Legend object
The Legend object defines the configuration options to display the view's legend (the legend helps you choose which series to show or hide at runtime). The Legend object gets a reference to the control's legend. 

The Legend object supports the following properties and method:

AlignSpecifies the alignment of the legend's content
DockSpecifies the edge of the container the legend-window is anchored to
FlowDetermines whether the legend objects are arranged from left to right or top to bottom
FormatTextSpecifies the flags the labels use to display on the legend
GridSpecifies the number of columns or rows that the legend divides its content into
LabelFixedHeightIndicates the fixed-height to display the labels
LabelFixedWidthIndicates the fixed-width to display the labels
LockedIndicates whether the legend is locked(protected) or unlocked
PadDefines the legend's padding (space between legend's symbol/label and its borders)
ReverseReverses the order of the items within the legend.
SymbolAlignSpecifies the alignment of the symbol of the serie relative to the label of the serie
SymbolHeightIndicates the height to display the symbol
SymbolWidthIndicates the fixed-width to display the symbol
VisibleShows or hides the legend