property Graph.SeriesColors as Variant
Defines the default colors for the chart's series

Variant A string expression that defines the colors of the chart's series separated by comma. The color accepts values in various formats: CSS named colors, RGB format (e.g., rgb(red, green, blue)), or hexadecimal format (#RRGGBB). In RGB format, the red, green, and blue values range from 0 to 255, while in hexadecimal format, RR, GG, and BB represent the hexadecimal values of the red, green, and blue channels, respectively.
By default, the SeriesColors property is "blue,teal,pink,green,yellow,orange,turquoise,purple,brown,olive,violet,lime". The SeriesColors property specifies the color of the series, while the serie's Color property is not specified. The Color property specifies the color for an individual serie. The SeriesColorsDecrease property defines the default colors for the chart's series (when the value goes down).

The SeriesColors property specifies the color for individual value/items of the serie if the chart's Type is one of the following:


The SeriesColors property assigns colors to individual values or items within a series based on their index. However, its application varies depending on the chart type. For instance, column, rangeColumn, and radarColumn chart types exhibit distinct colors for items or values within a series when the chart shows only one series. Conversely, if the chart displays multiple series, the SeriesColors property does not affect the values or items within each series. In the last case, the SeriesColors property assigns a color to each visible serie, while the Color property is not specified.

For instance:

The following screen shot shows different colors for different values/items of the serie: