Node object
The Node object holds information about control's node. Use the Nodes property to access the control's Nodes collection. Use the Add method to add a new node to the control. Use the Editors property to access the control's editors. The Node object supports the following properties and methods:

BackColorSpecifies the node's background color.
BackColorChildSpecifies the default background color for child nodes.
BackColorValueSpecifies the background color for the node's value.
BackgroundExtIndicates additional colors, text, images that can be displayed on the node's background using the EBN string format.
BackgroundExtValueSpecifies at runtime, the value of the giving property for specified part of the background extension.
ClearBackColorClears the node's background color.
ClearBackColorChildClears the default background color for child nodes.
ClearBackColorValueClears the background of the node's value.
ClearForeColorClears the node's foreground color.
ClearForeColorChildClears the default foreground color for the child nodes.
ClearForeColorValueClears the foreground color for the node's value.
CollapseAllCollapses all the child nodes.
EditorSpecifies a value that indicates the key of the node's editor.
EnabledSpecifies whether the node is enabled or disabled.
ExpandAllExpands all the child nodes.
ExpandedSpecifies whether a node is expanded or collapsed.
FirstNodeGets the first child tree node in the tree node collection.
ForeColorSpecifies the node's background color.
ForeColorChildSpecifies the default foreground color for child nodes.
ForeColorValueSpecifies the foreground color for the node's value.
HasChildsSpecifies whether the node contains child nodes.
IDRetrieves the node's unique identifier.
ImageRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of icon to display in the node.
IndexRetrieves the index of the node within the collection.
IsChildOfSpecifies whether a node is child of another node.
KeyRetrieves the node's key.
LastNodeGets the last child tree node.
LevelSpecifies the node's level.
NameSpecifies the caption of the node.
NextNodeGets the next sibling tree node.
NextVisibleNodeGets the next visible tree node.
NodesGets the collection of Node objects assigned to the current node.
ParentRetrieves the parent node.
PictureAssign a picture to a node.
PositionSpecifies the position of the node within the nodes collection.
PrevNodeGets the previous sibling tree node.
PrevVisibleNodeGets the previous visible tree node.
SelectedSpecifies whether the node is selected.
ToolTipSpecifies the node's tooltip.
ToolTipTitleSpecifies the node's title for its tooltip.
UserDataAssociates an extra data to the node.
ValueSpecifies the value of the node.
VisibleSpecifies whether a node is visible or hidden.