property HTML.SelHTML as String
Specifies the control's selection in standard HTML format.

String A String expression that defines the control's content in W3 HTML format.
The SelHTML property specifies the control's selection in standard HTML format. The HTML property returns the control's content in standard-HTML format. The Text property specifies the control's text in exhtml format. Use the SelText property to insert text at cursor position. The EditType property specifies the way the built-in HTML tags are shown. Use the WordWrap property to wraps the control within its margins. The CursorText property gets/sets the text at specified position with or without HTML formatting. The SingleLine property specifies whether the control's text is displayed on single or multiple lines.

For instance:

In EXHML format is:

This is a bit of <off -4>text</off> that <off 4>can</off> be <fgcolor=FF0000>formatted</fgcolor>.<br><b>Select</fgcolor></b> a portion of text and <b><bgcolor=F0F0F0>right</bgcolor> - <bgcolor=D0D0D0>click</b></bgcolor> it to start formatting the selection.<br><i><r>Right - panels, show W3-HTML format in IE.

while in W3/standard HTML format is:

<div style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">
This is a bit of&nbsp;<span style="vertical-align: 4px;">text</span>&nbsp;that&nbsp;<span style="vertical-align: -4px;">can</span>&nbsp;be&nbsp;<span style="color: #FF0000;">formatted</span>.<br/>
<b>Select</b>&nbsp;a portion of text and&nbsp;<b><span style="background: #F0F0F0;">right</span>&nbsp;-&nbsp;<span style="background: #D0D0D0;">click</span></b>&nbsp;it to start formatting the selection.<br/>
<span style="float: right;">
<i>Right - panels, show W3-HTML format in IE.</i>