property MaskEdit.MaskFloat as Boolean
Specifies whether the Mask property masks a floating point number.

Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether the Mask property masks a floating point number. 
By default, the MaskFloat property is False. Use the MaskFloat property to mask floating point numbers including digit grouping. Use the Mask property to specify the mask for floating point numbers. If the MaskFloat property is True, and Mask property is empty, the control filters the input characters using your regional options. If the MaskFloat property is True, the control doesn't display the masking character that's referred by the MaskChar property. 

If the MaskFloat property is True, the Mask property may indicate the followings:

If the Mask property is empty, the control takes the settings for the regional options like: Decimal Symbol , No. of digits after decimal, Digit grouping symbol.

Here are few samples:

The mask "-###.###.##0,00" filter floating point numbers a number for German settings ( "," is the decimal sign, "." is the thousands separator ). This format displays leading-zeros.

The mask "-###.###.###,##" filter floating point numbers a number for German settings ( "," is the decimal sign, "." is the thousands separator )

The mask "-###,###,###.##" filter floating point numbers a number for English settings ( "." is the decimal sign, "," is the thousands separator )

The mask "####" indicates a max-4 digit number ( positive ) without a decimal symbol and without digit grouping

The mask "-##.#" filters a floating point number from the -99.9 to 99.9 ( "." is the decimal sign,  no thousands separator )

The mask "#,###.##" filters a floating point number from the 0 to 9,999.99 with digit grouping ( "." is the decimal sign, "," is the thousands separator ).