where the unit is specified by ShowEmptyBarsUnit property. For instance, if the ShowEmptyBars property is 1, a task bar from 1/1/2001 to 1/2/2001 shows two days, else if the ShowEmptyBars property is 0, the same task bar highlights only a single day.
*Added: Chart.ShowEmptyBarsUnit property. Indicates the time unit being added to the bar's ending date. This property has effect only if the Chart.ShowEmptyBars property is not zero.
07-07-2008 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
*Added: The column's drop down filter window is shown up, if the column's FilterOnType property is True, so it does not cover the list.
*Added: The BeginUpdate method of the control calls automatically the Group.BeginUpdate for each group in the control.
*Added: The EndUpdate method of the control calls automatically the Group.EndUpdate for each group in the control.
07-03-2008 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to display any bar using EBN files.
*Added: The Bar.Color property may define the skin object to be used when showing the bar in the chart. 
*Added: ItemsAllowSizing property specifies a value that indicates whether the user can resize a specified item or all items.
*Added: PatternEnum.exPatternBox specifies a box rectangle shape.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemBar refreshes the bars inside the item, so you can call the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate only when multiple changes are required for a single or multiple items.
07-02-2008 ExPrint,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:1000)
*Fixed: The Preview/DoPrint method is not updating the pages while there are no printers installed.
*Fixed: The IDE Visual Studio 2008 on Windows Vista crashes when accessing the properties of exprint/net component.
*Fixed: The excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate )
06-30-2008 ExplorerBar/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's ExplorerBar/NET assembly, an accurate reproduction of the Microsoft Windows XP Explorer Bar, provides an intuitive user-interface when large amounts of information need to be presented. The ExplorerBar component lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
06-30-2008 ExG2antt,
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarData) property associates an extra data to a bar, in the item.
*Added: The HasButtonsCustom property may draw the +/- ( expand/collapse ) buttons using EBN files.
*Fixed: Items.IsItemVisible property returns 1 if visible, instead True value
*Fixed: The Items.ItemItalic, Items.ItemStrikeOut and Items.ItemUnderline properties overrides the variables Italic, Strikeout and Underline of the Items.ItemFont property.
06-24-2008 ExTree,
*Added: OleEvent.ToString property retrieves information about the OLE event, including the name, parameters and values.
*Added: OleEvent.ID property retrieves a long expression that indicates the identifier of the OLE event being fired.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Fixed: The positions of the items are not restored after removing the filter.
06-20-2008 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to expand the group's header when user resizes the column.
*Added: Group.HeaderSingleLine property specifies whether the control resizes the columns header and wraps the captions in single or multiple lines.
*Added: The Group.SelBackColor property keeps the item/cell's visual appearance, background colors, if it is the same as Group.BackColorList, or it displays an EBN object.
*Added: The Group.SelForeColor property is ignored, if it has the same value as Group.ForeColorList property.
*Fixed: Prevents painting the hierarchy lines for hidden items ( Items.ItemHeight property is 0 )
06-17-2008 ExplorerBar,
*NEW: Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:3000)
*Fixed: The IDE Visual Studio 2008 on Windows Vista crashes when accessing the properties of explorerbar/net component.
06-12-2008 ExGantt,
*Added: The <%mr%> format, in Level.Label, displays the month using Roman numerals, I, II, III, ... XI, XII
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns when the user presses the SHIFT key and double clicks the line between two sizable columns.
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns from the right of double clicked column, when the user presses the CTRL key.
*Added: The Chart.Zoom method changes the scale unit, if less days are displayed.
06-11-2008 ExOrgChart,
*NEW: Ability to specify multiple parents for nodes, multiple roots.
*Added: Node.AddGroup method adds a node in the same group. Use the AddGroup method to add multiple parents or multiple roots. 
*Added: Node.RemoveGroup method removes a node being added using the AddGroup method.
*Added: Node.ClearGroup method removes the nodes in the same group.
*Added: Node.InflateGroupY property inflates the height of the group.
*Fixed: For non TT fonts, the eXPrint control prints truncated some captions.
06-06-2008 ExGrid,
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:17846)
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Fixed: Limits the number of characters parsed in HTML captions to 2048.
*Fixed: The MouseUp/RClick event ( instead MouseDown event ) is fired when the user presses the right mouse button, while the control is in edit mode.
06-04-2008 ExRecord,
*Added: Fade effect for browsing a new date in a date type editor.
*Fixed: The user can't paste numbers to a float editor in UNICODE version.
*Fixed: The MouseUp/RClick event ( instead MouseDown event ) is fired when the user presses the right mouse button, while the control is in edit mode.
06-04-2008 ExEditors,
*Added: Fade effect for browsing a new date in a date type editor.
*Fixed: The user can't paste numbers to a float editor in UNICODE version.
06-02-2008 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Filter-On-Type feature allows filtering a column while you type characters in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Column.FilterOnType property filters the column as the user types characters in the drop down filter window. The property filters for items that starts with, or contains the typed characters based on the Column.AutoSearch property.
*Added: AllowCreateBar property as CreateBarEnum, specifies whether the bar is added manually or automatically.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarKey) property may rename the key of the bar, so you can add multiple bars using the CreateBar event.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarsCount) property retrives the number of bars inside the item.
05-30-2008 ExEdit/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's eXEdit/NET assembly provides an easy-to-use edit control that supports syntax highlighting using built-in HTML format. The eXEdit/NET is an editing control, similar to a multi-line TextBox, which syntax highlights text and provides an amazing number of state-of-the-art features for code editing. You can define your own keywords and expressions using HTML tags.
05-29-2008 ExCalendar,
*Added: WeekDayName property specifies the name of the day in the week.
*Added: MonthName property specifies the name of the month in the calendar.
*Added: Selection property serializes the current selection in string format for later restoration.
05-26-2008 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to sort the items and include inner cells in the drop down filter window
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exIncludeInnerCells) includes the values of the inner cells in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc) sorts descending the values in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc) sorts ascending the values in the drop down filter list.
05-26-2008 ExSlider,
*Fixed: The slider is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
05-23-2008 ExTree,
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Added: ItemsAllowSizing property specifies a value that indicates whether the user can resize a specified item or all items.
*Fixed: The ConditionalFormat.Font property doesn't change the specified font for items or cells where it should apply
*Fixed: The Column.Remove method does not shift the cells to the left, if a column in the middle is removed.
05-21-2008 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to expand the control's header when user resizes the column.
*Added: HeaderSingleLine property specifies whether the control resizes the columns header and wraps the captions in single or multiple lines.
*Added: The SelBackColor property keeps the item/cell's visual appearance, background colors, if the FullRowSelect property is exItemSel or exRectSel, and the SelBackColor property points to an EBN object ( with or without transparent regions ). This way you can still display the ItemBackColor/CellBackColor for selected items too.
*Added: The SelForeColor property is ignored, if it has the same value as ForeColor property.
05-19-2008 ExPrint,
*Added: The Printers property gets the name of the printers installed on the machine.
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Fixed: The Settings(exPrinterName) property changes the printer to print or print preview the data.
*Fixed: Changing the Settings(exPageOrientation) or PageOrientation property does not refresh the preview window.
05-15-2008 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to sort the items in the drop down filter window
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc) sorts descending the values in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc) sorts ascending the values in the drop down filter list.
*Fixed: Sometimes the vertical scroll bar is not shown even if required, if items with different heighs are loaded between BeginUpdate / EndUpdate block. 
*Fixed: The BackColorAlternate property turns the items's background color on black.
05-14-2008 ExGantt,
*Added: Chart.ShowEmptyBars property. Specifies whether empty bars are shown or hidden. In other words, if this property is 1, the bars will be shown from the start date to end date plus 1 unit, where the unit is specified by ShowEmptyBarsUnit property. For instance, if the ShowEmptyBars property is 1, a task bar from 1/1/2001 to 1/2/2001 shows two days, else if the ShowEmptyBars property is 0, the same task bar highlights only a single day.
*Added: Chart.ShowEmptyBarsUnit property. Indicates the time unit being added to the bar's ending date. This property has effect only if the Chart.ShowEmptyBars property is not zero.
*Added: Short tasks displaying. A task of 1 minute duration is visible, even if the time unit scale is Year, HalfYear, QuarterYear, ... 
*Fixed: A VARIANT parameter passed by reference during ItemOleEvent event can not be changed.
05-13-2008 ExListBar,
*NEW: Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
05-13-2008 ExScrollBar,
*Fixed: Moves the focus to a new control on the form when the scroll bar is active, and the user presses the TAB key.
*Fixed: The scrollbar does fire the KewDown events for the cursor keys, until I use the mouse to adjust the scroll bar.
05-13-2008 ExLabel,
*Added: The Appearance property paints the control's background using the associated EBN if the EBN's client area is not transparent.
05-12-2008 ExG2antt,
*Added: The BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListTop and BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListBottom visual effects are applied on the target control ( not only on the source control ), when performing OLE drag and drop operation.
*Added: Scrolls faster the control while performing OLE drag and drop operations, while cursor is keeping in the same place for longer time. 
*Added: Expands automatically the item from the cursor while performing OLE Drag and Drop operations and the cursor hovers the expand/collapse button
*Added: HitTestInfoEnum.exHTBetween value indicates whether the cursor is between two items.
*Fixed: Can't start linking a bar that has Items.ItemBar(exBarCanResize) and Items.ItemBar(exBarCanMove) properties on False.
05-09-2008 ExCalendar/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's eXCalendar/NET library contains two components, flat version and drop-down version that allow you to select a date with a nice GUI. The eXCalendar/NET component lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
05-07-2008 ExFileView,
*NEW: Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
05-07-2008 ExPopupMenu,
*Added: ShowAtWindow property shows the popup menu control relative to the specified window.
*Fixed: The UNICODE configuration can't read persistence data saved previously using the ANSI version.
05-05-2008 ExGrid,
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
*Fixed: The control should call EndUpdate method twice, if it hosts ( InsertControlItem method ) another exontrol component that provides BeginUpdate/EndUpdate methods, such us eXGrid, eXG2antt, eXTree, and so on.
*Fixed: The order of the items is not restored after removing the filter.
*Fixed: The ToTemplate property lists the items as they are created instead as they are listed.
04-30-2008 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to show the bars using transparent colors.
*Added: Chart.ShowTransparentBars property indicates the percent of the transparency to display the bars.
*Added: The HasButtonsCustom property may draw the +/- ( expand/collapse ) buttons using EBN files.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemItalic, Items.ItemStrikeOut and Items.ItemUnderline properties overrides the variables Italic, Strikeout and Underline of the Items.ItemFont property.
04-29-2008 ExPropertiesList,
*NEW: Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
*Added: By default, the DefaultItemHeight property is 18 pixels.
*Fixed: On Windows Vista, the Select method or SelectedObject property requires calling WaitSystem method right after
04-29-2008 ExplorerTree,
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Added: OleEvent.ToString property retrieves information about the OLE event, including the name, parameters and values.
*Added: OleEvent.ID property retrieves a long expression that indicates the identifier of the OEL event being fired.
04-22-2008 ExList/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's eXList/NET component displays and edit your tabular data.The eXList/NET component lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
04-21-2008 ExOrgChart,
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
04-18-2008 EMLGrid,
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
04-16-2008 ExG2antt,
*Fixed: On Windows 98/Me systems the user can't scroll the control's data.
*Fixed: When the FullRowSelect property is exRectSel the Items.ItemBackColor or BackColorAlternate is not applied to the selected item.
*Fixed: Selects the cell being clicked when the FullRowSelect property is exRectSel or exColumnSel and SingleSel property is False
*Fixed: Avoids scrolling the window while the BackColorAlternate is applying
*Fixed: The control can's scroll up during OLE drag and drop operations.
04-15-2008 ExButton,
*Fixed: The control's can't display Thumbnails/Icons in Windows Vista 
*Fixed: The "OLE error code 0x80004001: Not implemented" when trying to insert the control to a VFP form
04-15-2008 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to sort the items in the drop down filter window
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc) sorts descending the values in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc) sorts ascending the values in the drop down filter list.
*Fixed: Sometimes the vertical scroll bar is not shown even if required, if items with different heighs are loaded between BeginUpdate / EndUpdate block.
04-14-2008 ExGantt,
*NEW: Filter-On-Type feature allows filtering a column while you type characters in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Column.FilterOnType property filters the column as the user types characters in the drop down filter window. The property filters for items that starts with, or contains the typed characters based on the Column.AutoSearch property.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarData) property associates an extra data to a bar, in the item
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarsCount) property retrives the number of bars inside the item.
04-04-2008 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to sort the items in the drop down filter window
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc) sorts descending the values in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc) sorts ascending the values in the drop down filter list.
*Fixed: Sometimes the vertical scroll bar is not shown even if required, if items with different heighs are loaded between BeginUpdate / EndUpdate block.
04-03-2008 ExTree,
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns when the user presses the SHIFT key and double clicks the line between two sizable columns.
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns from the right of double clicked column, when the user presses the CTRL key.
*Added: The HasButtonsCustom property may draw the +/- ( expand/collapse ) buttons using EBN files.
*Fixed: A VARIANT parameter passed by reference during ItemOleEvent event can not be changed.
04-01-2008 ExGrid,
*Added: OleEvent.ToString property retrieves information about the OLE event, including the name, parameters and values.
*Added: OleEvent.ID property retrieves a long expression that indicates the identifier of the OLE event being fired.
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Fixed: The Column.Remove method does not shift the cells to the left, if a column in the middle is removed.
03-28-2008 ExOrgChart/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's eXOrgChart/NET ( a 100% .NET assembly ) component permits the totally automatic generation of organigrams. An organigram generally provides a clear picture of the hierarchical position of the various actors. The eXOrgChart/NET component lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
03-26-2008 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
03-24-2008 EXMLGrid,
*Added: OleEvent.ToString property retrieves information about the OLE event, including the name, parameters and values.
*Added: OleEvent.ID property retrieves a long expression that indicates the identifier of the OLE event being fired.
*Fixed: The MouseUp/RClick event ( instead MouseDown event ) is fired when the user presses the right mouse button, while the control is in edit mode.
*Fixed: The user can't paste numbers to a float editor in UNICODE version.
03-20-2008 ExplorerTree,
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns when the user presses the SHIFT key and double clicks the line between two sizable columns.
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns from the right of double clicked column, when the user presses the CTRL key.
*Fixed: The ConditionalFormat.Font property doesn't change the specified font for items or cells where it should apply
*Fixed: Removes the optional flag for Options parameter of the GetItems method so #import directive doesn't fire the error C2668: 'GetItems' : ambiguous call to overloaded function, when the Items property is called in C++.
03-18-2008 ExOrgChart,
*Added: ShowRoundLink property, specifies whether the links between nodes are shown as round or rectangular
*Added: Node.ShowRoundLink property, specifies whether the links between the node and its childs are shown as round or rectangular.
*Added: RoundLinks samples.
03-14-2008 ExList,
*Fixed: The Items.SelectedItem property retrieves -1, if there is no selected item. 
*Fixed: The Background(exToolTipAppearance/exToolTipBackColor/exToolTipForeColor) property does not change the border appearance / background color / foreground color for tooltips on the scrollbars.
*Fixed: The incremental search does not work for non-ascii characters in UNICODE configuration.
03-12-2008 ExGantt,
*Added: The BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListTop and BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListBottom visual effects are applied on the target control ( not only on the source control ), when performing OLE drag and drop operation.
*Added: Scrolls faster the control while performing OLE drag and drop operations, while cursor is keeping in the same place for longer time. 
*Added: Expands automatically the item from the cursor while performing OLE Drag and Drop operations and the cursor hovers the expand/collapse button
*Fixed: The control can's scroll up during OLE drag and drop operations.
*Fixed: The scrollbar is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
03-10-2008 ExTree,
*NEW: Filter-On-Type feature allows filtering a column while you type characters in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Column.FilterOnType property filters the column as the user types characters in the drop down filter window. The property filters for items that starts with, or contains the typed characters based on the Column.AutoSearch property.
*Added: Expands automatically the item from the cursor while performing OLE Drag and Drop operations and the cursor hovers the expand/collapse button.
*Fixed: The scrollbar is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
03-07-2008 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to insert <a> anchor elements in HTML captions, which means in any cell, bar or link
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
03-04-2008 ExComboBox/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's eXComboBox/NET ( a 100% .NET assembly )  is a commonly-used GUI tool. It is a combination of a drop-down list or list box and a single-line textbox, allowing the user either to type a value directly into the control or choose from the list of existing options. The eXComboBox/NET component lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
02-29-2008 ExGrid,
*Added: ItemsAllowSizing property specifies a value that indicates whether the user can resize a specified item or all items.
*Fixed: A VARIANT parameter passed by reference during ItemOleEvent event can not be changed.
*Fixed: The ConditionalFormat.Font property doesn't change the specified font for items or cells where it should apply
*Fixed: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted, in a MaskType editor.
02-27-2008 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
*Fixed: The user can't paste numbers to a float editor in UNICODE version.
02-25-2008 EXMLGrid,
*Fixed: A VARIANT parameter passed by reference during OleEvent event can not be changed.
*Fixed: The data can't be drag and drop if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
*Fixed: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted, in a MaskType editor.
02-21-2008 ExEdit,
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
*Fixed: The Background(exToolTipAppearance/exToolTipBackColor/exToolTipForeColor) property does not change the border appearance / background color / foreground color for tooltips on the scrollbars.
*Fixed: The scrollbar is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
*Fixed: In UNICODE configuration, the Load method loads only a half of the file.
02-20-2008 ExplorerBar,
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
02-18-2008 ExTree/NET, ( initial release )
The Exontrol's eXTree/NET ( a 100% .NET assembly )  provides the entire range of capabilities you would expect to see in a state-of-the-art tree component. The eXTree control simulates a simple tree, a multi-column tree, a list or a listview control. The eXTree component lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
02-15-2008 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
02-12-2008 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to assign tooltips to links
*Added: Items.Link(,exLinkToolTip) property specifies the tooltip that shows up when the cursor hovers the link.
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the eXPrint.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control
02-11-2008 ExTree,
*Added: The BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListTop and BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListBottom visual effects are applied on the target control ( not only on the source control ), when performing OLE drag and drop operation.
*Added: BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListOver and BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListBetween values specifies the visual effect while performing OLE drag and drop operations when the cursor is over or between items.
*Added: If a visual effect is specified for exDragDropListOver AND exDragDropListBetween states, and a visual effect is specified for exDragDropListTop OR/AND exDragDropListBottom state(s), the exDragDropListTop visual effect is displayed ONLY if the cursor is over the first visible item, and the exDragDropListBottom visual effect is shown ONLY for the last visible item.
*Added: HitTestInfoEnum.exHTBetween value indicates whether the cursor is between two items.
*Added: Scrolls faster the control while performing OLE drag and drop operations, while cursor is keeping in the same place for longer time. 
*Fixed: The control can's scroll up during OLE drag and drop operations.
02-11-2008 ExComboBox,
*Fixed: The Items.SelectedItem property retrieves 0, if there is no selected item. 
*Fixed: The Background(exToolTipAppearance/exToolTipBackColor/exToolTipForeColor) property does not change the border appearance / background color / foreground color for tooltips on the scrollbars.
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
02-11-2008 ExCalendar,
*Added: SelectTodayDate property specifies whether the current date is selected when the user clicks the Today button.
*Fixed: Sometimes the tooltip doesn't show if previously specified ToolTipPopDelay time elapsed.
02-11-2008 ExListBar,
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
02-05-2008 ExGrid/NET, ( initial release )
Exontrol's new eXGrid ( a 100% .NET assembly ) control an easy-to-implement tree-grid control, provides swift and robust performance and a wide range of formatting features that distinguish it from other grids. The ExGrid/NET lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
02-05-2008 ExMenu,
*Added: OleEvent.ToString property retrieves information about the OLE event, including the name, parameters and values.
*Added: OleEvent.ID property retrieves a long expression that indicates the identifier of the OEL event being fired.
02-04-2008 ExFileView,
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
*Fixed: Sometimes the tooltip doesn't show if previously specified ToolTipPopDelay time elapsed.
02-01-2008 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to insert <a> anchor elements in HTML captions.
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
01-31-2008 EXMLGrid,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
01-24-2008 ExGrid,
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns when the user presses the SHIFT key and double clicks the line between two sizable columns.
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns from the right of double clicked column, when the user presses the CTRL key.
*Added: The Items.CellForeColor property changes the foreground color for a disabled cell.
*Fixed: The FocusColumnIndex property moves the focus to corresponding field in a cell that displays its data using CRD syntax ( Items.CellFormatLevel property ). This way you can specify the fields being focused in a CRD sytnax when the user presses the TAB key or any other key.
01-22-2008 ExGantt/NET, ( initial release )
The ExGantt/NET ( a 100% .NET assembly ) component is our approach to create timeline charts (also known as Gantt charts). Gantt chart is a time-phased graphic display of activity durations. Activities are listed with other tabular information on the left side with time intervals over the bars. The ExGantt/NET lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
01-22-2008 ExOrgChart,
*Added: The HasButtonsCustom property may draw the +/- ( expand/collapse ) buttons using EBN files.
*Added: Centers the Parent node based on the first and last visible child nodes.
*Added: WidthNode property specifies a value for all Node.Width properties.
01-18-2008 ExComboBox,
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
*Fixed: The ConditionalFormat.Font property doesn't change the specified font for items or cells where it should apply
*Fixed: The positions of the items are not restored after removing the filter.
01-17-2008 ExEditors,
*Added: ToolTipWidth property specifies a value that indicates the width of the tooltip window, in pixels.
*Fixed: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted, in a MaskType editor.
*Fixed: The MouseUp/RClick event ( instead MouseDown event ) is fired when the user presses the right mouse button, while the control is in edit mode.
01-16-2008 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Filter-On-Type feature allows filtering a column while you type characters in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Column.FilterOnType property filters the column as the user types characters in the drop down filter window. The property filters for items that starts with, or contains the typed characters based on the Column.AutoSearch property.
*Fixed: A VARIANT parameter passed by reference during ItemOleEvent event can not be changed.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemItalic, Items.ItemStrikeOut and Items.ItemUnderline properties overrides the variables Italic, Strikeout and Underline of the Items.ItemFont property.
01-15-2008 ExPrint/NET, ( initial release )
The ExPrint/NET ( a 100% .NET assembly ) provides print and print preview capabilities for our .NET controls. Currently,  the eXG2antt/NET control uses and implements the eXPrint/NET. In the near future we will release a .NET assembly for almost of our UI components like: eXTree, eXList, eXGrid, eXComboBox, eXOrgChart, and so on. They will include print and print preview capabilities using the eXPrint/NET component.
01-14-2008 ExplorerBar,
*Added: ScrollButtonClick event. Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollPartVisible property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
*Added: ScrollPartEnable property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
*Added: ScrollPartCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
*Added: ScrollToolTip property. Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
*Added: ScrollFont property. Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
*Added: ScrollButtonHeight property. Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollWidth property. Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollThumbSize property. Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar.
01-14-2008 ExG2antt/NET, ( initial release )
The ExG2antt/NET ( a 100% .NET assembly ) is an editable grid component that includes Gantt chart features. In other words, it combines a multiple columns editable Tree/Grid control with Gantt features, in a single .net component. The ExG2antt/NET lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure. The ExG2antt/NET supports 99% features of well known ExG2antt component.
01-11-2008 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to define bars that split when non-working areas are shown ( split bars )
*Added: Chart.Bars.Add("A:B") method adds a new bar that's a combination of two existing bars A and B so the first bar A is displayed on the working area, and the second bar B is displayed for non-working areas. For instance, the Chart.Bars.Add("Task:Split") adds a combination of Task and Split bars, so the Task is displayed in working area, and the Split bar is displayed in the non-working area. If the : character is found in the Name parameter of the Add method, the pair (A:B) indicates that the A is the name of the bar being painted in working area, and B is the name of the bar being displayed in the non-working area. 
*Added: AllowChartScrollPage property specifies whether the chart's horizontal scroll bar includes buttons to scroll the chart page by page.
*Fixed: Calling Items.ItemPosition property several times slows displaying the control's data.
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters.
01-09-2008 ExList,
*NEW: Filter-On-Type feature allows filtering a column while you type characters in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Column.FilterOnType property filters the column as the user types characters in the drop down filter window. The property filters for items that starts with, or contains the typed characters based on the Column.AutoSearch property.
*Added: Expands automatically the item from the cursor while performing OLE Drag and Drop operations and the cursor hovers the expand/collapse button
*Added: The HasButtonsCustom property may draw the +/- ( expand/collapse ) buttons using EBN files.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemItalic, Items.ItemStrikeOut and Items.ItemUnderline properties overrides the variables Italic, Strikeout and Underline of the Items.ItemFont property.
01-07-2008 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to assign tooltips to links
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: Items.Link(,exLinkToolTip) property specifies the tooltip that shows up when the cursor hovers the link.
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the eXPrint.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
01-04-2008 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control/tooltip's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.