property ClipPicture.AlphaFrom as String
Gets or sets a value that specifies the alpha-byte to start clipping the picture from.

String A String expression that defines the alpha-byte to start clipping the picture from.
By default, the AlphaFrom and AlphaTo properties are empty. While AlphaFrom property is empty, missing or invalid, 0 is used instead. While AlphaTo property is empty, missing or invalid, 254 is used instead. In other words, any pixel in the picture with the transparency-byte on 255 defines the clipping region ( by default, the opaque-pixels in the picture defines the clipping region. ). Use the AlphaFrom / AlphaTo to include semi-transparent pixels in the clipping region.  The picture being used as a clipping region must support transparency / alpha blending ( picture's attribute includes the PICTURE_TRANSPARENT ). For instance, you can use any PNG file with transparency. The DisplayAs property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is arranged on the mask/clip.

For instance, having a picture like follows:

if we apply this picture as a clipping, we get something like ( includes pixels with alpha-blend byte on 255 only, opaque-pixels  ):

while if we change the AlphaTo field to 128 we can get something like ( includes pixels with alpha-blend byte between 129 and 255, opaque plus semi-transparent pixels to 128 ):

or if we change the AlphaFrom and Alpha fields to 255, we can get something like ( includes pixels with alpha-blend byte between 0 and 254, excludes the opaque pixels ):

or if we change the AlphaFrom to 128, and Alpha field to 255, we can get something like ( includes pixels with alpha-blend byte between 0 and 127, excludes the opaque pixels, and semi-transparent pixels to 128 ):

To define a picture clip region over the layer you can use any of the following properties:

To specify the position / size of the picture clip object you can use any of the following properties:

To move the clipping region you can use any of the following properties:

If none of these properties are calling no clipping is applied to layer.

The following screen shot shows properties of the clipping objects relative to the layer:

The InverseClip property inverses the current clipping region, so anything that was included in the clipping region will be excluded, and reverse.