property ExPrint.PrintExts as Variant
Specifies a collection of objects that implement the IPrintExt interface.

Variant An Object to be printed, or a safe array of Objects to send to the printer. An Object can be printed if it implements the IPrintExt interface. Most of our UI components implements the IPrintExt interface so automatically provides the print and print-preview capabilities.
The PrintExts property sends one or more objects to the printer, in a single document. 

Please notice that starting from version 6.1, there are two methods to associate one or more objects, as listed:

Use the PrintExt property to print a single object into a single document. The ExPrint component communicates with an object being printed using the IPrintExt interface. The methods like Preview and DoPrint fail if the PrintExt/PrintExts property is not set.  The ExPrint component provides Print and Print Preview features for components like: eXGantt, eXG2antt, eXMLGrid, eXGrid, eXTree, eXList, eXCalendar, eXComboBox, eXPropertiesList, eXEdit, eXFileView, eXOrgChart, eXSchedule, eXPivot and so on.

ExPrint/COM The following VB6 sample sends the Grid1 and Grid2 to the printer, in the same document:

With Print1
    .PrintExts = Array(Grid1, Grid2)
End With

The following VB6 sample sends the Grid1 to the printer:

With Print1
    .PrintExts = Grid1
End With

This sample is equivalent with:

With Print1
    Set .PrintExt = Grid1.Object
End With

ExPrint/NET The following VB.NET sample sends the Exgrid1 and Exgrid2 to the printer, in the same document:

With Exprint1
    .PrintExts = New Object() {Exgrid1, Exgrid2}
End With

The following VB.NET sample sends the Exgrid1 to the printer:

With Exprint1
    .PrintExts = Exgrid1
End With