property Serie.LegendFormat as String
Specifies an expression to customize the serie's label to show on the legend

String A string expression that specifies the format (including ex-HTML) format to display the value's label. The expression supports the following keywords:
  • index, {number} defines the index of the category (single data-set of column or pie-type) or the index of the serie
  • label, {string} specifies the label to display (could be the category (pie-charts) or the Name of the serie) 
  • name, {string} specifies the Name of the serie
  • visible, {boolean} specifies whether the item is visible or hidden
  • percent, {number} gets the percent of the item (available mostly for pie-charts)

This property/method supports predefined constants and operators/functions as described here

By default, the LegendFormat property is "", which indicates that the name of the serie is shown. The LegendFormat property defines the expression used to customize the label of the series displayed on the legend panel. The Visible property shows or hides the legend.

For instance:

Currently, the Exontrol's built-in HTML format supports the following HTML tags: