property HTML.ScrollBars as ScrollBarsEnum
Specifies the type of scroll bars that control has.

ScrollBarsEnum A ScrollBarsEnum expression that indicates the control's scroll bars.

Use the ScrollBars property to specify the scrollbars to be displayed on the control. By default, the control's ScrollBars property is exBoth. The control displays the scroll bars only when they are required. Use the Font property to specify the control's font. The Font property indicates the height of the line too. For instance, if the control has no lines inside, the control displays no scroll bars, even if the property ScrollBars is exBoth. Use the WordWrap property wraps the text, so the horizontal scroll will not be shown. The SingleLine property specifies whether the control's text is displayed on single or multiple lines. The ScrollWidth / ScrollHeight property specifies the width/height of the control's scroll bars.