property Pivot.DisplayPivotData as Long
Retrieves or sets the maximum number of rows to be displayed from the pivot's data.

Long A Long expression that specifies the number of rows to be displayed on the control's list once the data is loaded. If negative, the control displays all loaded rows.
By default, the DisplayPivotData property is 256, which means that the control displays max 256 rows in the control's list ( for the data being imported ). This property does not affect the number of items / rows to be loaded from the DATA you provide , it just adjusts the number of rows to be displayed on the control's list. If negative, all items/rows are being displayed on the control's list. You can use the property to prevent displaying the entire data once the data is loaded to the control ( this could be a time consuming if you load a large data ). The ... ( three dots ) is on the last line, indicating that there is more data that can be displayed  The DisplayPivotFields property specifies the number of maximum columns to be added during the execution of the current layout. The LoadHeadersOnly property loads the headers only, so no data is loaded.

The control can load data using one of the following methods:

 The DisplayPivotData property has effect only if calling before any of the previously methods. This property does not affect the control's list once the control display grouping data ( the pivot bar shows no empty content ). In other words, the DisplayPivotData property affects only the data to be displayed once new data is drop to the control. Use the DisplayPivotRows property to limit the number of generated rows ( PivotRows property is not empty ).

The following screen shot shows the control's list if the DisplayPivotData property is 6: