The following video highlights an innovative feature designed to improve link visualization:
The following video demonstrates a new feature that enhances link visualization. It intelligently avoids obstacles such as elements, objects, and bars, ensuring a clear and unobstructed display. Additionally, overlapping links are distinguished by alternating colors and variable widths, improving clarity and making it easier to differentiate them visually. This feature will be available across all configurations (/JS, /COM, /NET, and /WPF) for the following components: eXSurface, eXSwimlane, eXG2antt, and eXG2Host.
The following movie illustrates how to insert, code and use any component using Delphi 12:
The video demonstrates how to insert, code, and utilize the exg2antt control within the RAD Studio 12 IDE. The process is similar for any other Exontrol components. If you are running the RAD Studio 12 IDE on a 64-bit Windows machine, please ensure you install the x64 version of the control. Otherwise, you will need to use the x86 (32-bit) version of the component.
The movie illustrates how the ExGantt/JS can manage and adjust resource usage:
For instance, when a task necessitates the allocation of particular resources, the target control can be configured to display detailed information about how these resources are being utilized. To ensure that the resource data remains consistent across different parts of the system, you can employ the PutRes method to synchronize the source control with the target control. This synchronization mechanism ensures that any modifications made in the source control--such as updates to resource data, allocation adjustments, or changes in status--are automatically reflected in the target control. Conversely, any alterations made in the target control will also be communicated back to the source control, maintaining an up-to-date and accurate representation of resource usage in both controls.
The following movie shows the first look of the newly eXGraph/COM component
The Exontrol's ExGraph component is a versatile tool designed to meet the diverse needs of data visualization. With support for numerous chart types, it empowers users to represent their data in various formats, from simple line charts to complex radar charts, all within the same view. In addition to its extensive charting capabilities, our graph control offers seamless printing and print preview functionality, ensuring that users can easily generate hard copies of their charts with precision and clarity. The exGraph library lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
The following movie shows the first look of the newly eXGraph/JS component
ExGraph/JS is a component that offers excellent graphical data visualization. It has many different types and styles of charts. Easy to use, zoom, resize, scroll, overview, legend, cursor view, owner-draw, numerous chart types to different axes in the same view, multiple views, and much more are features of the ExGraph/JS package. The ExGraph/JS is a HTML standalone-component, written in JavaScript, that uses no third-party libraries. The version of eXGraph for /COM, /NET and /WPF will be available in the near future.
changes and additions for 2013, so far |
12-23-2013 |
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra
rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out
rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out
rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
12-23-2013 |
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns. For instance the Template = "dim
p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Added: TemplateDef property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( available for /COM only, and useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE )
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
12-20-2013 |
The following movie shows the first look of eXSurface component:
The eXSurface lets you organize your objects to a surface. You can use the tool to generate organigrams, diagrams, graphs, flowcharts and so on. Features include: drag and drop, zooming, unlimited drawing area, controls hosting, tree-view, linking and
much more.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
12-18-2013 |
*NEW: Automatically format the bar's caption or tooltip based on the properties of the bar/item. For instance the
ItemBar(exBarToolTip) = "Duration of <b><%=%9 + ' in ' + %C0%></b> is <%=(%2-%1)%> days" specifies that the bar's tooltip shows the duration of the bar such as : Duration of K1 in Task1 is 3 days.
*Added: The exBarCaption, exBarToolTip and exBarExtraCaption options of ItemBarPropertyEnum type support <%=formula%> where the formula is an expression that includes predefined functions and variables defines by %Index or
%CIndex. The %Index indicates the property with the giving index, while the
%CIndex indicates the value of the cell from the column with the giving index.
Shorty, the %0, %1, %2, ... indicates the exBarName, exBarStart, exBarEnd, ... and %C0, %C1, %C2, ... indicates the values in the column with the index 0, 1, 2, ...
*Added: The eXPropertiesList control may browse the EBN objects, on color properties ( valid for /COM version ).
*Added: Shadow effect for the drop down filter window, including the drop down calendar window, ( Column.DisplayFilterButton )
*Fixed: Extra characters are inserted in the next line if the breaking element is a picture that does not fit the current line (HTML).
*Fixed: Ignores the ending HTML tags, if they are not used previously ( for instance, the < /b > is not displayed in the sequence "ABC< /b >" )
12-18-2013 |
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
*Fixed: Aligns vertically the item's images/text when it displays custom-sized pictures using the <img> tag.
*Fixed: The & character is shown in the item's caption, instead underlined character.
*Added: The <br> HTML tag breaks the item in multiple lines. For instance, the Items.Add "Line 1<br>Line 2", adds a new item that displays two lines.
12-16-2013 |
*Added: Items.ItemHeight(0) property changes the height for all items.
*Added: Items.ExpandItem(0) property expands or collapses all items.
*Added: Includes the control's Picture when AutoDrag property is set.
*Fixed: The format predefined function in the formatted expression could display wrong digits if using grouping separators.
*Added: Editor.SortItems method sorts the fonts to be shown on the FontType editor.
12-16-2013 |
*NEW: Support for EBN 1002 version.
*Added: The EBN 1002 allows using skin objects with horizontal, vertical stretch and colorable/not-colorable parts of the
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form.
*Fixed: The MinZoomHeight property takes the MaxZoomHeight value, for /NET or
/WPF version
12-11-2013 |
*Added: The Items.SchedulePDM method supports Chart.ShowEmptyBars / Chart.ShowEmptyBarsUnit properties
*Added: <%loc_d1%> indicates the first letter of the weekday using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_d2%> indicates the first two letters of the weekday using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_d3%> is equivalent with <%loc_ddd%> which indicates the day of the week as a three-letter abbreviation using the current user settings
*Added: <%loc_m1%> indicates the first letter of the month using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_m2%> indicates the first two letters of the month using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_m3%> is equivalent with <%loc_mmm%> which indicates the month as a three-letter abbreviation using the current user settings
*Fixed: The bar's working/non-working part is not updated once the bar is moved to another item that has Items.ItemNonworkingUnits property set.(
exBarKeepWorkingCount, exBarCanMoveToAnother )
12-11-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the
elemenet, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
12-09-2013 |
*NEW: Exontrol Print Scale Support, Adjust To and Fit to Page Wide by Tall Support
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = 75%", adjusts and prints the control's content to 75% of normal size.
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = 2 x 3", indicates that the control's content is print to fit 2 pages wide by 3 tall.
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = 2 x", indicates that the control's content is print to fit 2 pages wide by how many pages tall
are required.
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = x 3", indicates that the control's content is print to fit 3 pages tall to how many pages wide
are required.
12-09-2013 |
*NEW: Data Binding support for /NET assembly
*Added: DataSource property gets or sets the data source that the control is displaying data for. The DataSource property can be:
DataTable, DataView, DataSet, DataViewManager, any component that implements the IListSource interface, or any component that implements the IList interface.
*Added: DataMember property gets or sets the specific list in a DataSource for which the control displays a list.
*Added: DataTaskBegin property gets or sets the specific field in the data source to indicate the starting point of each added task. If missing or empty, no tasks are loaded during binding.
*Added: DataTaskEnd property gets or sets the specific field in the data source to indicate the ending point of each added task. If missing or empty, no tasks are loaded during binding. If the DataTaskEnd points to a DateTime object, it indicates the ending date of the newly bar, else, it indicates the duration of the task to be added. If the DataTaskEnd is equal with
DataTaskBegin, a one-day task is added for each record found, during binding.
12-04-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to keep the filter/sort settings for all neighbor columns, when the control's ShowViewCompact property is exViewCompact
*Added: LayoutChangingEnum.exPivotDataColumnSort constant. The
LayoutStartChanging(LayoutChangingEnum.exPivotDataColumnSort) event notifies the application once the user is about to sort the pivot column ( click and sort the pivot column in the control's pivot bar ). The
LayoutEndChanging(LayoutChangingEnum.exPivotDataColumnSort) event occurs once the control sorts the pivot's column.
*Added: LayoutChangingEnum.exPivotDataColumnFilterChange constant. The
LayoutStartChanging(LayoutChangingEnum.exPivotDataColumnFilterChange) event notifies the application once the user clicks the pivot column's drop down filter bar. The
LayoutEndChanging(LayoutChangingEnum.exPivotDataColumnFilterChange) event occurs once the control filters the pivot's column.
*Added: ShowViewCompactEnum.exViewCompactKeepSettings flag, applies the same filter and sort settings to all neighbor pivot columns, while columns are shown as compacted ( multiple aggregate functions in the same column ). For instance, ShowViewCompact =
(exViewCompact Or exViewCompactKeepSettings) makes the view to merge multiple aggregate functions to the same column, and the same filter/sorting option is applied to all neighbor columns.
12-04-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the element, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
12-02-2013 |
*Added: Ability to use and show a custom tooltip using the ShowToolTip property even if any of the mouse buttons is pressed or not.
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set
.HTMLPicture statement.
*Fixed: Prevents showing the tooltip's shadow if the current theme is applied on the tooltip
12-02-2013 |
*NEW: Support for EBN 1002 version.
*Added: The EBN 1002 allows using skin objects with horizontal, vertical stretch and colorable/not-colorable parts of the
12-02-2013 |
*NEW: Support for EBN 1002 version.
*Added: The EBN 1002 allows using skin objects with horizontal, vertical stretch and colorable/not-colorable parts of the
11-27-2013 |
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarVAlignPercent property specifies the vertical alignment for the percent bar relative to the owner bar ( by default it is shown centered to both sides ).
*Fixed: Updates the link's properties ( exLinkKey ) for Undo/Redo after AddLink event
*Fixed: The InsideZoomFormat.InsideLabel is not being displayed if the time-scale unit contains only one magnified unit
*Fixed: The time-scale unit is vertically split only if the InsideZoomFormat.InsideLabel is not empty, and the InsideZooms.SplitBaseLevel property is True
*Fixed: The Error event is being fired once you attempt to change a value, when using a closed DAO
11-27-2013 |
*Added: *Added: Displays the EBN file version when files are shown as thumbnails in Windows Explorer
(EBN 1002)
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
*Added: VC\Builder\Builder.exe tool can be associated with EBN files in Windows Explorer, so double click any EBN file runs the EBN builder by loading the EBN file.
11-25-2013 |
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
*Fixed: The drop down button is not showing in pressing state, while the user clicks it ( /COM only )
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
11-25-2013 |
*Fixed: On terminal-servers (citrix), CPU-consumption varying from 1-4%, if multiple instances of the control is opened in the same time ( Exontrol.CommentWindow )
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
11-23-2013 |
The following movie shows the Scaling support of eXPrint
The Exontrol's eXPrint tool supports scaling like "Adjust To ...% normal size" and "Fit To ...
page(s) wide by ... tall" features. For instance, the Print.Options =
"FitToScreen = 3 x 2" indicates that the control's content is adjusted to be printed on a 3 pages wide by 2 pages
tall. The Scaling support will be added to: eXGantt, eXG2antt, eXGrid,
eXPivot, eXTree and eXList.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
11-20-2013 |
*Added: ForeColorReadOnly property indicates the control's foreground when the control is read only
*Added: BackColorReadOnly property indicates the control's background when the control is read only
*Added: Shows the drop down button of the control using the current visual theme.
*Added: Closes the drop down list of masks when the mask editor loses the focus.
11-20-2013 |
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set
.HTMLPicture statement.
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key on a edit type field.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form.
11-18-2013 |
*NEW: PNG support for picture properties.
*Added: PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF image format support.
*Added: Ability to use or load PNG, TIFF or WMF picture on the control's background ( Picture property for /COM version ) , using the LoadPicture predefined function of the Template property. For instance, the [.Template = "Picture =
LoadPicture(`E:\picture.png`)"] OR [.Picture =
.ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`E:\picture.png`)")] loads the PNG picture on the control's background.
*Added: The control's content is smoothly scrolled if the AutoDrag property is
exAutoDragScroll, and the user clicks the Top or Bottom scroll buttons.
11-18-2013 |
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra
rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out
rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out
rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
11-13-2013 |
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
*Added: EditNode(Node) edits programatically the specified node.
*Fixed: The pictures assigned to a node on Nodes.Add(Caption,...) using the <img> built-in HTML tag (Caption parameter) are not displayed at adding time, unless you are setting the Node.Caption property after.
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key while the control has the focus.
11-13-2013 |
*Added: Prevents updating the UI parts of the control while moving or resizing UI objects ( detect small mouse movement or large mouse movement )
*Added: Items.ItemHeight(-1) property changes the height for all items.
*Added: Items.ItemBackColor(-1) property changes the background color for all items.
*Added: Items.ClearItemBackColor(-1) property clears the background color for all items.
11-11-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to detach the calendar panel, and place anywhere on your form.
*Added: Calendar.hWnd property retrieves the calendar's window handle.
*Added: Calendar.Parent property indicates the handle of the window that hosts the calendar panel.
*Added: Improves drastically the performance of the control when loading the events from XML or ADO/DAO tables.
*Fixed: Calling the Calendar.FirstVisibleDate or Calendar.LastVisibleDate during Form's Load event gets "Invalid procedure call or argument", runtime error
11-11-2013 |
*NEW: Defines new type of hierarchy lines such as exGroupLines, exGroupLinesInside or exGroupLinesOutside
(LinesAtRoot property)
*Added: Prevents selecting only visible items when performing incremental searching ( filtered items,
ExpandOnSearch, Items.ItemHeight )
*Added: The parent item does not indent the children with Indent property, if the LinesAtRoot property is
exGroupLinesOutside, and all of them are flat. A flat item is an item contains no child items.
*Fixed: The lower, upper, proper predefined functions in expression properties like
ComputedField, returns wrong characters for Cyrillic characters.
11-07-2013 |
*NEW: Fit-To-Page Print and Print Preview support
*Added: Print.Options("FitToPage = On") indicates that the component is using one page to show its content on Print and Print Preview ( Exontrol.eXPrint version must be 5.2, or greater )
*Added: LinkPropertyEnum.exLinkKey option specifies the new identifier for the link. For instance,
Items.Link("oldid",exLinkKey) = "newid" changes the link's key to
*Added: UndoRemoveEntry(Action,Count) method removes the last specified entries with a specified action, in the undo queue.
*Added: RedoRemoveEntry(Action,Count) method removes the last specified entries with a specified action, in the redo queue.
*Fixed: The Chart.UndoListAction.RedoListAction lists all actions with specified code ( Action parameter is specified, not -1 ), and the Count property is missing or -1.
*Fixed: The focused column becomes erratic once a column is removed (Columns.Remove method)
11-07-2013 |
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set
.HTMLPicture statement.
*Added: The Items.ItemBar(exBarColor) is applied to starting and ending parts of the bar ( summary bars )
*Added: If the The Items.ItemBar(exBarColor) points to an EBN object, it is applied to starting and ending parts of the bar too ( summary bars and EBN )
*Fixed: The chart's header does not support EBN visual appearance.
*Fixed: The Columns collection is not updating once the LoadXML is called.
11-06-2013 |
*NEW: Microsoft Agent Support ( ability to read ACS/ACF files, Microsoft Agent characters are stored in files of the
.ACS extension, and can be stored in a number of compressed .ACF files for better World Wide Web distribution )
*Added: Play(AgentFile,Gesture,Options) method plays a gesture/animation from specified agent file. The AgentFile parameter could be an ACS or ACF file. The Gesture can include wild characters, to specify the pattern of gestures to play. The Options parameter includes a list of options separated by comma. In return, the Play method may returns the list of available gestures ( specified by the giving pattern ). Currently, the supported options are repeat( plays repeatedly the animation), speed ( shows the animation faster or slower ), size ( shows the movie bigger or smaller ) and stop. For instance, the command
Play("C:\Windows\Msagent\chars\merlin.acs", "*", "repeat,speed=5") plays contiguously ( repeated ) all the gestures in the merlin.acs file.
*Added: Replay method replays the gesture previously loaded by Play method.
*Added: Stop method stops or pauses the animation.
*Added: Continue method continues the animation, that was previously stopped or paused using the Stop method.
11-06-2013 |
*NEW: Support for EBN 1002 version.
*Added: The EBN 1002 allows using skin objects with horizontal, vertical stretch and colorable/not-colorable parts of the
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key while the control has the focus.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form.
11-04-2013 |
*NEW: AutoDrag or ability to change automatically the rows position, copy and paste to OLE compliant application, and more.
*Added: AutoDrag on exAutoDragNone, by default, disables the AutoDrag feature.
*Added: AutoDrag on exAutoDragPosition, allows items to be dragged from a position to another, but not outside of its group.
*Added: AutoDrag on exAutoDragPositionKeepIndent, allows items to be dragged to any position or to any parent, while the dragging object keeps its indentation.
*Added: AutoDrag on exAutoDragPositionAny, allows items to be dragged be dragged to any position or to any parent, with no restriction.
*Added: AutoDrag on exAutoDragCopy, allows selected items to be dragged to a target application, and paste them as image or text.
*Added: AutoDrag on exAutoDragCopyText, allows selected items to be dragged to a target application, and paste them as text.
*Added: AutoDrag on exAutoDragCopyImage, allows selected items to be dragged to a target application, and paste them as image only.
*Added: AutoDrag on exAutoDragCopySnapShot, allows the current view to be dragged to a target application, and paste them as a snap shot.
*Added: AutoDrag on exAutoDragScroll, the component scrolls its content by clicking the object and dragging to a new position.
*Added: BackColorAlternate32 property for the /NET and /WPF assemblies. For instance, the BackColorAlternate32 on &H7F0000FF applies the BackColorAlternate to the items section only.
11-04-2013 |
*Added: The Background(exSpyWidget) property specifies the visual appearance of the widget to highlight the object from the cursor while spying. By default, the
Background(exSpyWidget) is 0, which means a black border. The last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color indicates the identifier of the EBN to be used. Use the
VisualAppearance. Add method to add new EBN ( skins ) to the control.
*Added: CTRL + BackSpace clears the current incremental search, and the filter prompt if is is applied.
*Fixed: Prevents firing the mouse events while the control is scrolled or inside UI objects are moved or resized.
*Fixed: The SelectedProperty of the eXPropertiesList is not included, if the control browses for itself.
10-30-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to read OLE Object fields, MS Access, Photo fields.
*Added: Node.Picture property supports OLE Objects fields. The value must be a safe array of bytes that indicates the OLE Object content. For instance, rs.Fields("Photo").Value indicates the value of a Photo (OLE Object) field.
*Added: \Access2007\employees.accdb sample that shows how to use the OLE Object fields (
DataSource, DAO, Recordset, Photo fields )
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
10-30-2013 |
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns. For instance the Template = "dim
p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Added: Ability to use or load PNG, TIFF or WMF picture on the control's background ( Picture property for /COM version ) , using the LoadPicture predefined function of the Template property. For instance, the [.Template = "Picture =
LoadPicture(`E:\picture.png`)"] OR [.Picture = .ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`E:\picture.png`)")] loads the PNG picture on the control's background.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
10-28-2013 |
*Added: Case-Sensitive support for filtering, if the Column.FilterType property includes the exFilterDoCaseSensitive (256). This flag can be combined with exFilter or exPattern to perform a case-sensitive filtering. By default, the filtering is case-insensitive, while the exFilterDoCaseSensitive flag is not included in the Column.FilterType property.
*Fixed: By default, the filtering is case sensitive for non-english characters (
russian, umlauts, ... ), instead case insensitive.
*Fixed: The lower, upper, proper predefined functions in expression properties like
ComputedField, returns wrong characters for Cyrillic characters.
*Fixed: The incremental search does not highlight Cyrillic characters.
10-28-2013 |
*Added: The Button parameter of MouseMove event can be 4 which indicates that the middle mouse button ( wheel button ) is pressed.
*Added: The Event( EventID) event occurs once the control fires an event (available for /COM version only)
*Fixed: "Error executing code: FormActiveXControl (data source), method ... called with invalid parameters" on Dynamics AX environment is fired, if the application handles events with parameters passed by reference. On X++ you should use the Event event and EventParams method to handle this exception. The X++ is not able to handle the events with parameters passed by reference.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
10-23-2013 |
*NEW: Support for 'array' or 'split' operators in formatting/computed expressions
*Added: The 'array' binary operator gets the element from an array giving its index ( 0-based), or empty if not found. For instance the
"month(value)-1 array ('J','F','M','A','M','Jun','J','A','S','O','N','D')" returns the initials of the months.
*Added: The 'A split B' binary operator splits the A using the B as separator, and returns the array of values being found. For instance, the
"weekday(value) array 'Sun Mon Thu Wed Thu Fri Sat' split ' '" gets the weekday as string.
*Added: Increases performances by optimization the expression. For instance, the -1 + 2/1.3, gets directly the result instead computing at runtime.
*Fixed: Any + or - operation after a 'case' statement into a formatting/computing expression fails. Properties such as
Column.FormatColumn, Column.FormatedColumn, and so on.
10-23-2013 |
*NEW: Support for EBN 1002 version.
*Added: The EBN 1002 allows using skin objects with horizontal, vertical stretch and colorable/not-colorable parts of the
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
10-21-2013 |
*NEW: Implementation of EBN 1002 file version.
*NEW: Ability to stretch horizontally or vertically the picture on the object's background ( EBN 1002 ).
*NEW: Ability to specify parts of the EBN object to be not-colorable ( EBN 1002 ).
*Added: (Builder) Background\Picture\Horizontal Stretch. Stretches horizontally the picture on the object's background, and tiles vertically the rest. ( EBN 1002 )
*Added: (Builder) Background\Picture\Vertical Stretch. Stretches vertically the picture on the object's background, and tiles horizontally the rest. ( EBN 1002 )
*Added: (Builder) Colorable button. The selected object is colorable, which means that the EBN color is applied to this part when the color is applied to the entire EBN object. For instance, at runtime the identifier 0x1FF0000 applies blue color to all parts that compose the EBN object, including the selected object. ( EBN 1002 )
*Added: (Builder) Not-colorable button. The selected object is not-colorable, which means that the EBN color is not applied to this part when the color is applied to the entire EBN object. For instance, at runtime the identifier 0x1FF0000 applies blue color to all parts that compose the EBN object, excluding the selected object. ( EBN 1002 )
*Update: EBNColor tool, supports EBN 1002 (http://www.exontrol.com/free.jsp)
10-21-2013 |
*NEW: Support for EBN 1002 version.
*Added: The EBN 1002 allows using skin objects with horizontal, vertical stretch and colorable/not-colorable parts of the
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
10-20-2013 |
The following movie shows the new implementation of eXAgent/eXDialog
Exontrol's Agent component lets you add personalities to your application, similar with the Microsoft Agent or Microsoft Office Assistant. All you need is the file that stores the animated character, ( such as ACS/ACF files ), and a call like Play("peedy.acs","Congratulate","repeat") which shows the "Congratulate" animation from "peedy.acs" file. ACS/ACF is a file extension for an animated character file used by Microsoft Agent. The Exontrol's Agent component requires no third party libraries, so no Microsoft Agent Server, Microsoft Agent Control components are required.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
10-16-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to format numbers
*Added: The 'format' binary operator gets the value as formatted number. For instance "value format '2|.|3|," displays the value with 2 digits, the decimal separator being the . character, and the integer part is grouping by 3 digits, while the separator for grouping is , character. The
Column.FormatColumn, Column.ComputedField , Items.FormatCell,
ConditionalFormat.Expression, Bar.ShowHistogramValues, Chart.CondInsideZoom,
Items.ItemNonworkingUnits, Level.FormatLabel can use the 'format' operator.
*Fixed: The Change event is not fired if the bar's exBarDuration is associated with a cell, and the bar is resized ( Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True ).
*Fixed: The bar's duration is not limited by exBarMinDuration/exBarMaxDuration if it is changed in an associated column.
10-16-2013 |
*Added: Appearance.RenderType property specifies the way colored EBN objects are displayed on the component. For instance use the RenderType on -3 (0xFFFFFFFD), no color is applied, -2, for OR-color scheme (0xFFFFFFFE), -1 (0xFFFFFFFF) for AND-color scheme, ( older EBN color schemes ). The RenderType property is 0 by default, which indicates an A-color scheme. The first significant byte indicates the transparency while the other bytes indicates the RGB value.
*Added: Shows the pictures in the control as grayed, if the Enabled property is False ( the control is disabled )
*Fixed: Items.EnsureVisibleItem can be called between BeginUpdate/EndUpdate statement.
*Fixed: Prevents flickering of the vertical scroll bar when a DataSource property is re-assigned.
10-14-2013 |
*Added: The Editor.DropDownAlignment property aligns the drop down portion too. The valid values are 0(right,left), 1(right,center), 2(right,right), 16(center,left), 17(center,center), 18(center,right), 32(left,left), 33(left,center) and 34(left,right), where the first element in the pair indicates the drop down alignment, while the second indicates the, caption's alignment. For instance, the Editor.DropDownAlignment on 33, indicates that the drop down portion of the field shows aligned to the left, and the inside items shows the caption aligned in center.
*Added: Editor.Option(exDropDownBackColor) and
Editor.Option(exDropDownForeColor) specify the background and foreground colors to show items in a drop down editor.
*Fixed: The Editor.DropDownAlignment property specifies the alignment of the days in a DateType editor
(Editor.DropDownAlignment property has no effect for a DateType editor)
*Fixed: Prevents showing the today date in a DateType editor on the NewValue parameter of the ValidateValue event if the CauseValidateValue property is True.
*Fixed: The tooltip's appearance is not updated for Editor.ItemToolTip property
(Background(exToolTipAppearance) property)
10-14-2013 |
*NEW: Support for 'array' or 'split' operators in formatting/computed expressions
*Added: The 'array' binary operator gets the element from an array giving its index ( 0-based), or empty if not found. For instance the
"month(value)-1 array ('J','F','M','A','M','Jun','J','A','S','O','N','D')" returns the initials of the months.
*Added: The 'A split B' binary operator splits the A using the B as separator, and returns the array of values being found. For instance, the
"weekday(value) array 'Sun Mon Thu Wed Thu Fri Sat' split ' '" gets the weekday as string.
*Added: Increases performances by optimization the expression. For instance, the -1 + 2/1.3, gets directly the result instead computing at runtime.
*Fixed: Any + or - operation after a 'case' statement into a formatting/computing expression fails. Properties such as
Column.FormatColumn, Column.FormatedColumn, and so on.
*Fixed: The 'format' operator is not working properly on Spanish, German, Romanian, ... where the '.' character is using for grouping, instead decimal separator.
10-09-2013 |
*Added: /COM/ANY option, that offer you the possibility to place the order
for 5 components in /COM/ANY configuration. The /COM/ANY configuration indicates the 32 and 64-bit editions of the ANSI and UNICODE ActiveX versions (4 installers).
Build your own package. We offer you the possibility to order any 5 of our components for EUR 549. As you would buy the products individually, you are still entitled to get the latest version ( minor or major version ) free of charge, for any component in your package, for 1 Year from the purchase date. The price is for a single developer, /COM version (32-bit), ANSI or UNICODE and contains no source code.
10-09-2013 |
*NEW: Scroll Extension which allows you to shrink the space used by control's scroll bars, and still using the scroll bars using the extension which shows up outside of the control's client area.
*Added: The ScrollPartEnum.exExtentThumbPart indicates the thumb-extension of the scroll bar. The
ScrollPartVisible(Bar,exExtentThumbPart) on True enables the scroll bar extension.
*Added: Background(exVSThumbExt) specifies the visual appearance of the thumb-extension, for the vertical scroll bar. The similar values are
exVSThumbExtP, exVSThumbExtD, exVSThumbExtH, when the thumb-extension is pressed, disabled or the cursor hovers it.
*Added: Background(exHSThumbExt) specifies the visual appearance of the thumb-extension, for the horizontal scroll bar. The similar values are
exHSThumbExtP, exHSThumbExtD, exHSThumbExtH, when the thumb-extension is pressed, disabled or the cursor hovers it.
*Added: The LayoutStartChanging(exScheduleMove)/LayoutEndChanging(exScheduleMove) event occurs once the user rotates the mouse's wheel
10-09-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to load data from safe arrays of one or two dimensions
*Added: The Source parameter of the Import method may indicate a safe array of data to load. The safe array must be with 1 or 2 dimensions, else an error occurs. If the Source parameter refers a one-dimensional array, the content of the array indicates the values of the rows. If the Source parameter refers a two-dimensional array, the first dimension indicates the columns, while the second indicates the rows. For instance, in VB6 you can load data to the control using the syntax Pivot1.Import Array(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4)
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key while the control has the focus.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form.
10-07-2013 |
*Added: TemplateDef property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( available for /COM only, and useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE )
*Added: The Event( EventID) event occurs once the control fires an event (available for /COM version only)
*Fixed: "Error executing code: FormActiveXControl (data source), method ... called with invalid parameters" on Dynamics AX environment is fired, if the application handles events with parameters passed by reference. On X++ you should use the Event event and EventParams method to handle this exception. The X++ is not able to handle the events with parameters passed by reference.
*Fixed: The control fails if you click and hold the left mouse button on the thumb of the scrollbar itself and drag up and down and then click the right mouse button whilst the left button is still pressed
*Fixed: In MS Access, AutoKeys macro for F2 key does not work while the control gets the focus
10-07-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to specify the images for items in hot or disabled state.
*Added: HTMLPicture("pic:hot") specifies the picture to be displayed when the cursor hovers the item that displays the picture "pic". For instance Items.Add("<img>pic</img>Text") adds an item that displays the "pic" image and the text beside. If the "pic:hot" picture exists, it is displayed when the cursor hovers it, in other words, the "pic:hot" specifies the image in hot state.
*Added: HTMLPicture("pic:disabled") specifies the image to be shown by any disabled item that includes the <img>pic HTML tag. For instance Items.Add("<img>pic</img>Text").Enabled = False adds a disabled item that displays the "pic" image and the text beside, if enabled. If item is disabled and the "pic:disabled" picture exists, it is displayed while the item is disabled, in other words, the "pic:disabled" specifies the image in the disabled state.
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
10-02-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the element, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font>
10-02-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to specify the images for items in hot or disabled state.
*Added: HTMLPicture("pic:hot") specifies the picture to be displayed when the cursor hovers the item that displays the picture
"pic". For instance Items.Add("<img>pic</img>Text") adds an item that displays the
"pic" image and the text beside. If the "pic:hot" picture exists, it is displayed when the cursor hovers it, in other words, the
"pic:hot" specifies the image in hot state.
*Added: HTMLPicture("pic:disabled") specifies the image to be shown by any disabled item that includes the <img>pic HTML tag. For instance
Items.Add("<img>pic</img>Text").Enabled = False adds a disabled item that displays the
"pic" image and the text beside, if enabled. If item is disabled and the
"pic:disabled" picture exists, it is displayed while the item is disabled, in other words, the
"pic:disabled" specifies the image in the disabled state.
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
09-30-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to specify a different background color or visual appearance for the item in the chart panel
*Added: The Chart.ItemBackColor property specifies the item's background color or the visual appearance in the chart panel.
*Added: The Chart.ClearItemBackColor property clears the item's background color or the visual appearance in the chart panel.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemBackColor property does not specify anymore the item's background color in the chart part of the control. Use the Chart.ItemBackColor property
09-30-2013 |
*NEW: Inheritance for HTML attributes on multiple line ( for instance, the < b > is inherited on multiple lines, until the < /b > tag is found)
*NEW: The < font > or < img > can change the height of the HTML line, so HTML captions can display lines with different heights.
*Added: The HTML captions allow using not-nested elements to be used. (for instance the sequence "< b >1< s >23< /b >4< /s>" displays 123 in bold while the 234 are shown in strikeout )
*Added: The < c > HTML tag centers the line. Similar with < r > HTML tag.
*Added: The Event( EventID) event occurs once the control fires an event (available for /COM version only)
*Added: TemplateDef property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( available for /COM only, and useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE )
*Fixed: Extra characters are inserted in the next line if the breaking element is a picture that does not fit the current line.
09-26-2013 |
The following movie shows the Padding
feature, of eXGrid
The Padding defines the space between the element border and the element content. This feature allows you to add or decrease the spaces of the elements at the margins for a better viewing.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
09-26-2013 |
The following movie shows the Auto-Drag
feature, of eXGrid
Ability to drag and drop the data as it looks, to your favorite Office applications, like Word, Excel, or any other OLE-Automation
Click on > link to see how it will work.
09-25-2013 |
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
*Fixed: Extra characters are inserted in the next line if the breaking element is a picture that does not fit the current line.
*Fixed: Ignores the ending HTML tags, if they are not used previously ( for instance, the < /b > is not displayed in the sequence "ABC< /b >" )
09-25-2013 |
*Added: NumericEnum.exFloatInteger, allows editing floating point numbers, without using the exponent characters such as e/E/d/D. The format of the floating point number is:
[+/-]digit[.digit], where digit is any combination of digit characters.
*Added: NumericEnum.exDisableSigns, prevents using the +/- signs when editing numbers. For instance exFloatInteger + exDisableSigns allows editing floating points numbers without using the exponent and plus/minus characters, so the allowed format is
*Fixed: Clicking the spin buttons on a 0.0 value shows a date expression instead -1 or 1
09-23-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the
elemenet, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
09-23-2013 |
*Added: ScrollButtonClick event. Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollPartVisible property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
*Added: ScrollPartEnable property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
*Added: ScrollPartCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment. Specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Added: ScrollToolTip property. Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
*Added: ScrollFont property. Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
*Added: ScrollButtonWidth property. Specifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollButtonHeight property. Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollWidth property. Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollHeight property. Specifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollThumbSize property. Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
09-18-2013 |
*Added: The Background(exTreeGlyphOpen)/Background(exTreeGlyphClose) specifies the visual appearance for the +/- buttons when it is collapsed/expanded.
*Added: Indent property retrieves or sets the amount, in pixels, that child items are indented relative to their parent items.
*Change: ImageList parameter of LoadIcons is of VARIANT type, instead Object, so the LoadIcons may load an image list using BASE64 encoded string, or using a handle to an HIMAGELIST type. /COM only
*Fixed: Prevents selecting the parent folder, if the SingleSel property is False, and CTRL + A is pressed to selecte all files/folders.
09-18-2013 |
*Added: The Background(exToolTipAppearance) property may specify any color to apply to tooltip's EBN so the control's tooltip can be shown using different colors.
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set
.HTMLPicture statement.
*Fixed: On terminal-servers (citrix), CPU-consumption varying from 1-4%, if multiple instances of the control is opened in the same time ( Exontrol.CommentWindow )
09-17-2013 |
The following movie shows the Scroll-By-Line feature, of eXList
The Scroll-By-Line feature allows the control's content to be scrolled line by line, while it displays items with different heights. The first visible item can be shown partially visible, so a smooth scrolling is allowed when items on different sizes are shown
Click on > link to see how it will work.
09-16-2013 |
*Added: Background(exListOLEDropPosition) property specifies the visual appearance on dropping position, when the component is implied to an OLE Drag and Drop operation. For instance, the
Background(exScheduleOLEDropPosition) on -1, indicates that no position is shown during any OLE Drag and Drop events.
*Fixed: Unloading the control may take longer if the control loads hundreds of columns.
*Fixed: The ColIndex parameter of the Change event is -1
09-16-2013 |
*Added: AllowSpy
property specifies whether the user can drop other UI components or part of
them to the current browser. Currently, only our UI components can be spied
by the eXPropertiesList control.
*Added: The Backspace key restores the previously browsed object. ( For
instance, if you drop a new UI component, you can use the Backspace key to
go back to the previously selected object )
*Added: Prevents updating the UI parts of the control while moving or
resizing UI objects ( detect small mouse movement or large mouse movement )
*Fixed: Sometimes, the dragging operation is not stopped if the user
releases the mouse outside of the control
09-11-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to specify any COLOR for the control's frame/border/appearance if using EBN objects.
*Added: The Appearance property may specify any color to apply the EBN object to define the control's border. In other words, you can define the color and the visual aspect of the control's border/appearance.
*Added: The Background(exToolTipAppearance) property may specify any color to apply to tooltip's EBN so the control's tooltip can be shown using different colors.
*Added: DefaultItemHeight property is serialized in XML format, using the
09-11-2013 |
*NEW: Restrict data input by using validation rule for input-mask fields ( CauseValidateValue and Editor.Mask )
*Added: The Editor.Mask property supports "invalid=value" ( in forth part of the
Imput-Mask ), which indicates the html message to be displayed when the user enters an inappropriate value for the field. If the control's CauseValidateValue property is not exNoValidate and value of the invalid keyword is not empty, the field is keep opened until the user enters an appropriate value ( ValidateValue event is failed with the Cancel parameter on True ). If the value is single space, no message is displayed and the field is keep opened while the value is inappropriate. For instance, "!(999) 000 0000;;;invalid=The value you entered isn't appropriate for the input mask <b>'<%mask%>'</b> specified for this field." displays the message "The value you entered isn't appropriate for the input mask '...' specified for this field." tooltip once the user leaves the field and it is not-valid ( for instance, the field includes entities required and uncompleted ). The <%mask%> keyword in value, substitute the current mask of the field, while the <%value%> keyword substitutes the current value ( including the literals ).
*Added: Ability to change/define the default mask for the ColorType field, using the Editor.Mask property. For instance, if the Editor.Mask property is "`RGB(`{0,255}\,{0,255}\,{0,255}`)`;;0", the colors are displayed/edited in RGB format.
*Added: The default mask for the ColorType field is "`&H`XXXXXXXX`&`;;0;overtype,insertype", which shows color using
ABGR/RGBA format
09-09-2013 |
*NEW: Tooltip support, so your warning can show up once the user enters any invalid character.
*Added: Warning property indicates the html message to be shown when the user enters an invalid character. For instance, "00:00:00;;;warning=invalid character" displays a "invalid character" tooltip once the user types in invalid character, in this case any character that's not a digit. The <%mask%> keyword in value, substitute the current mask of the field, while the <%value%> keyword substitutes the current value ( including the literals ).
*Added: AllowBeep property specifies whether the control plays a beep once the user enters any invalid character
*Added: RClick event, fires when the user right clicks the control.
09-09-2013 |
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only
carriage returns. For instance the Template = "dim p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the
control's print and print preview.
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
*Fixed: The 'format' operator is not working properly on Spanish, German, Romanian, ... where the '.' character is using for grouping, instead decimal separator.
09-04-2013 |
*Added: Shadow effect for the drop down filter window, including the drop down calendar window, ( Column.DisplayFilterButton )
*Added: Background(exBackColorFilter) property specifies the background color for the drop down filter window.
*Added: Background(exForeColorFilter) property specifies the foreground color for the drop down filter window.
*Added: The eXPropertiesList control may browse the EBN objects, on color properties ( valid for /COM version ).
*Fixed: A black zone is shown once the filter list is dropped ( if BackColorHeader property refers an EBN object )
*Fixed: Ignores the ending HTML tags, if they are not used previously ( for instance, the < /b > is not displayed in the sequence "ABC< /b >" )
*Fixed: "Error executing code: FormActiveXControl (data source), method ... called with invalid parameters" on Dynamics AX environment is fired, if the application handles events with parameters passed by reference. On X++ you should use the Event event and EventParams method to handle this exception. The X++ is not able to handle the events with parameters passed by reference.
09-04-2013 |
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key while the control has the focus.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form.
09-03-2013 |
The following movie shows the Compact View feature, of eXPivot
The ExPivot component is able to show the summarized data in a compacted
way. For instance, displaying information of neighbor columns in split
cells, aggregate functions can be shown on the branch row rather than
showing as a child row.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
09-02-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to show multiple aggregates values in the same cell.
*Added: ShowViewCompact property indicates whether the view compacts the data being displayed.
*Added: Ability to copy the aggregate function/column ( including the group by columns) by drag and drop, using the CTRL key down.
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
09-02-2013 |
*Added: Background(exListOLEDropPosition) property specifies the visual appearance on dropping position, when the component is implied to an OLE Drag and Drop operation. For instance, the
Background(exScheduleOLEDropPosition) on -1, indicates that no position is shown during any OLE Drag and Drop events.
*Fixed: Unloading the control may take longer if the control loads hundreds of columns.
*Fixed: The ColIndex parameter of the Change event is -1
08-28-2013 |
*NEW: Inheritance for HTML attributes on multiple line ( for instance, the < b > is inherited on multiple lines, until the < /b > tag is found)
*NEW: The < font > or < img > can change the height of the HTML line, so HTML captions can display lines with different heights.
*Added: The HTML captions allow using not-nested elements to be used. (for instance the sequence "< b >1< s >23< /b >4< /s>" displays 123 in bold while the 234 are shown in strikeout )
*Added: The < c > HTML tag centers the line. Similar with < r > HTML tag.
*Fixed: Extra characters are inserted in the next line if the breaking element is a picture that does not fit the current line.
*Fixed: Ignores the ending HTML tags, if they are not used previously ( for instance, the < /b > is not displayed in the sequence "ABC< /b >" )
08-28-2013 |
*Added: Shadow effect for the drop down filter window, including the drop down calendar window, ( Column.DisplayFilterButton )
*Added: Background(exBackColorFilter) property specifies the background color for the drop down filter window.
*Added: Background(exForeColorFilter) property specifies the foreground color for the drop down filter window.
*Added: The eXPropertiesList control may browse the EBN objects, on color properties ( valid for /COM version ).
*Fixed: A black zone is shown once the filter list is dropped ( if BackColorHeader property refers an EBN object )
08-26-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to specify ANY color to an EBN object, so you can use one EBN object to display it in any nuance, without embossing the shape and look of the EBN ( including transparent regions, and so on )
*Added: Significant improvements for control's performance while using a large number of EBN objects.
*Added: Printing the chart using bars with exOverlaidBarsIncludeCaption flag
*Added: Improves the speed of processing bars with exOverlaidBarsIncludeCaption flag.
*Added: The EBN can be displayed using ANY color ( not only FF for rgb ). For instance, 0x1A88A5D indicates that EBN with the identifier 1 is displaying in Air Force blue color (#5D8AA8).
08-26-2013 |
*Added: Moves the editing field to day position, once the user selects a new date from the drop down portion of the control ( CalendarCombo )
*Added: Finds the closest valid date being typed, when the user enters any invalid day
(CalendarCombo control). For instance, if the user types 2/29/2014, the control shows 2/28/2014, as the 2/29/2014 is an invalid date.
*Fixed: The drop down portion of the control is closing once the user presses any arrow key ( /NET assembly version )
*Fixed: Sometimes the drop down portion of the control is not opened if clicking twice (
CalendarCombo, /NET only )
08-21-2013 |
*Added: FullRowSelect property enables full-row selection in the control.
*Added: Prevents updating the UI parts of the control while moving or resizing UI objects ( detect small mouse movement or large mouse movement )
*Fixed: Sometimes, the dragging operation is not stopped if the user releases the mouse outside of the control
*Fixed: Prevents firing the mouse events while the control is scrolled or inside UI objects are moved or resized.
08-21-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the element, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
08-19-2013 |
*Added: Shows in front, the border that indicates the current selection of dates in the schedule view
*Change: The ShowViewCompact property is of ShowViewCompactEnum type, instead of Boolean type.
*Change: ShowViewCompact on exViewCalendar(0,default), indicates that the schedule view arranges the days as they are shown in the calendar panel.
*Change: ShowViewCompact on exViewCalendarCompact(-1), indicates that the schedule view arranges the days as they are shown in the calendar panel, excepts that the first day of the month starts right after the last day of the previously month, or start to a new row.
*Change: ShowViewCompact on exViewSingleRow(1), indicates that the schedule view arranges all days to a single row.
*Fixed: Prevents showing the default appearance of the exVSUpper/exHSUpper/exVSLower/exHSLower, if the
exVSBack/exHSBack is set
08-19-2013 |
*NEW: Inheritance for HTML attributes on multiple line ( for instance, the < b > is inherited on multiple lines, until the < /b > tag is found)
*NEW: The < font > or < img > can change the height of the HTML line, so HTML captions can display lines with different heights.
*Added: The HTML captions allow using not-nested elements to be used. (for instance the sequence "< b >1< s >23< /b >4< /s>" displays 123 in bold while the 234 are shown in strikeout )
*Added: The < c > HTML tag centers the line. Similar with < r > HTML tag.
08-14-2013 |
*Added: Reset the button's file name when pasting the EBN using the Load64 button
*Fixed: Prevents showing the message "The selected picture has been copied to your clipboard." when the selected picture is copied to the clipboard, using the Background\Picture\Copy To Clipboard command
*Fixed: Prevents intersection of rulers when loading a new picture from the clipboard, using the Zoom\Settings\Cut - Paste Picture From Clipboard command
*Fixed: Removes dependency to MFC80.DLL of the VC\Builder\Builder.exe tool ( EBN Builder )
08-14-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the element, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
08-12-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to specify unsortable items.
*Added: Items.SortableItem property specifies whether the item may change its position while sorting. An unsortable item does not change its position while sort is performed.
*Fixed: Adjusts the hierarchy lines between rows when they contain divider items
*Fixed: The content of a divider item can not be centered if the cell being displayed belongs to the hierarchy column
*Fixed: The OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsIncludeCaption works ONLY if the Chart.ResizeUnitScale property is exHour or less.
08-12-2013 |
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key while the control has the focus.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the F2 key to unselect the current edit field.
The following movie shows the OLE Drag and Drop feature of eXSchedule
The movie shows how you can drag and drop items from Exontrol's
( or any other OLE Drag and Drop compliant ) to Exontrol's
Click on > link to see how it will work.
08-07-2013 |
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra
rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out
rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out
rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
08-07-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to filter the group-by rows, from defining the layout
*Added: The control's pivot bar displays a plus sign to allow selecting the columns to be added to the layout, while the PivotBarVisible property does not include the exPivotBarHideAddNew flag.
*Fixed: The data is wrong grouped if the first group by row contains empty fields.
08-05-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to display the editors all the time
*NEW: Ability to specify different options in the Editor.Mask property
*Added: The Items.CellEditorVisible property can hide, show all the time, or show on focus the cell's editor. The property is of EditorVisibleEnum type instead of Boolean type. For instance, the Items.CellEditorVisible property on exEditorVisible specifies that the cell's editor is shown all the time, not only when the cell receives the focus
*Added: The Editor.Mask property, supports up to four parts, separated by a semicolon (;). For instance, "`Time: `00:00:00;;0;overtype,warning=<fgcolor FF0000>invalid
character,beep", indicates the pattern "00:00" with the prefix Time:, the masking character being the 0, instead _, the field enters in over-type mode, insert-type mode is not allowed, and the field beeps and displays a tooltip in red with the message invalid character when the user enters an invalid character.
*Added: The first part (pattern) is mandatory. It includes the mask characters or string (series of characters) along with placeholders and literal data such as, parentheses, periods, and hyphens. Characters enclosed in double quotation ("" or ``) marks will be displayed literally. If this part should display/use the semicolon (;) character is should be included between double quotation ("" or ``) characters or as \; ( escape ). Currently, the special characters separated by space are: # 0 9 x X A a L ? & C > < * { } , [ ] - \ » «
*Added: The second part is optional and refers to the embedded mask characters and how they are stored within the field. If the second part is set to 0 ( default ), all characters are stored with the data, and if it is set to 1, the literals are stored, not including the masking/placeholder characters, if 2, just typed characters are stored, if 3, optional, required, editable and escaped entities are included (no double quoted text is included).
*Added: The third part of the input mask is also optional and indicates a single character or space that is used as a placeholder. By default, the field uses the underscore (_). If you want to use another character, enter it in the third part of your mask. Only the first character is considered. If this part should display/use the semicolon (;) character is should be \; ( escape )
*Added: The forth part of the input, indicates a list of options that can be applied to input mask, separated by comma(,) character as follow: float,grouping,decimal,negative,digits,password,right,readonly,inserttype,overtype,nocontext,beep,warning,select,empty,validate
*Added: Access2007\OLEDragDrop\sample.accdb OLE Drag and Drop samples for MS Access
08-05-2013 |
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set
.HTMLPicture statement.
*Fixed: The Copy method fails if creating EMF larger than 31720 pixels, or aprox 11.18 m.
*Fixed: The control may fail if using merged cells in a code with no
BeginUpdate/EndUpdate context.
*Fixed: Changing the ShowImageList property in design mode fails, if the component is hosted in a VC++ 2005, 2008 and 2010 application ( available for /COM only ).
07-17-2013 |
*NEW: Enable DAO support for DataSource property. ( /COM )
*Fixed: Sometimes, the selection is lost, once the mouse is released during
scrolling, while the user selects several cells by dragging ( FullRowSelect
property )
*Fixed: Apparently, The Column.FilterType property returns uninitialized
value, and so, a column of DateType can not be filtered using the UI.
*Fixed: The control fails if loading data several times with no using the
BeginUpdate/EndUpdate methods.
07-17-2013 |
*Fixed: The mask is removed if the user selects the Delete item from the mask's context menu.
*Fixed: Can not enter numbers, if the minim margin of {} literal is not zero. For instance {1950,2050}, does not accept any number.
*Fixed: The CTRL + X, or Cut from the context menu, does not copy the entire text to the clipboard, inside a input mask field.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
07-15-2013 |
*Added: ShowToolTip method shows programatically the control's tooltip.
*Added: Ability to use and show a custom tooltip using the ShowToolTip property even if any of the mouse buttons is pressed or not.
*Fixed: Prevents showing the tooltip's shadow if the current theme is applied on the tooltip
07-15-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to specify ANY color to an EBN object, so you can use one EBN object to display it in any nuance, without embossing the shape and look of the EBN ( including transparent regions, and so on )
*Added: Significant improvements for control's performance while using a large number of EBN objects.
*Added: The EBN can be displayed using ANY color ( not only FF for rgb ). For instance, 0x1A88A5D indicates that EBN with the identifier 1 is displaying in Air Force blue color (#5D8AA8).
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
07-10-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to exclude the items when filtering by using a UI checkbox Exclude in the drop down filter window.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exShowExclude flag indicates whether the drop down filter window shows or hides the Exclude checkbox.
*Added: Description.exFilterBarExclude specifies the 'Exclude' caption being displayed in the drop down filter.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exShowBlanks flag indicates whether the drop down filter includes the (Blank) and
(NonBlanks) items.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exNoItems value indicates whether the drop down filter should include no items from the control.
07-10-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the element, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
07-08-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to format individual cells using predefined functions as currency, short date, long date and other several options, including HTML formatting.
*Added: Items.FormatCell property specifies the custom format to display the cell's content, by ignoring the column's format ( Column.FormatColumn property )
*Added: DividerAlignmentEnum.DividerBoth indicates that item shows top and bottom divider lines.
*Fixed: The DividerAlignmentEnum.DividerCenter prevents painting the divider over the cell's content
*Fixed: Sometimes, the bars are not vertically arranged if the user scrolls or click shortly on the control's overview part( Bar.OverlaidType includes the exOverlaidBarsStack flag )
*Fixed: Prevents firing the BarResize event once a new bar is added using the Items.AddBar method, so it increases the speed of loading thousands of bars.
07-08-2013 |
*Fixed: The control's filter is applied only if the user changes the UI drop down filter. ( ESC cancels the curent selection, so no filter is applied )
*Fixed: Restores the column's filter when the Column.FilterOnType property is True.
*Fixed: The drop down filter is closed, if clicking the the filter's patternd field, instead moving the caret.
*Fixed: The use can not select multiple items in the drop down list, if using the SPACE key, while the filter's pattern is visible
*Fixed: The height of the control's filter bar is not updated if the control's FilterBarHeight property is negative.
07-05-2013 |
*NEW: Template support ( /COM
version only )
*Added: Template property executes the giving x-script template
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the EXPRINT.PrintExt =
CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content.
*Added: TemplateDef property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( available for /COM only, and useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE )
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
07-04-2013 |
*NEW: /WPF Assembly Version
*Added: WaitAutoAdvance property specifies the time in ms to wait until the selection moves to the next editing field in the CalendarCombo control.
*Added: AllowSpin property is of VisibleEnum type, that indicates if the control's spin is hidden, always visible or visible while the control get the focus. For instance if the AllowSpin property is exVisibleOnFocus, the spin is visible when the control got the focus, and hidden when the control loses the focus.
*Fixed: The GotFocus, LostFocus events are fired once the user clicks the control ( /NET version only ).
*Fixed: Calling the FirstVisibleDate or LastVisibleDate during Form's Load event gets "Invalid procedure call or argument", runtime error
07-04-2013 |
*Added: Converts the properties of Color type to AutomationTranslateColor( GraMakeRGBColor( {R,G,B} ), .F. ) in Xbase++
*Added: Calls the oObject:SetProperty("BackColor",Color) instead oObject:BackColor := Value, for Xbase++
*Fixed: "Receiver of message is not an object, (657): AUTOMATIONOBJECT:COPY" exception is fired when calling the Copy method of an object
07-03-2013 |
*Added: Calendar.HeaderDayLabel property specifies the HTML date-format to be shown on the calendar's header.
*Added: If no time scale visible ( TimeScale.Visible property is False), and the ShowAllDayHeader property is True, the schedule view handles only All-Day events.
*Added: The LayoutStartChanging(exLayoutExchangePanels)/LayoutEndChanging(exLayoutExchangePanels) event is fired once the user exchanges the panels by drag and drop.
*Added: By default, CTRL + Scroll, zoom in/zoom out the scheduler, if the AllowResizeSchedule property is not
07-03-2013 |
*Added: Calendar.HeaderDayLabel property specifies the HTML date-format to be shown on the calendar's header.
*Added: If no time scale visible ( TimeScale.Visible property is False), and the ShowAllDayHeader property is True, the schedule view handles only All-Day events.
*Added: The LayoutStartChanging(exLayoutExchangePanels)/LayoutEndChanging(exLayoutExchangePanels) event is fired once the user exchanges the panels by drag and drop.
*Added: By default, CTRL + Scroll, zoom in/zoom out the scheduler, if the AllowResizeSchedule property is not
07-03-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to add at once properties with a predefined syntax using wildcard characters, such as
Cell*(HITEM,VARIANT) adds all properties that have 2 parameters of specified type, and start with Cell.
*Added: The Add(EditPropertyWildcard or EditPropertyWildcardParent) allows adding multiple properties with giving match at once. For instance, the
Add("Item*(HITEM)", Array(G2antt1.Items, G2antt1.Items.FirstVisibleItem),
EditPropertyWildcardParent) adds all properties that starts with Item and contains a single parameter with HITEM type. The EditPropertyWildcard adds new properties as flat, and the Add returns the last added property, while the EditPropertyWildcardParent adds a new parent and the new properties added as child as this property, and the result, is the newly parent created.
*Added: Template parameter for Add method, that indicates the inside template to be applied to the property. The Template can be used to apply a Template to new properties being added using the Add method. Very useful for EditPropertyWildcard type when not only one property may be added at once so the template is applied to each new property being added.
07-01-2013 |
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra
rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out
rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out
rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
07-01-2013 |
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key while the control has the focus.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form.
The following movie shows the Scroll- By- Line feature, of eXGrid
The Scroll-By-Line feature allows the control's content to be scrolled line by line, while it displays items with different heights. The first visible item can be shown partially visible, so a smooth scrolling is allowed when items on different sizes are shown
Click on > link to see how it will work.
06-26-2013 |
*Added: Ability to scroll the control's list when selecting by dragging ( SingleSel property is False )
*Fixed: Can not select multiple files/folders if the control is place to a secondary monitor
*Fixed: Prevents showing the default appearance of the exVSUpper/exHSUpper/exVSLower/exHSLower, if the
exVSBack/exHSBack is set
*Fixed: The control fails if you click and hold the left mouse button on the thumb of the scrollbar itself and drag up and down and then click the right mouse button whilst the left button is still pressed
06-26-2013 |
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key on a edit type field.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form.
06-24-2013 |
*Fixed: Sometimes, the SelectionChanged event is fired twice, if the control's SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: The SelectionChanged event is fired every time the user clicks outside items area, if the SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: The mouse or key events could be fired while user scrolls the control's content.
*Fixed: Only two items get selected when user selects multiple items by dragging an empty rectangle.
06-24-2013 |
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key while the control has the focus.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form.
06-19-2013 |
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra
rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out
rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out
rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
06-19-2013 |
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
06-17-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to group the columns section too, not only the rows section
*Added: DisplayPivotFields property retrieves or sets the maximum number of columns to be displayed on the control's list.
*Fixed: The tooltip of the element from the cursor, may not be visible, if a new appearance is applied to any column, using the control's UI context menu.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the Layout property does not save / restore the control's filtering options.
06-17-2013 |
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key while the control has the focus.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form.
06-12-2013 |
*Fixed: The control's filter is applied only if the user changes the UI drop down filter. ( ESC cancels the curent selection, so no filter is applied )
*Fixed: Restores the column's filter when the Column.FilterOnType property is True.
*Fixed: The drop down filter is closed, if clicking the the filter's pattern
field, instead moving the caret.
*Fixed: The use can not select multiple items in the drop down list, if using the SPACE key, while the filter's pattern is visible
*Fixed: The height of the control's filter bar is not updated if the control's FilterBarHeight property is negative.
06-12-2013 |
*Added: Accelerator keys for Create New ( CTRL + N ), Load ( CTRL + O ), Save (CTRL + S ), Test (CTRL + R) commands
*Added: Ability to change the element's position up or down in the EBN builder, using the CTRL + Up or CTRL + Down.
*Added: Allow drag and drop EBN files from the Windows Explorer to EBN builder.
*Fixed: Prevents erasing the current object, when pasting a non-valid BASE64 encoded EBN object, using the Load64 button.
06-10-2013 |
*Added: The SelBackMode property on exTransparent shows the selection using a semi-transparent color.
*Added: The selected rows loses the colors for cells ( CellBackColor, ItemBackColor ) when selecting ( SelBackMode = exTransparent )
*Fixed: The cells with CellBackColor set, shows no solid colors, if the SetBackMode property is
*Fixed: The colors for cells or items being selected are ignored in the print and print preview
06-10-2013 |
*Fixed: Sometimes, the state of the highlighted item is not changed when pressing the SPACE key or clicking it, if the control' items has been filtered using the control's incremental search.
*Fixed: The check box associated to an item shows as disabled, if the Item.Enabled property is False.
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
The following movie shows a date picker control, that's a combination of
Exontrol's CalendarCombo with Exontrol's MaskEdit:
The Exontrol's eXCalendar tool
provides flat and a drop down versions of a Calendar control. The Exontrol's
eXMaskEdit tool
provides masking capabilities for user inputs, including validating the input
as a date,
Click on > link to see how it works.
06-05-2013 |
*NEW: Major/Radical improvements for input-mask fields.
*Added: New special characters for the Editor.Mask property as follows # 0 9 x X A a L ? & C > < * {,} [-] \ ! » «. Characters enclosed in double quotation ("" or ``) marks will be displayed literally. For instance, the Editor.Mask on "`Prefix: `(###)", displays Prefix: (___).
*Added: CTRL + A, selects all text in caret-type editor.
*Added: Advances to the next field if the current entity is a number, and there is no other possibility. For instance, having the input mask such as "{0,23}:{0,59}:{0,59}", and user types 12, the cursor is advanced to the next field automatically.
*Added: The mask editor selects the entity from the cursor, when user double clicks it. For instance, having the "10:20", clicking the 2 will highlight 20, instead the entire text
*Added: Ability to specify the mask's value with or without literals. For instance, having (####) ###-###, the mask field is completed if setting 0744845287, (0744)845287, (0744) 845 287, or (0744) 845-287, and so on
06-05-2013 |
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Added: Print.Options("FitToPage = On") indicates that the eXOrgChart component is using one page to show its content on Print and Print Preview ( Exontrol.eXPrint version must be 5.2, or greater )
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the F2 key to unselect the current edit field.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
06-03-2013 |
*NEW: Xbase++ programming language support
*Added: Xbase++ item to "Convert To ..." sub menu.
*Added: Get Started with Xbase++ ( http://www.exontrol.com/tutorial.jsp )
06-03-2013 |
*Added: The GetItems(1) method retrieves an one-dimensional array that holds the handles of the items in the control as they are displayed ( sorted, filtered, ... ), and so the first element in the array ( item at position 0 ) indicates the handle of the first item in the control which can be different than the Items.FirstVisibleItem if the control is vertically scrolled. [ The GetItems(0) method gets the items ( the values ) in the control. ]
*Fixed: The control fails, if the Items.RemoveItem is called twice on the same handle.
*Fixed: Removing a column fails, if the items are filtered.
*Fixed: The Column(0).Position = 1 does not work, while the Column(1).Position = 0 works for a control with 2 columns.
05-31-2013 |
Get Started,
*Added: Getting started with the component(s) on Xbase++. Currently,
the Get Started page contains tutorials for the Access, Excel, Word ( VBA ), VB6, VFP, VB.NET for /COM, VB.NET for /NET, VB.NET for /WPF, C# for /COM, C# for /NET, C# for /WPF, VS C++ 6.0, VS C++ 2005,2008, C++ Builder, X++ (Dynamics Ax 2009), Delphi, Clarion, PowerBuilder (Classic), dBASE Plus, Visual DataFlex, Xbase++
programming languages. All these are supported by exhelper
tool ( excepts the Xbase++, to be included ).
05-31-2013 |
*Added: Shadow frame for the drop down version of the control, if the
CalendarCombo.Background(exDropDownAppearance) property is set on 255
*Added: Shadow frame for the drop down months selector
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions
*Fixed: Improves the speed to scroll the drop down months selector
05-28-2013 |
The following movie shows the Compact feature, of eXPivot
The movie shows how you can add several aggregate functions to the same cell, or how you can compact the view to display several aggregate functions to the same cell.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
05-29-2013 |
*Added: Items.ExpandItem(0) property expands or collapses all items.
*Fixed: Bars closes to the chart's margins are not overlaying if the OverlaidType property includes the exOverlaidBarsIncludeCaption flag.
*Fixed: Prevents firing the Click or RClick event when the user clicks the control's header bar, so the
Click/RClick event is fired only if clicked the items/chart area.
*Fixed: The FocusItem property retrieves the previously focused item during the Click event, if the control's SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: The Click event is fired before SelectionChanged event, if the control's SingleSel property is False.
05-29-2013 |
*Fixed: Moves the cursor after the typed literal. For instance, having "##:##", and user types : the cursor will move right after : character, instead in front of it
*Fixed: Unable to complete an ANY entity ( * ) in an input mask editor, if the next entity eats the typed character.
*Fixed: Prevents moving to a typed literal if there are editable entities to it. Having the mask "##.##.## 00", the cursor is moved to first 0 literal found, instead completed available entity.
*Fixed: The cursor does not advance to the next literal, while user types the literal and the focused entity is a number ({} entity)
05-27-2013 |
*Added: Ability to scroll the control's list when selecting by dragging ( SingleSel property is False )
*Fixed: Prevents showing the default appearance of the exVSUpper/exHSUpper/exVSLower/exHSLower, if the
exVSBack/exHSBack is set
*Fixed: The control fails if you click and hold the left mouse button on the thumb of the scrollbar itself and drag up and down and then click the right mouse button whilst the left button is still pressed
*Fixed: Sometimes, the data can't be dropped to control, if any of the
Background(exDragDropListTop), Background(exDragDropListBottom),
Background(exDragDropListOver) or Background(exDragDropListBetween) property is used ( not zero, /COM version only ).
05-27-2013 |
*NEW: Support for 'array' or 'split' operators in formatting/computed expressions
*Added: The 'array' binary operator gets the element from an array giving its index ( 0-based), or empty if not found. For instance the
"month(value)-1 array ('J','F','M','A','M','Jun','J','A','S','O','N','D')" returns the initials of the months.
*Added: The 'A split B' binary operator splits the A using the B as separator, and returns the array of values being found. For instance, the
"weekday(value) array 'Sun Mon Thu Wed Thu Fri Sat' split ' '" gets the weekday as string.
*Added: Increases performances by optimization the expression. For instance, the -1 + 2/1.3, gets directly the result instead computing at runtime.
*Fixed: Any + or - operation after a 'case' statement into a formatting/computing expression fails. Properties such as
Column.FormatColumn, Column.FormatedColumn, and so on.
*Fixed: The 'format' operator is not working properly on Spanish, German, Romanian, ... where the '.' character is using for grouping, instead decimal separator.
05-22-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to select multiple items in the drop down filter list, using check-boxes.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox flag indicates that each item in the drop down filter-list shows a checkbox, allowing to select multiple filters by clicking the checkbox ( or pressing the SPACE key ).
*Added: FilterListEnum.exHideCheckSelect flag indicates whether the check-box items shows the filter's list background, instead as selected.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exSingleSel flag indicates that the user can not select multiple items in the drop down filter window.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem flag draws a rectangle in the style used to indicate that the item in the filter-list that has the focus.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exShowPrevSelOpaque flag indicates whether the previously selection is showing opaque, instead semi-transparent.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exEnableToolTip flag indicates whether the filter-list's tooltip is shown when user hovers the list. ( by default, the filter-list's tool tip is not enabled )
05-22-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the element, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
05-20-2013 |
*Added: AllowDuplicateEntries property specifies whether the Add method allows adding new properties with the same caption on the Name column. The Label or Divider type properties are excluded from the duplicate list, or any property with EditType greater or equal with zero.
*Added: Property.Selectable property specifies whether a property can be selected at runtime. For instance, use the Selectable on False, for Divider properties.
*Added: The Shift + SPACE key selects the previously available value for boolean properties or of EditFontName or EditDropDown type ( drop down list with predefined values such as enumerations, and so on )
*Fixed: Prevents expanding all properties looking for the next match if there is no incremental search and the user presses the Back key.
05-20-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to display the Year in Thai, Buddhist, Korean, ... format
*Added: The "<%loc_y%>" represents the Year only by the last digit, using current regional settings
*Added: The "<%loc_y%>" represents the Year only by the last two digits, using current regional settings. A leading zero is added for single-digit years.
*Added: The "<%loc_yyyy%>" represents the Year by a full four or five digits, depending on the calendar used. Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars have five-digit years. The
"yyyy" pattern shows five digits for these two calendars, and four digits for all other supported calendars. Calendars that have single-digit or two-digit years, such as for the Japanese Emperor era, are represented differently. A single-digit year is represented with a leading zero, for example, "03". A two-digit year is represented with two digits, for example, "13". No additional leading zeros are displayed.
05-17-2013 |
The following movie shows the Group-By Columns feature, that will be included to the
eXPivot component:
The Exontrol's eXPivot tool is our approach to provide data summarization, as a pivot table.
The movie shows how you can group the rows and columns section as well.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
05-15-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to filter items by dates using an UI interactive calendar control in the drop down filter window ( is, is before, is after, range of dates ).
*Added: The calendar control is shown in the drop down filter window, if the Column.DisplayFilterDate property is True, and Column.DisplayFilterPattern property is False.
*Added: If the Column.Filter property lists a single date, the control filters items that match exactly the date ( no TO clause included ).
*Fixed: The control's filterbar is visible if there is a column with Column.FilterType on
exDate, even if the Column.Filter is empty.
*Added: The Button parameter of MouseMove event can be 4 which indicates that the middle mouse button ( wheel button ) is pressed.
05-15-2013 |
*NEW: Scroll Extension which allows you to shrink the space used by control's scroll bars, and still using the scroll bars using the extension which shows up outside of the control's client area.
*Added: The ScrollPartEnum.exExtentThumbPart indicates the thumb-extension of the scroll bar. The
ScrollPartVisible(Bar,exExtentThumbPart) on True enables the scroll bar extension.
*Added: Background(exVSThumbExt) specifies the visual appearance of the thumb-extension, for the vertical scroll bar. The similar values are
exVSThumbExtP, exVSThumbExtD, exVSThumbExtH, when the thumb-extension is pressed, disabled or the cursor hovers it.
*Added: Background(exHSThumbExt) specifies the visual appearance of the thumb-extension, for the horizontal scroll bar. The similar values are
exHSThumbExtP, exHSThumbExtD, exHSThumbExtH, when the thumb-extension is pressed, disabled or the cursor hovers it.
05-13-2013 |
*Added: CTRL + A, selects all text in caret-type editor.
*Added: Advances to the next field if the current entity is a number, and there is no other possibility. For instance, having the input mask such as "{0,23}:{0,59}:{0,59}", and user types 12, the cursor is advanced to the next field automatically.
*Added: The mask editor selects the entity from the cursor, when user double clicks it. For instance, having the "10:20", clicking the 2 will highlight 20, instead the entire text
*Added: Ability to specify the mask's value with or without literals. For instance, having (####) ###-###, the mask field is completed if setting 0744845287, (0744)845287, (0744) 845 287, or (0744) 845-287, and so on
05-13-2013 |
*NEW: PNG support for picture properties.
*Added: PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF image format support.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
05-08-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to use the locale date/time format ( as indicated in Regional and Language Options ) in functions as:
Level.Label, Level.ToolTip, Chart.Label, Chart.LabelToolTip,
Chart.FormatDate, Chart.OverviewToolTip, Chart.ToolTip,
InsideZoomFormat.InsideLabel, InsideZoomFormat.OwnerLabel, Note.PartText and Note.Text methods.
*Added: <%loc_sdate%> indicates the date in the short format using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_ldate%> indicates the date in the long format using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_ddd%> indicates day of week as a three-letter abbreviation using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_dddd%> indicates day of week as its full name using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_mmm%> indicates month as a three-letter abbreviation using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_mmmm%> indicates month as its full name using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_gg%> indicates period/era using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_dsep%> indicates the date separator using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_time%> indicates the time using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_time24%> indicates the time in 24 hours format without a time marker using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_AM/PM%> indicates the time marker such as AM or PM using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_A/P%> indicates the one character time marker such as A or P using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_tsep%> indicates the time separator using the current user settings.
*Added: Keeps the position of bar's representation in the histogram based on the item's position rather than item's handle. This has effect, if using different colors/patterns
(Bar.HistogramPattern, Bar.HistogramColor) to represent the bars in the histogram, Chart.HistogramView property includes the
exHistogramAllItems, exHistogramCheckedItems flags.
05-08-2013 |
*NEW: PNG support for picture properties.
*Added: PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF image format support.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
05-06-2013 |
*Added: The visual appearance of the item being dragged is shown outside of the control too, when OLEDropMode property is
*Added: The items can be scrolled during OLE Drag and Drop, if the cursor is keep for a while on the first or last visible item ( OLEDropMode property is exOLEDropManual ).
*Added: The items can be expanded during OLE Drag and Drop, if the cursor is keep for a while on +/- button associated with the items ( OLEDropMode property is exOLEDropManual ).
*Fixed: The ShowFocusRect shows shifted if the column's FormatLevel property includes the column's itself in the CRD
*Fixed: The ColIndex parameter of the Change event is -1*
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form
05-06-2013 |
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only
carriage returns. For instance the Template = "dim p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the
control's print and print preview.
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Fixed: The pages of the control can not display array of controls.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
04-30-2013 |
The following movie shows the OLE Drag and Drop between different components
The movie shows how you can perform OLE Drag and Drop operations between different components.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
04-29-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to group the data using the Add New button, being shown on the pivot bar.
*Added: PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarHideAddNew prevents showing the add new buttons in the pivot bar
*Fixed: The control fails if calling the Unload Me ( closing the form/dialog/window that hosts the component ) during a control's event of the /COM control.
*Fixed: The parts with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
*Fixed: The data is wrong grouped if the first group by row contains empty fields.
04-29-2013 |
*Added: LocMonthNames(Abbreviation) property, retrieves the list of month names, as indicated in the regional settings, separated by space.
*Added: LocWeekDays(Abbreviation) property retrieves the list of names for each week day, as indicated in the regional settings, separated by space.
*Added: LocAMPM(Abbreviation) property retrieves the time marker such as AM or PM using the current user regional and language settings.
*Added: LocFirstDay property indicates the first day of the week, as specified in the regional settings.
04-24-2013 |
*NEW: Undo/Redo Support for operations in the EBN Builder.
*Added: The Undo command (CTRL+Z), erases the last change done to the document reverting it to an older state.
*Added: The Redo command (CTRL+Y), reverses the undo or advances the buffer to a more current state
*Fixed: Sometimes, clicking the Load64 buttons generates a GFP.
04-24-2013 |
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are
vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line
displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't handle the F2 key.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property
is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user
changes the pages.
04-22-2013 |
*Added: Exontrol.MaskEdit component to the controls list.
*Added: Highlights the important keywords in the Visual DataFlex code.
*Fixed: Activates the tool if maximized, and user clicks the tool's title bar
04-22-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to filter items by dates using an UI interactive calendar control in the drop down filter window ( is, is before, is after, range of dates ).
*Added: The calendar control is shown in the drop down filter window, if the Column.DisplayFilterDate property is True, and Column.DisplayFilterPattern property is False.
*Added: If the Column.Filter property lists a single date, the control filters items that match exactly the date ( no TO clause included ).
*Fixed: The control's filterbar is visible if there is a column with Column.FilterType on
exDate, even if the Column.Filter is empty.
04-17-2013 |
*NEW: Major/Radical improvements for input-mask fields.
*Added: Characters enclosed in double quotation ("" or ``) marks will be displayed literally. For instance, the "`Prefix: `(###)", displays Prefix: (___).
*Added: The # in a mask field indicates a digit or space (entry not required; blank positions converted to spaces, plus and minus signs allowed), instead digits only.
*Added: The 0 in a mask field indicates a digit (0 through 9, entry required; plus [+] and minus [-] signs not allowed).
*Added: The 9 in a mask field indicates a digit or space (entry not required; plus and minus signs not allowed).
*Added: The & in a mask field indicates any character or a space (entry required).
*Added: The C in a mask field indicates any any character or a space (entry optional).
*Added: The a in a mask field indicates any letter, digit, or space (entry optional).
*Added: The L in a mask field indicates letters (a through z, A through Z, entry required).
*Added: The « ( ALT + 174 ) causes the characters that follow to be converted to uppercase, until » ( ALT + 175 ) is found.
*Added: The » ( ALT + 175 ) in a mask field causes the characters that follow to be converted to lowercase, until « ( ALT + 174 ) is found. For instance, the "«*».»*«.«*" specifies a mask such as _._._ where the first and third parts are in lowercase, while the middle part shows in uppercase. If the user types www.exontrol.com, the mask field displays www.EXONTROL.com. For instance, "»[a-zA-z]««*", causes the first character to be an upper letter case, while the rest is in lower case, while "»[a-zA-z]«*" causes just the first letter in upper case, while the rest let the as they are type.
*Added: The ! in a mask causes the input mask to fill from right to left instead of from left to right.
*Added: /NET version
04-17-2013 |
*NEW: Custom Row Designer
(exCRD tool)
*Added: Ability to define the layout of the cell, item or column, using the exCRD tool
*Added: Column.FormatLevel property. Specifies the column's layout on the control's header bar.
*Added: Items.CellFormatLevel property. Specifies the arrangement of the fields inside the cell.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellFormatLevel) property specifies the layout for all cells in the same column.
04-17-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to specify any COLOR for the control's frame/border/appearance if using EBN objects.
*Added: The Appearance property may specify any color to apply the EBN object to define the control's border. In other words, you can define the color and the visual aspect of the control's border/appearance.
*Added: The Background(exToolTipAppearance) property may specify any color to apply to tooltip's EBN so the control's tooltip can be shown using different colors.
*Fixed: Printing the control with thousand of EBN objects may increase the GDI handles indefinitely.
04-15-2013 |
*NEW: Scroll Extension which allows you to shrink the space used by control's scroll bars, and still using the scroll bars using the extension which shows up outside of the control's client area.
*Added: The ScrollPartEnum.exExtentThumbPart indicates the thumb-extension of the scroll bar. The
ScrollPartVisible(Bar,exExtentThumbPart) on True enables the scroll bar extension.
*Added: Background(exVSThumbExt) specifies the visual appearance of the thumb-extension, for the vertical scroll bar. The similar values are
exVSThumbExtP, exVSThumbExtD, exVSThumbExtH, when the thumb-extension is pressed, disabled or the cursor hovers it.
*Added: Background(exHSThumbExt) specifies the visual appearance of the thumb-extension, for the horizontal scroll bar. The similar values are
exHSThumbExtP, exHSThumbExtD, exHSThumbExtH, when the thumb-extension is pressed, disabled or the cursor hovers it.
04-15-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to select multiple items in the drop down filter list, using
*Added: FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox flag indicates that each item in the drop down filter-list shows a checkbox, allowing to select multiple filters by clicking the checkbox ( or pressing the SPACE key ).
*Added: FilterListEnum.exHideCheckSelect flag indicates whether the check-box items shows the filter's list background, instead as selected.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exSingleSel flag indicates that the user can not select multiple items in the drop down filter window.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem flag draws a rectangle in the style used to indicate that the item in the filter-list that has the focus.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exShowPrevSelOpaque flag indicates whether the previously selection is showing opaque, instead semi-transparent.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exEnableToolTip flag indicates whether the filter-list's tooltip is shown when user hovers the list. ( by default, the filter-list's tool tip is not enabled )
04-10-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to display All-Day events using a continued EBN, when it spreads on several days.
*Added: HeaderAllDayEventHeight property specifies the height of the All-Day events being displayed on the control's All-Day header.
*Added: Shows the event's next/prev signs with the same color as the event's body, if the
Background(exScheduleEventContinuePrevDay) or
Background(exScheduleEventContinueNextDay) points to EBN objects.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the next/prev continue icon is not shown for All-Day events, when the ShowAllDayHeader property is True
04-10-2013 |
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns. For instance the Template = "dim
p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Fixed: Any + or - operation after a 'case' statement into a formatting/computing expression fails. Properties such as
Column.FormatColumn, Column.FormatedColumn, and so on.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
*Fixed: Clicking the spin buttons on a 0.0 value shows a date expression instead -1 or 1
*Fixed: Unloading the control may take longer if the control loads hundreds of columns.
04-08-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript
implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the
elemenet, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
04-08-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to move nodes by Drag and Drop, to a new position or other parent.
*Added: AllowMoveNode property specifies the combination of keys the user can move a node at runtime. For instance, you can click the node while holding the SHIFT key and drag the node to a new parent or position.
*Added: LayoutStartChanging( exResizeChart ) / LayoutEndChanging( exResizeChart ) event occurs once the user magnifies or shrink the chart at runtime.
*Added: LayoutStartChanging( exMoveNode ) / LayoutEndChanging( exMoveNode ) event occurs once the user moves a node at runtime by drag and drop.
04-05-2013 |
The following movie shows the ExCRD feature, that will be included to the
eXG2antt component:
The eXCRD allows your rows to be displayed however you want with the control row layout capabilities.
Currently, it is supported by eXGrid, and it will
be included to eXG2antt too.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
04-03-2013 |
*NEW: Several new options to draw bars with borders, gradient, patterns, shadow and so on.
*Added: The Pattern property of the Bar object may be a combination of predefined patterns with
exPatternBox, exPatternGradientHBox, exPatternGradientVBox, exPatternGradient3Colors, exPatternThickBox or
exPatternThickBox, values indicating a bar width solid border, linear gradient, linear vertical gradient, using 3 colors or a bar with a thick frame.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarPattern) property specifies the pattern to display the bar.
*Added: The Event( EventID) event occurs once the control fires an event (available for /COM version only)
*Added: Saves/Loads the Notes collection to/from XML format (SaveXML,
*Fixed: "Error executing code: FormActiveXControl (data source), method ... called with invalid parameters" on Dynamics AX environment is fired, if the application handles events with parameters passed by reference. On X++ you should use the Event event and EventParams method to handle this exception. The X++ is not able to handle the events with parameters passed by reference.
*Fixed: Undoing or redoing thousands of grouped bars may took long time (
Chart.AllowUndoRedo, Items.GroupBars )
*Fixed: Sometimes, the first partially visible column gets selected if the FullRowSelect property is exRectSel
04-03-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to specify ANY color to an EBN object, so you can use one EBN object to display it in any nuance, without embossing the shape and look of the EBN ( including transparent regions, and so on )
*Added: Significant improvements for control's performance while using a large number of EBN objects.
*Added: The EBN can be displayed using ANY color ( not only FF for rgb ). For instance, 0x1A88A5D indicates that EBN with the identifier 1 is displaying in Air Force blue color (#5D8AA8).
*Added: EnsureOnSort property. Specifies whether the control ensures that the focused item fits the control's client area, after the user sorts the items, else the first visible item.
04-01-2013 |
*NEW: Defines new type of hierarchy lines such as exGroupLines, exGroupLinesInside or exGroupLinesOutside
(LinesAtRoot property)
*Added: Prevents selecting only visible items when performing incremental searching ( filtered items,
ExpandOnSearch, Items.ItemHeight )
*Added: The parent item does not indent the children with Indent property, if the LinesAtRoot property is
exGroupLinesOutside, and all of them are flat. A flat item is an item contains no child items.
*Added: Ensures that the focused item fits the control's client area, if possible, if the filter is applied.
*Fixed: The sorting of items is lost, once the filter is cleared.
04-01-2013 |
*Added: Background(exCheckBoxState0) Specifies the visual appearance for the check box in 0 state (unchecked). Similar for exCheckBoxState1, exCheckBoxState2
*Fixed: The TAB key does not jump to another field in the dialog.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the F2 key
03-27-2013 |
*NEW: Support for 'array' or 'split' operators in formatting/computed expressions
*Added: The 'array' binary operator gets the element from an array giving its index ( 0-based), or empty if not found. For instance the
"month(value)-1 array ('J','F','M','A','M','Jun','J','A','S','O','N','D')" returns the initials of the months.
*Added: The 'A split B' binary operator splits the A using the B as separator, and returns the array of values being found. For instance, the
"weekday(value) array 'Sun Mon Thu Wed Thu Fri Sat' split ' '" gets the weekday as string.
*Added: Increases performances by optimization the expression. For instance, the -1 + 2/1.3, gets directly the result instead computing at runtime.
03-27-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to show time-zones from the chart in the overview area too.
*Added: Chart.OverviewShowMarkTimeZones property specifies whether the time-zones are represented in the overview part of the control.
*Added: The Items.ItemBar(exBarsGroup) property returns a collection of bars being grouped with the current bar. The /NET or
/WPF version provides the public virtual List<SelectedBar> Items.get_BarsGroup(int Item, object Key) that returns the list of bars being grouped with specified bar.
*Added: The Items.ItemBar(exBarOverviewColor) property specifies the color to show the bar in the overview part of the control.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarVAlignPercent property specifies the vertical alignment for inside percent bar, relative to the owner bar.
*Added: Chart.Notes.Item property can access the note by its index rather then identifier, if the ID parameter points to a long expression, between 0 and Chart.Notes.Count - 1
*Fixed: Aligns vertically the cell's editor based on the Items.CellVAlignment property, if single line is displayed.
03-25-2013 |
*Added: The Background(exToolTipAppearance) property may specify any color to apply to tooltip's EBN so the control's tooltip can be shown using different colors.
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set
.HTMLPicture statement.
*Fixed: On terminal-servers (citrix), CPU-consumption varying from 1-4%, if multiple instances of the control is opened in the same time ( Exontrol.CommentWindow )
03-25-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the element, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
03-20-2013 |
*NEW: Visual DataFlex programming language support
*Added: Visual DataFlex item to "Convert To ..." sub menu.
*Added: Converts the -1 value of a Color type to -1, instead showing it in hexa representation
*Fixed: Adds the call of Object property when using statements such as PrintExt = Me, for VBA, VFP, ...
03-20-2013 |
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra
rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out
rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out
rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
03-20-2013 |
*Added: NumericEnum.exFloatInteger, allows editing floating point numbers, without using the exponent characters such as e/E/d/D. The format of the floating point number is:
[+/-]digit[.digit], where digit is any combination of digit characters.
*Added: NumericEnum.exDisableSigns, prevents using the +/- signs when editing numbers. For instance exFloatInteger + exDisableSigns allows editing floating points numbers without using the exponent and plus/minus characters, so the allowed format is
*Fixed: Clicking the spin buttons on a 0.0 value shows a date expression instead -1 or
03-18-2013 |
*Added: The Chart.DateFromPoint(1,-1) retrieves the last visible date in the chart, and the Chart.DateFromPoint(0,-1) retrieves the first visible date as the value for the Chart.FirstVisibleDate property.
*Added: EditorOptionEnum.exSliderTickFrequency options gets or sets the interval between tick marks slider types.
*Added: The time zone (Chart.MarkTimeZone) may display hyperlinks or anchor elements, that can be clicked and so the application is notified by the AnchorClick event.
*Fixed: The bar is not properly arranged if the item layouts multiple types of stacked overlay bars, with different heights
(Bar.Height, Bar.OverlaidType on exOverlaidBarsStack, Bar.OverlaidGroup)
*Fixed: The height of the item get increased if it contains bars of different types in the same stacked overlay group
(Bar.Height, Bar.OverlaidType on exOverlaidBarsStack, Bar.OverlaidGroup)
*Fixed: Sometimes, the marked background in the overview-area varies its width when user clicks the overview part of the control.
*Fixed: The Chart.Notes collection is empty, after loading XML data using the LoadXML method of the /NET version.
03-18-2013 |
*Added: SortObjects property indicates where to position the object properties ( bold ), once a Sort operation is performed. For instance, you can display the object properties on top or bottom of the list, or let them arrange alphabetically.
*Fixed: Restores the focus once an error message is shown.
*Fixed: A read-only property is not shown in grey, when using the HTMLName property to display its caption.
*Fixed: The boolean property shows its drop down list editor, if user presses the SPACE key, and the DisplayBoolAs property is exBoolEnum
03-14-2013 |
Visual DataFlex
*Added: Tutorials for using our components in Visual DataFlex programming
language. The tutorial shows the first steps you can follow to code/program
any of our components in Visual DataFlex enviroment. Click the Visual
DataFlex radio button on the Get
Started page.
*Added: Tutorials to change the control's visual appearance using the EBN
objects, in Visual DataFlex programming language. Look for Visual DataFlex
sections on Skinning the component or changing it's visual appearance using skins ( EBN files ).
03-13-2013 |
*Added: The Print and Print preview include the locked items ( Items.LockedItemCount property )
*Added: Includes the locked items, if the ShowLockedItems property is True, when Copy method is invoked.
*Fixed: The Column can not be sorted at runtime, if itself is displayed on FormatLevel property.
*Fixed: The hot tracking item is reset once a new item receives the focus ( aka using the arrow keys )
03-13-2013 |
*NEW: HOT tracking/hover of the rows/items
*Added: HotBackColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking background color.
*Added: HotForeColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking foreground color.
*Added: Prevents updating the UI parts of the control while moving or resizing UI objects ( detect small mouse movement or large mouse movement )
03-11-2013 |
The following movie shows the Extended Links only feature:
Ability to show the links distinctly, when two or more links start or end on the same point/bar.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
03-11-2013 |
*Fixed: The control may fail if refilling with data when using no
BeginUpdate/EndUpdate methods.
*Fixed: Moving the column by dragging is slow on Windows Vista/7
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: Can't use F2 Key in MS Access.
03-11-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the
elemenet, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
03-06-2013 |
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
03-06-2013 |
*Added: Calendar.Select(SelectCalendarDateEnum) method selects the current (focus) day, week, week day, month or year in the calendar panel. ( the toggle option is available such as Calendar.Select( exSelectWeek Or exSelectToggle ), selects or unselects the current week.
*Added: Group.Width property gets or sets the width of the current group.
*Fixed: The next week sign for All-Day events in the All-Day header shows at wrong position, if the Chart.FirstVisibleDaye is not exSunday.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't handle the F2 key while the control has the focus.
03-04-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to highlight time-zones in the chart area using different background attributes
*Added: Chart.MarkTimeZone( Key, Start, End, Color, Options ) highlights a specified time zone from start to end with a different background color, pattern, transparency, HTML captions and so on.
*Added: Chart.RemoveTimeZone( Key ) removes a time zone, previously added using the MarkTimeZone method.
*Added: Chart.TimeZoneFromPoint( X, Y ) retrieves the key of the time zone from the specified point.
*Added: Chart.TimeZoneInfo( Key ) retrieves information about the specified time-zone as a collection ( the first element indicates the Start, the second specifies the End point and so on )/
*Fixed: The user is not able to resize the columns if "Switch primary and secondary buttons" is checked.
*Fixed: The tooltip shown for objects in the chart area can not display icons or pictures using the <img> HTML tag.
*Fixed: Clicking the spin buttons on a 0.0 value shows a date expression instead -1 or 1
03-04-2013 |
*Added: Radical improvement of the EBN
*Added: Background\Picture\Zoom Factor\Auto allows scaling the current picture to full-fit the picture panel.
*Added: Ability to zoom/shrink the part from the cursor in the Background\Picture panel while rotating the mouse wheel ( Click the Background\Picture panel, and rotate the mouse wheel to shrink or magnify the portion from the cursor ).
*Fixed: In UNICODE version, the Save64 button generates single character strings.
02-27-2013 |
The following movie shows the Filter Match only feature:
The Exontrol's Filter Match Only can display the matching items only, so no parents or child items are included. This option is useful to display only the items that match your filtering
criteria, when the control displays a tree.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
02-27-2013 |
*Added: MS Project Light screen shot and x-script to generate it, in
EBN/Gallery section.
02-27-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to exclude the items when filtering by using a UI checkbox Exclude in the drop down filter window.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exShowExclude flag indicates whether the drop down filter window shows or hides the Exclude checkbox.
*Added: Description.exFilterBarExclude specifies the 'Exclude' caption being displayed in the drop down filter.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exShowBlanks flag indicates whether the drop down filter includes the (Blank) and
(NonBlanks) items.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exNoItems value indicates whether the drop down filter should include no items from the control.
02-27-2013 |
*Added: Translucent effect when performing drag and drop of columns within the control's header
*Fixed: Use the current cursor position while dragging a column to determine the new position, instead the center of the dragged
*Fixed: The user can scroll the control's header ( if possible ) while dragging the columns outside of the control's area to left or to right
*Fixed: Moving the column by dragging is slow on Windows Vista/7
02-25-2013 |
*Added: Exontrol.ExPivot component to the controls list.
*Fixed: The "Color.FromArgb(0,0,0)" is generated for properties of Color type ( with parameters ), in C# or VB/NET
*Fixed: Replaces the exex with ex, when generating code for CreateObject of VB/NET and C# for assemblies
*Fixed: Save and restore the maximized state of the tool when closing/loading the tool
02-25-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the element, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
02-20-2013 |
*Added: MS Project screen shot and x-script to generate it, in EBN/Gallery section.
02-20-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to specify ANY color to an EBN object, so you can use one EBN object to display it in any nuance, without embossing the shape and look of the EBN ( including transparent regions, and so on )
*Added: Significant improvements for control's performance while using a large number of EBN objects.
*Added: The EBN can be displayed using ANY color ( not only FF for rgb ). For instance, 0x1A88A5D indicates that EBN with the identifier 1 is displaying in Air Force blue color (#5D8AA8).
*Fixed: Ignores the ending HTML tags, if they are not used previously ( for instance, the < /b > is not displayed in the sequence "ABC< /b >" )
02-20-2013 |
*Added: MinZoomWidth property specifies the minimum value for ZoomWidth property while zooming.
*Added: MaxZoomWidth property specifies the maximum value for ZoomWidth property while zooming.
*Added: MinZoomHeight property specifies the minimum value for ZoomHeight property while zooming.
*Added: MaxZoomHeight property specifies the maximum value for ZoomHeight property while zooming.
02-18-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to specify unsortable items.
*Added: Items.SortableItem property specifies whether the item may change its position while sorting. An unsortable item does not change its position while sort is performed.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the dragging operation is not stopped if the user releases the mouse outside of the control
*Fixed: Prevents firing the mouse events while the control is scrolled or inside UI objects are moved or resized.
02-18-2013 |
*Added: Ability to use or load PNG, TIFF or WMF picture on the control's background ( Picture property for /COM version ) , using the LoadPicture predefined function of the Template property. For instance, the [.Template = "Picture =
LoadPicture(`E:\picture.png`)"] OR [.Picture = .ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`E:\picture.png`)")] loads the PNG picture on the control's background.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Added: The Template property may contain several commands separated by ; not only
carriage returns.
*Fixed: On terminal-servers (citrix), CPU-consumption varying from 1-4%, if multiple instances of the control is opened in the same time ( Exontrol.CommentWindow )
02-13-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to incremental search or filter the items of the context menu, as you type
*Added: IncrementalSearch property specifies the type of operation that control performs as the user types characters. For instance, the IncrementalSearch on exContains + exFilterFor specifies that the context menu displays JUST the items that contains the typed characters.
*Added: Pressing the Up/Down keys on the first or last visible item, the current focus item goes to last or first visible item
*Added: The Home/End keys highlights the first or last visible item in the current context menu.
02-13-2013 |
*NEW: Better re-arrangement for bars when using the Bar.OverlaidType property on exOverlaidBarsOffset
*NEW: VisualAppearance.Add reads EBN files from byte[] or safe arrays of VT_I1 or VT_UI1. In other words, you can add EBN files directly to resources and use them as
.VisualAppearance.Add(ID, Namespace.My.Resources.EBN) for vb/net or .VisualAppearance.Add(ID,
Namespace.Properties.Resources.EBN) for c#, where the ID is the new identifier to be added, and the EBN is the identifier in the resource for the EBN file.
*Added: Keeps the z-order of the bar while the Bar.OverlaidType property includes the exOverlaidBarsOffset flag.
*Added: Chart.SelectDates property retrieves or sets a collection of dates being selected.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarIntersectWith) retrieves a collection that holds the keys the bars in the same item that intersect with current bar. Bars of different types are ignored.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarIntersectWithAsString) retrieves a string that lists the keys of the bars in the same item that intersect with the current bar.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarIntersectWithCount) specifies the number of bars that intersect with the current bar.
*Fixed: Items.ItemBar(exBarPercent) = 0.29 displays 28% on the percent bar
02-11-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to exchange the column's position when using the FormatLevel property by dragging.
*Added: Translucent effect when performing drag and drop of columns within the control's header
*Fixed: Use the current cursor position while dragging a column to determine the new position, instead the center of the dragged
*Fixed: The user can scroll the control's header ( if possible ) while dragging the columns outside of the control's area to left or to right
*Fixed: Moving the column by dragging is slow on Windows Vista/7
02-11-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to specify ANY color to an EBN object, so you can use one EBN object to display it in any nuance, without embossing the shape and look of the EBN ( including transparent regions, and so on )
*Added: Significant improvements for control's performance while using a large number of EBN objects.
*Added: The EBN can be displayed using ANY color ( not only FF for rgb ). For instance, 0x1A88A5D indicates that EBN with the identifier 1 is displaying in Air Force blue color (#5D8AA8).
*Added: /WPF version
02-08-2013 |
The following movie shows the Group-By Rows AND Columns feature of ExPivot
The Exontrol's eXPivot tool is our approach to provide data summarization, as a pivot table.
The user sets up and changes the summary's structure by dragging and dropping fields graphically.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
02-06-2013 |
The following movie shows the Incremental Search feature of ExContextMenu
The incremental search feature allows you to highlight or display just the
items that match the typing characters.
Click on > link to see how it will work.
02-06-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to show the data that generated the cell by double clicks the result.
*Added: ShowDataOnDblClick property specifies whether the user shows the original data that generated the result when user double clicks a cell.
*Added: The parent of the value columns shows the aggregate function to be used for all elements on an upper level.
*Added: Shows more data when user double clicks the ... continual row, if the DisplayPivotData property is positive, else the ... are not displayed.
02-06-2013 |
*Added: Property.DisplayCaption(Mode) property retrieves the caption being displayed in Name, Value column, in control's Description panel.
*Added: A property with multiple parameters displays its formal parameters ( EditType property is EditProperty ).
*Fixed: Sorts the child properties when a parent property gets expanded, if previously, the Sort method has been called.
*Fixed: The selected property is not re-highlighted when the control receives the focus, and the HideSelection property is True.
02-04-2013 |
*NEW: Support for 'array' or 'split' operators in formatting/computed expressions
*Added: The 'array' binary operator gets the element from an array giving its index ( 0-based), or empty if not found. For instance the
"month(value)-1 array ('J','F','M','A','M','Jun','J','A','S','O','N','D')" returns the initials of the months.
*Added: The 'A split B' binary operator splits the A using the B as separator, and returns the array of values being found. For instance, the
"weekday(value) array 'Sun Mon Thu Wed Thu Fri Sat' split ' '" gets the weekday as string.
*Added: Increases performances by optimization the expression. For instance, the -1 + 2/1.3, gets directly the result instead computing at runtime.
*Fixed: Any + or - operation after a 'case' statement into a formatting/computing expression fails. Properties such as
Column.FormatColumn, Column.FormatedColumn, and so on.
*Fixed: The 'format' operator is not working properly on Spanish, German, Romanian, ... where the '.' character is using for grouping, instead decimal separator.
02-04-2013 |
*Added: StartScrollDelay property specifies the time in ms, to wait until contiguously scroll begins once the user presses the up/down or left/right buttons.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
01-30-2013 |
*Added: The BarResizing event is being fired if the bar's inside percent is changing.
*Added: ItemBar(exBarPercentColor) property specifies the color to show the inside percent bar. ( bars being created using as
Bars.Add("Task%Progress") )
*Added: ItemBar(exBarNonWorkingColor) property specifies the color to show the nonworking part of the bar. ( bars being created using as
Bars.Add("Task:Split") )
*Added: The ItemBar(exBarColor) property handles the color to show the bar in the control's overview part.
*Fixed: The overlay offset feature is not applied if the
Bar.Overlaid(exOverlaidBarsOffset) property is 0, even if the bar's OverlaidType property includes the exOverlaidBarsOffset flag . In this case, you can still uses the
Bar.Overlaid(exOverlaidBarsTransparent) property to specify the transparency of overlaid bars.
*Fixed: The semi-transparent bars are shown over the opaque bars.
01-30-2013 |
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the F2 key to unselect the current edit field.
*Fixed: The MSAccess 97 may fail on some machines while editing the code in the Module section, after opening a form with the eXMenu inside.
*Fixed: The Template property shows no ... button in the properties browser.
01-28-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the
elemenet, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
01-28-2013 |
*Added: The visual appearance of the item being dragged is shown outside of the control too, when OLEDropMode property is
*Added: The items can be scrolled during OLE Drag and Drop, if the cursor is keep for a while on the first or last visible item ( OLEDropMode property is exOLEDropManual ).
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns. For instance the Template = "dim
p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
01-24-2013 |
The following movie shows the Expandable Header feature:
The expandable feature allows you to expand or collapse the columns header so you can show or
hide one or multiple columns, with different information.
This will be included to all UI-Tree controls
Click on > link to see how it will work.
01-23-2013 |
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML
captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the
element, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6
hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
01-23-2013 |
*NEW: Support for 'array' or 'split' operators in formatting/computed expressions
*Added: The 'array' binary operator gets the element from an array giving its index ( 0-based), or empty if not found. For instance the
"month(value)-1 array ('J','F','M','A','M','Jun','J','A','S','O','N','D')" returns the initials of the months.
*Added: The 'A split B' binary operator splits the A using the B as separator, and returns the array of values being found. For instance, the
"weekday(value) array 'Sun Mon Thu Wed Thu Fri Sat' split ' '" gets the weekday as string.
*Added: Increases performances by optimization the expression. For instance, the -1 + 2/1.3, gets directly the result instead computing at runtime.
*Fixed: Any + or - operation after a 'case' statement into a formatting/computing expression fails. Properties such as
Column.FormatColumn, Column.FormatedColumn, and so on.
01-21-2013 |
*Added: ShowViewCompact property indicates whether the schedule view is compact, so the first day of the month starts right after the last day of the previously month, or start to a new row.
*Added: Previously, when viewing the schedule by week or month and the month ends during the week (July 31, Tuesday -> August 1, Wednesday), the days continue down as a new week 'row'. Now, if the ShowViewCompact property is True, the days continue on the same row, or next row, if not available. This option is valid if the schedule layout is 1 x 12, in other words, the month are vertically aligned one by one
*Added: The label for an All-Day event in the All-Day header is displayed when no time scale is displayed.
*Added: The label for an All-Day event in the All-Day header is displayed on the start of the event, as well on the beginning of each week.
01-21-2013 |
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set
.HTMLPicture statement.
*Fixed: The control may fail if refilling with data when using no
BeginUpdate/EndUpdate methods.
*Fixed: The grid line between top locked part unlocked area of the control is not shown.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the data can't be dropped to control, if any of the
Background(exDragDropListTop), Background(exDragDropListBottom),
Background(exDragDropListOver) or Background(exDragDropListBetween) property is used ( not zero, /COM version only ).
01-16-2013 |
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns. For instance the Template = "dim
p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
*Fixed: The hot tracking item is reset once a new item receives the focus ( aka using the arrow keys )
01-16-2013 |
*Added: CalendarCombo.Alignment on 16 indicates whether the drop down portion is fit width of the control's label.
*Fixed: The year displayed on the calendar window is shown according to the locale settings ( Thai, Buddhist, Korean, Japanese, ... )
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the F2 key to unselect the current edit field.
01-14-2013 |
*Added: Ability to scroll the control's list when selecting by dragging ( SingleSel property is False )
*Added: Saves and loads the Items.ItemNonworkingUnits property of the items to/from XML files using the SaveXML and LoadXML
*Added: Saves and loads the Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar,
Column.Def(exCellValueToItemBarProperty) and
Column.Def(exCellValueToItemBarKey) properties to/from XML files using the SaveXML and LoadXML
*Fixed: The bar's background (ItemBar(exBarBackColor)) is not covering the entire item, if the bar's offset is not zero
*Fixed: The percent bar cursor is not being shown if the bar's offset is not zero
*Fixed: Sometime, the nonworking part of the inside zoom may be displayed at wrong position, if the chart displays multiple inside zoom units at once.
01-14-2013 |
*Added: Call the ValidateValue event when user clicks outside of the control ( current editor loses the focus, CauseValidateValue property ).
*Fixed: Calling programmatically the Edit method does not show the text-box while using the columns in CRD format (
Column.FormatLevel, Column.Def(exCellFormatLevel) )
*Fixed: Sometimes setting the FocusColumnIndex property before calling Edit, fails if the control displays switching from a table view mode to a
CRD format.
*Fixed: The Copy method fails if creating EMF larger than 31720 pixels, or aprox 11.18 m.
01-10-2013 |
We are proud to announce, that the
component is ready, including the documentation and several samples that comes with the
control's setup. Available as COM/ActiveX, /NET Assembly, ANSI or UNICODE, 32 or 64-bit edition.
Few of features that ExContextMenu provides are:
- Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part )
- Ability to wait for user to select one or more values, as modal
- Ability to load/save the menu from strings like "Item 1[bld],Item2[chk]", without having to call the Add method
- Keyboard and Mouse Wheel support
- Check box / Radio button support
- Ability to handle EDIT fields to any item
- Ability to use any ActiveX/Window control inside sub menus
- and more
We would like to remind you, that we will keep maintaining and improving all of our products, including the new one..
01-10-2013 |
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
*Fixed: Changing the ShowImageList property in design mode fails, if the component is hosted in a VC++ 2005, 2008 and 2010 application ( available for /COM only ).
01-10-2013 |
*NEW: PNG support for picture properties.
*Added: PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF image format support.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the F2 key.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
01-08-2013 |
*NEW: Major speed improvement when working with bars that uses the
Items.ItemBar(exBarWorkingCount), Items.ItemNonworkingUnits properties, ...
*Added: Increases the performance of the control when the columns section displays a column associated with the
Items.ItemBar(exBarWorkingCount) property ( Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar property )
*Added: Prevents changing the Items.ItemBar(exBarStart/exBarEnd) properties of the bar by code or using the control's editors, while the bar is not-sizable or non-moveable
(Items.ItemBar(exBarCanResize), Items.ItemBar(exBarCanMove))
*Fixed: Prevents changing the bar's start or end points using the editors in the columns section or
Items.ItemBar(exBarStart), Items.ItemBar(exBarEnd), if the operation fails ( for instance, the bar belongs to a group which contains non-movable bars ). ( Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar property, Items.GroupBars property,
Items.ItemBar(exBarCanResize), Items.ItemBar(exBarCanMove), ... )
*Fixed: Sometimes, the nonworking pattern is shown for the entire time-scale unit, if the Items.ItemNonworkingUnits property is used.
*Fixed: Moving the bar at runtime using the cursor, may modify the
Items.ItemBar(exBarWorkingCount) property while the
Items.ItemBar(exBarKeepWorkingCount) option on True, and Chart.ResizeUnitScale property is different than Chart.UnitScale property.
*Fixed: Performing undo on a set of grouped bars using the exPreserveBarLength and
exIgnoreOriginalInterval, makes the first bar being moved at a wrong position.
01-08-2013 |
*NEW: Inheritance for HTML attributes on multiple line ( for instance, the < b > is inherited on multiple lines, until the < /b > tag is found)
*NEW: The < font > or < img > can change the height of the HTML line, so HTML captions can display lines with different heights.
*Added: The HTML captions allow using not-nested elements to be used. (for instance the sequence "< b >1< s >23< /b >4< /s>" displays 123 in bold while the 234 are shown in strikeout )
*Added: The < c > HTML tag centers the line. Simiar with < r > HTML tag.
*Fixed: Extra characters are inserted in the next line if the breaking element is a picture that does not fit the current line.
01-07-2013 |
*NEW: Ability to magnify or shrink the chart at runtime.
*Added: AllowResizeChart property specifies the keys combination so the user can magnify or shrink the chart at runtime ( zooming )
*Added: Prevents updating the UI parts of the control while moving or resizing UI objects ( detect small mouse movement or large mouse movement )
*Fixed: Sometimes, the dragging operation is not stopped if the user releases the mouse outside of the control
01-07-2013 |
*NEW: PNG support for picture properties.
*Added: PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF image format support.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
01-03-2013 |
We are proud to announce, that the ExPivot
component is ready, including the documentation,
how-to questions and several samples that comes with the
control's setup. Available as COM/ActiveX, /NET Assembly, /WPF Component, ANSI or UNICODE, 32 or 64-bit edition.
Few of features that ExPivot provides are:
- Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part )
- Easy way to define the control's visual appearance in design mode, using XP-Theme elements or EBN objects
- Print and Print-Preview support, including Fit-To-Page
- Summarizes the data by Drag and Drop, or by code
- Undo / Redo support
- Ability to import data from ADO/DAO datasource,TXT, XML or by drag and drop from other sources
- Export data as TXT, CSV, XML, EMF or by drag and drop
- Ability to drag/filter the values of a column to the pivot bar, so the chart displays the associated function by value
- SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN or MAX implementation, for numbers, string or date expressions
- and more
We would like to remind you, that we will keep maintaining and improving all of our products, including the new one.