property HTML.ForeColor as Color
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the control's foreground color.

Color A color expression that specifies the control's foreground color. 

Use the BackColor and ForeColor properties to define the control's background and foreground colors ( when the control is not locked ).  The ForeColorLocked property specifies the control's foreground while it is locked. The Locked property specifies whether the control is read-only.

The following VB sample changes the control's foreground color:

With HTML1
    .ForeColor = ColorConstants.vbBlack
End With

The following C++ sample changes the control's foreground color:

m_html.SetForeColor( RGB(0,0,0) );

The following VB.NET sample changes the control's foreground color:

With AxHTML1
    .ForeColor = Color.Black
End With

The following C# sample changes the control's foreground color:

axHTML1.ForeColor = Color.Black;

The following VFP sample changes the control's foreground color:

With thisform.HTML1.Object
	.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,0)