constants MiscEnum
The MiscEnum type holds miscellaneous options of the control. The Misc property defines the control's miscellaneous options. The MiscEnum type supports the following values:


Defines the base major-units alternatives (separated by comma) the control uses to calculate the major-unit for the axes.

  • "1,2.5,5" {string}, specifies that values of 1, 2.5 and 5 or any multiple or subdivision can be a major-unit
  • "1,5" {string}, specifies that values of 1 and 5 or any multiple (10,50,100,...) or subdivision (0.1,0.5,0.01,...) can be a major-unit

By default, the exBaseMajorUnits option is "1,2,2.5,5".

(string expression)

exRangeMajorUnits2 Defines the inferior and superior limits of the number of major-unit intervals an axis can display.
  • "5,10" {string}, any count of major-unit intervals between 5 and 10 is accepted

By default, the exRangeMajorUnits option is "5,10".

(string expression)

exDigits3 Specifies the number of digits to appear after the decimal point
  • -1 {number}, no conversion is performed
  • 0 {number}, all numeric-values are displayed as integers
  • 2 {number}, all numeric-values show up to two-decimals

By default, the exDigits option is 2.

(integer expression)

extVisibleBeforeAxis4 Indicates the minimum portion (as a proportion of major unit, as a numeric-value between 0 and 1) to extend the axis before the first value of the serie (minimum value)
  • 0 {number}, specifies that the axis is not extended before the first value of the serie (minimum value)

By default, the extVisibleBeforeAxis option is 0.0.

(double expression)

extVisibleAfterAxis5 Indicates the minimum portion (as a proportion of major unit, as a numeric-value between 0 and 1) to extend the axis after the last value of the serie (maximum value)
  • 0 {number}, specifies that the axis is not extended after the last value of the serie (maximum value)

By default, the extVisibleAfterAxis option is 0.5.

(double expression)

exCategoryAxisSize6 Specifies the size (height for horizontal axis and width for vertical axis) to display the category-axis (line and ticks)
  • 0 {number}, specifies that the line and ticks of the category-axis is not shown at all
  • 4 {number}, the category-axis line and ticks are shown on a portion of 4-pixels tall

By default, the exCategoryAxisSize option is 4.

(integer expression)

exCategoryAxisPad7 Specifies the padding for labels and title of the category-axis
  • 0 {number}, no padding for for labels and title
  • 4 {number}, sets a 4-pixels padding

By default, the exCategoryAxisPad option is 4.

(integer expression)

exValueAxisSize8 Specifies the size (height for horizontal axis and width for vertical axis) to display the category-axis (line and ticks)
  • 0 {number}, specifies that the line and ticks of the category-axis is not shown at all
  • 4 {number}, the category-axis line and ticks are shown on a portion of 4-pixels tall

By default, the exValueAxisSize option is 4.

(integer expression)

exValueAxisPad9 Specifies the padding for labels and title of the value-axis
  • 0 {number}, no padding for for labels and title
  • 4 {number}, sets a 4-pixels padding

By default, the exValueAxisPad option is 4.

(integer expression)

exUpdateRangeOnScroll10 Specifies the time in ms to update the chart's minimum and maximum values while user scrolls the chart (0 indicates that the chart's minimum and maximum values are updated only when changing the data)
  • 0 {number}, the chart's minimum and maximum values are updated once the data is changed
  • 64 {number}, the chart's minimum and maximum values are updated in 64 ms after user scrolls the chart

By default, the exUpdateRangeOnScroll option is 128.

(integer expression)

exMarginValueRatio11 Specifies the distance (proportionally with the valueSize property) between the first and last value of the same category and its border. The ValueSize property specifies the size to show a column or a bar within the chart
  • 0 {number}, no margins are defined
  • 0.25 {number}, the margin is defined as 1/4 of valueSize

By default, the exMarginValueRatio option is 0.25.

(double expression)

exPaddingValueRatio12 Specifies the distance (proportionally with the valueSize property) between two values of the same category. The ValueSize property specifies the size to show a column or a bar within the chart
  • 0 {number}, no margins are defined
  • 0.125 {number}, the margin is defined as 1/8 of valueSize

By default, the exPaddingValueRatio option is 0.125.

(double expression)

exValueAxisFitLabel13 Ensures that the marginal labels of the value-axis ensure fit the axis's client-rectangle.
  • false {boolean}, no change
  • true {boolean}, the marginal labels are moved to fit the axis's client-rectangle

By default, the exValueAxisFitLabel option is false.

(boolean expression)

exRadarPolygonal14 Specifies whether the radar-compatible chart-types (radararea,radarline,radarcolumn) show as polygonal instead of circular.
  • false {boolean}, the circular-compatible charts show elliptical
  • true {boolean}, the circular-compatible charts show polygonal

By default, the exRadarPolygonal option is false.

(boolean expression)

exCircularStartAngle15 Specifies the angle (in degrees) to start the circular-compatible charts (radial or pie).
  • 0 {number}, the circular-compatible charts start horizontally
  • -90 {number}, the circular-compatible charts start vertically

By default, the exCircularStartAngle option is -90.0.

(double expression)

exRadialRotateLabels16 Specifies whether the radial-labels are rotated around the chart.
  • false {boolean}, the labels are horizontally shown
  • true {boolean}, the labels are rotated shown

By default, the exRadialRotateLabels option is true.

(boolean expression)

exNewLayoutOnVisibleChange17 Specifies whether the control requests for a new layout once the serie's visible property is changed.
  • false {boolean}, the serie is just hidden, while the minimum-maximum values are kept
  • true {boolean}, the control computes a new layout once the serie's visible property is changed (requests for new minimum-maximum values)

By default, the exNewLayoutOnVisibleChange option is true.

(boolean expression)

exPaddingInsidePie18 Specifies the padding between rings of the "pie" chart-type (should be zero or a positive value).
  • 0 {number}, specifies that no padding between rings of the "pie" chart-type
  • 12 {number}, the distance between rings of the "pie" chart-type, is 12 pixels

By default, the exPaddingInsidePie option is 0.0.

(double expression)

exValueDistInnerCircular19 Specifies the distance from the edge of the inner circle where the values are displayed.
  • 0 {number}, the values are displayed on the edge of the circle
  • -18 {number}, values are shown inside the circle near the edge
  • 18 {number}, values are displayed outside the circle near the edge

By default, the exValueDistInnerCircular option is 0.

(integer expression)

exValueDistOuterCircular20 Specifies the distance from the edge of the outer circle where the values are displayed.
  • 0 {number}, the values are displayed on the edge of the circle
  • -18 {number}, values are shown inside the circle near the edge
  • 18 {number}, values are displayed outside the circle near the edge

By default, the exValueDistOuterCircular option is 18.

(integer expression)

exValueLineExt21 Specifies the distance to extend the value-line by.
  • 0 {number}, no effect
  • 4 {number}, the value-line is extended by 4 pixels

By default, the exValueLineExt option is 4.

(integer expression)

exValueLineAddAngle22 Specifies the additional angle (in degrees) the value-line is rotated by, as explained:
  • empty {empty}, no effect
  • negative or 0 {number}, if negative or zero all value-lines are rotated by exact angle
  • positive {number}, if positive the value-lines are rotated additionally by specific angle
Here's a few sample:
  • 0 {number}, shows vertically value-lines (the value is displayed on top)
  • -180 {number}, shows vertically value-lines (the value is displayed on bottom)
  • -45 {number}, the value-line is rotated anti-clockwise by 45 degrees
  • 45 {number}, the value-line is rotated additionally by 45 degrees

By default, the exValueLineAddAngle option is vtEmpty.

(variant expression)

exValueLineUpAngle23 Specifies the angle (in degrees) the value-line is rotated by, when the values goes up. The valueLineUpAngle/valueLineDownAngle has effect for charts of the following types:
  • "area" {string}, an area chart or area graph displays graphically quantitative data. It is based on the line chart. The area between axis and line are commonly emphasized with colors, textures and hatchings. Commonly one compares two or more quantities with an area chart. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)
  • "line" {string}, a line chart or line graph, also known as curve chart is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments. It is a basic type of chart common in many fields. It is similar to a scatter plot except that the measurement points are ordered (typically by their x-axis value) and joined with straight line segments. A line chart is often used to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time - a time series - thus the line is often drawn chronologically. In these cases they are known as run charts. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)
  • "column" {string}, a column chart or column graph is a chart or graph that presents categorical data with rectangular columns with heights proportional to the values that they represent. A horizontal column chart is called a bar chart. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)
  • "waterfall" {string}, a waterfall chart is a form of data visualization that helps in understanding the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values. These intermediate values can either be time based or category based. The waterfall chart is also known as a flying bricks chart or Mario chart due to the apparent suspension of columns (bricks) in mid-air. Often in finance, it will be referred to as a bridge. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)
  • "rangeArea" {string}, a range chart displays sets of data points, each of which is defined by multiple values for the same category, and emphasizes the distance between the two values. The category labels are displayed on the category axis. The plain Range chart fills in the area between the top and the bottom value for each data point. (data requires array of array of two-numbers, such as [[from, to]], supports vertical field, scrollable)
  • "rangeColumn" {string}, a range column chart displays information as a range of data by plotting two Y-values (low and high) per data point. The vertical axis shows the values, and the horizontal axis shows the categories they belong to; in multiple-series range column charts, values are grouped by categories. (data requires array of array of two-numbers, such as [[from, to]], supports vertical field, scrollable

Here's a few samples:

  • 0 {number}, shows vertically value-lines (the value is displayed on top)
  • -180 {number}, shows vertically value-lines (the value is displayed on bottom)
  • -45 {number}, the value-line is rotated anti-clockwise by 45 degrees
  • 45 {number}, the value-line is rotated clockwidt by 45 degrees

By default, the exValueLineUpAngle option is 45.0.

(double expression)

exValueLineDownAngle24 Specifies the angle (in degrees) the value-line is rotated by, when the values goes down. The valueLineUpAngle/valueLineDownAngle has effect for charts of the following types:
  • "area" {string}, an area chart or area graph displays graphically quantitative data. It is based on the line chart. The area between axis and line are commonly emphasized with colors, textures and hatchings. Commonly one compares two or more quantities with an area chart. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)
  • "line" {string}, a line chart or line graph, also known as curve chart is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments. It is a basic type of chart common in many fields. It is similar to a scatter plot except that the measurement points are ordered (typically by their x-axis value) and joined with straight line segments. A line chart is often used to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time - a time series - thus the line is often drawn chronologically. In these cases they are known as run charts. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)
  • "column" {string}, a column chart or column graph is a chart or graph that presents categorical data with rectangular columns with heights proportional to the values that they represent. A horizontal column chart is called a bar chart. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)
  • "waterfall" {string}, a waterfall chart is a form of data visualization that helps in understanding the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values. These intermediate values can either be time based or category based. The waterfall chart is also known as a flying bricks chart or Mario chart due to the apparent suspension of columns (bricks) in mid-air. Often in finance, it will be referred to as a bridge. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)
  • "rangeArea" {string}, a range chart displays sets of data points, each of which is defined by multiple values for the same category, and emphasizes the distance between the two values. The category labels are displayed on the category axis. The plain Range chart fills in the area between the top and the bottom value for each data point. (data requires array of array of two-numbers, such as [[from, to]], supports vertical field, scrollable)
  • "rangeColumn" {string}, a range column chart displays information as a range of data by plotting two Y-values (low and high) per data point. The vertical axis shows the values, and the horizontal axis shows the categories they belong to; in multiple-series range column charts, values are grouped by categories. (data requires array of array of two-numbers, such as [[from, to]], supports vertical field, scrollable

Here's a few samples:

  • 0 {number}, shows vertically value-lines (the value is displayed on top)
  • -180 {number}, shows vertically value-lines (the value is displayed on bottom)
  • -45 {number}, the value-line is rotated anti-clockwise by 45 degrees
  • 45 {number}, the value-line is rotated clockwidt by 45 degrees

By default, the exValueLineDownAngle option is -135.0.

(double expression)

exValueSizeRange25 Specifies the lower and upper margins of the valueSize property. The valueSize field specifies the size to show a column or a bar within the chart of area-compatible type. The valueSizeRange field can be any of the following type:
  • valueSizeRange {number}, specifies the lower limit the valueSize can be
  • valueSizeRange {string}, specifies a two-elements array of "min,max" type that defines the lower and upper margins of the valueSize. The negative max value indicates no upper limit (no effect)

For instance:

  • 4 {number}, specifies the lower limit the valueSize can be is 4
  • "8,128" {string}, specifies the the valueSize can be between 8 and 128

By default, the exValueSizeRange option is 2.0.

(variant expression)

exShowTicksIf26 Specifies the category-unit's minimum size so the category-ticks are visible.
  • 8 {number}, category-ticks are visible is the category-unit size is greater than 8 pixels

By default, the exShowTicksIf option is 12.

(integer expression)

exShowGridLinesIf27 Specifies the category-unit's minimum size so the category grid-lines are visible.
  • 8 {number}, category grid-lines are visible is the category-unit size is greater than 8 pixels

By default, the exShowGridLinesIf option is 18.

(integer expression)

exShowLabelsIf28 Specifies the category-unit's minimum size so the category labels are visible.
  • 18 {number}, category labels are visible is the category-unit size is greater than 18 pixels

By default, the exShowLabelsIf option is 24.

(integer expression)

exShowValueIf29 Specifies the category-unit's minimum size so the data-values are visible.
  • 18 {number}, data-values are visible is the category-unit size is greater than 18 pixels

By default, the exShowValueIf option is 24.

(integer expression)

exCursorTrans30 (reserved) Defines the transitions (separated by comma) the tooltips of the cursor perform while the pointer hovers the chart.
  • "" {string}, the cursor performs only linear transitions
  • "ease" {string}, the cursor performs only ease transitions

By default, the exCursorTrans option is "linear,ease-in,ease-out,ease".

(string expression)

exAllowValueScroll31 Indicates a positive number that defines whether the value-scroll is visible or hidden (valid for area-type charts only). The value-scroll is the vertical-scroll bar for horizontal charts (categories goes horizontally), and horizontal scroll bars for vertical charts (categories goes vertically). By default, the control shows no value-scroll.
  • 0 {number}, the value-scroll is not visible
  • 2 {number}, the value-scroll is always visible, as the view uses twice the space of the page to show the values

By default, the exAllowValueScroll option is 0.0.

(double expression)