property Overview.Serie as String
Specifies a serie or multiple series separated by comma to be represented within the overview-map

String A string expresion that specifies a serie or multiple series separated by comma to be represented within the overview-map. The format of a particular element of the serie field is "KEY[\[INNER\]][:[COLOR][-fill [FILLCOLOR]]]", where KEY is the name or the index of the serie, INNER is the inner-index of the value to represent (valid for multi-dimensional array only), COLOR specifies a perticular color to show the overview-line for giving serie (if COLOR is missing, the seriesColors option defines the color to show overview-line) and FILLCOLOR specifies a different color to fill the overview-curve. The overview can show lines or surfaces for one or more series. For instance:
  • "0,1", indicates that first two series are represented within the overview.
  • "0:black,0[1]:red,0[2]:blue,0[3]:green", shows four overview-lines for the first, second, third and forth-dimension of the same serie (the first serie with the index 0)
  • "2:-fill,0", the overview shows the first and third series (the third serie is filled)
By default, the Serie property is "0" (the control's overview is shown the first serie). The Serie property specifies a serie or multiple series separated by comma to be represented within the overview-map. The Visible property shows or hides the overview. The Size property specifies the size of the control's overview. The Line property defines the configuration options for displaying the lines of values in the overview. The Dock property specifies the edge of the container the overview-window is anchored to.