constants ShowCursorSerieTooltipEnum
The ShowCursorSerieTooltipEnum type defines the flags to show the tooltips, when the crosshair cursor hovers the charts of the series. The ShowCursorSerieTooltip property defines the flags to show the tooltips, when the crosshair cursor hovers the charts of the series. The ShowCursorSerieTooltipEnum type supports the following properties and method:

exCursorSerieHide0 No tooltip is displayed when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart
exCursorSerieShowNear1 The vertical/horizontal category/x-line indicates the series whose tooltip is displayed, when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart
exCursorSerieShowExact2 The pointer indicates the series whose tooltip is displayed, when the crosshair cursor hovers its chart
exCursorSerieShowAll3 Displays all tooltips for all series of the category unit being indicated by the vertical/horizontal category/x-line