method Bars.Add (Name as String)
Adds a Bar object to the collection and returns a reference to the newly created object.

Name as String A String expression that indicates the name of the bar being created. If the Name parameter includes the ":" or "%"character, it has a special meaning described bellow.
BarA Bar object being inserted.
The Add method adds a new bar to the Bars collection. The look and feel for the newly created bar could depend on the Name parameter like follows:
  1.     If the Name parameter doesn't include a : or % character the Add method adds a regular bar.
  2.     If the Name parameter includes a % character, so the Name parameter is like A%B, the Add method adds a new bar that's a combination of two existing bars A and B so the first bar A is displayed on the full area of the bar, since the second bar B uses the ItemBar(,,exBarPercent) value to determine the percent of the area from the full bar to be painted. Use the ItemBar(,,exBarShowPercentCaption)/ItemBar(,,exBarPercentCaptionFormat) to show and format the percent value as text. For instance, the Add("Task%Progress") adds a combination of Task and Progress bars, so the Task shape is displayed on the full bar, and the Progress shape is displayed only on the portion determined by the Items.ItemBar(,,exBarPercent) value. The A and B could be any known bar at the adding time. For instance, if you have added bars like "MyTask" and "MySplit" you can define the bar "MyTask%MySplit", and so on. This option helps you to display proportionally the second shape when the user resizes or moves the bar.  
  3.     If the Name parameter includes a : character, so the Name parameter is like A:B, the newly created bar indicates a combination of A and B bars, where A is displayed in the working areas, since the B bar is displayed in non-working areas. Use the NonworkingDays or NonworkingHours property to define non-working days or hours. Use the AddNonworkingDate method to add custom dates as being nonworking date. For instance, the Add("Task:Split") property adds a combination of Task and Split  bars, so the Task bar is displayed in working area, and the Split bar is displayed in the non-working area. In other words you have a Task bar that 's interrupted for each non-working unit.  For instance, "Task:Progress" adds a new bar that displays the Task shape in working areas, and the Progress shape in non-working area. The A and B could be any known bar at the adding time. For instance, if you have added bars like "MyTask" and "MySplit" you can define the bar "MyTask:MySplit", and so on.
  4.     If the Name parameter includes % and : characters, so it's like A%B:C it combines the cases 2 and 3.

The Shortcut property adds a shortcut for the bar, so you can use short names when using the AddBar method. Use the AddBar property to add a new bar to an item. Use the Shape, Pattern and Color properties to define the appearance for the middle part of the bar. Use the StartShape and StartColor properties to define the appearance for the starting part of the bar. Use the EndShape and EndColor properties to define the appearance for the ending part of the bar. The Name property indicates the name of the bar. Use the Copy property to create a clone bar. Use the Height property to specify the height of the bars.

By default, the Bars collection includes the following predefined bars:

The following VB sample adds a custom shape and defines a bar like this :

With Gantt1.Chart.Bars
    .AddShapeCorner 12345, 1
    With .Add("Task2")
        .Pattern = exPatternDot
        .Shape = exShapeThinDown
        .StartShape = 12345
        .StartColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
        .Color = .StartColor
    End With
End With

The following C++ sample adds a custom shape and defines a bar like above:

CBars bars = m_gantt.GetChart().GetBars();
bars.AddShapeCorner( COleVariant( (long)12345 ), COleVariant( (long)1 ) );
CBar bar = bars.Add("Task2");
bar.SetPattern( 2 /*exPatternDot*/ );
bar.SetShape( 20 /*exShapeThinDown*/ );
bar.SetStartShape( 12345 );
bar.SetStartColor( RGB(255, 0, 0) );
bar.SetColor( bar.GetStartColor() );

The following VB.NET sample adds a custom shape and defines a bar like above:

With AxGantt1.Chart.Bars
    .AddShapeCorner(12345, 1)
    With .Add("Task2")
        .Pattern = EXGANTTLib.PatternEnum.exPatternDot
        .Shape = EXGANTTLib.ShapeBarEnum.exShapeThinDown
        .StartShape = 12345
        .StartColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
        .Color = .StartColor
    End With
End With

The following C# sample adds a custom shape and defines a bar like above:

axGantt1.Chart.Bars.AddShapeCorner(12345, 1);
EXGANTTLib.Bar bar = axGantt1.Chart.Bars.Add("Task2");
bar.Pattern = EXGANTTLib.PatternEnum.exPatternDot;
bar.Shape = EXGANTTLib.ShapeBarEnum.exShapeThinDown;
bar.StartShape = (EXGANTTLib.ShapeCornerEnum)12345;
bar.StartColor = ToUInt32(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0));
bar.Color = bar.StartColor;

The following VFP sample adds a custom shape and defines a bar like above:

With thisform.Gantt1.Chart.Bars
	.AddShapeCorner(12345, 1)
	With .Add("Task2")
	    .Pattern = 2 && exPatternDot
	    .Shape = 20 && exShapeThinDown
	    .StartShape = 12345
	    .StartColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
	    .Color = .StartColor