constants CaptionSingleLineEnum
The CaptionSingleLineEnum type defines whether the element's caption is displayed on a single or multiple lines. The (ExtraCaptionSingleLine/)CaptionSingleLine property retrieves or sets a value indicating whether the element's (extra/)caption is displayed using one line, or multiple lines. The CaptionSingleLineEnum type supports the following values:

exCaptionSingleLine-1 Indicates that the element's caption is displayed on a single line. In this case any \r\n or <br> HTML tags is ignored. For instance the "This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line." shows as:

exCaptionWordWrap0 Specifies that the element's caption is displayed on multiple lines, by wrapping the words. Any \r\n or <br> HTML tag breaks the line. For instance the "This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line." shows as:

exCaptionBreakWrap1 Specifies that the element's caption is displayed on multiple lines, by wrapping the breaks only. Only The \r\n or <br> HTML tag breaks the line. For instance the "This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\nThis is the third line." shows as: