constants DefColumnEnum
The Def property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the default value of given properties for all cells in the same column.

exCellHasCheckBox0 Assigns check boxes to all cells in the column, if it is True. Similar with the CellHasCheckBox property. ( boolean expression, False )
exCellHasRadioButton1 Assigns radio buttons to all cells in the column, if it is True. Similar with the CellHasRadioButton property. ( boolean expression, False )
exCellHasButton2 Specifies that all cells in the column are buttons, if it is True. Similar with the CellHasButton property. ( boolean expression, False )
exCellButtonAutoWidth3 Similar with the CellButtonAutoWidth property. ( boolean expression, False )
exCellBackColor4 Specifies the background color for all cells in the column. Use the CellBackColor property to assign a background color for a specific cell. The property has effect only if the property is different than zero. ( long expression )
exCellForeColor5 Specifies the foreground color for all cells in the column. Use the CellForeColor property to assign a foreground color for a specific cell. The property has effect only if the property is different than zero. ( long expression )
exCellVAlignment6 Specifies the column's vertical alignment. By default, the Def(exCellVAlignment) property is MiddleAlignment. Use the CellVAlignment property to specify the vertical alignment for a particular cell. ( VAlignmentEnum expression, by default MiddleAlignment )
exHeaderBackColor7 Specifies the column's header background color. The property has effect only if the property is different than zero. Use this option to change the background color for a column in the header area. The exHeaderBackColor option supports skinning, so the last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color to indicates the identifier of the skin being used. Use the Add method to add new skins to the control. ( Color expression )
exHeaderForeColor8 Specifies the column's header background color. The property has effect only if the property is different than zero. ( Color expression )
exCellSingleLine16 Specifies that all cells in the column displays its content into single or multiple lines. Similar with the CellSingleLine property. If using the CellSingleLine / Def(exCellSingleLine) property, we recommend to set the ScrollBySingleLine property on True so all items can be scrolled. ( CellSingleLineEnum type, previously Boolean expression )
exCellCaptionFormat17 Similar with the CellCaptionFormat property, ( CaptionFormatEnum expression, exText )
exCellDrawPartsOrder34 Specifies the order of the drawing parts for the entire column. By default, this option is "check,icon,icons,picture,caption", which means that the cell displays its parts in the following order: check box/ radio buttons ( CellHasCheckBox/CellRadioButton ), single icon ( CellImage ), multiple icons ( CellImages ), custom size picture ( CellPicture ), and the cell's caption. Use the exCellDrawPartsOrder option to specify a new order for the drawing parts in the cells of the column. The RightToLeft property automatically flips the order of the columns. ( string expression, "check,icon,icons,picture,caption" )
exCellPaddingLeft48 Gets or sets the left padding (space) of the cells within the column.
exCellPaddingRight49 Gets or sets the right padding (space) of the cells within the column.
exCellPaddingTop50 Gets or sets the top padding (space) of the cells within the column.
exCellPaddingBottom51 Gets or sets the bottom padding (space) of the cells within the column.
exHeaderPaddingLeft52 Gets or sets the left padding (space) of the column's header.
exHeaderPaddingRight53 Gets or sets the right padding (space) of the column's header.
exHeaderPaddingTop54 Gets or sets the top padding (space) of the column's header.
exHeaderPaddingBottom55 Gets or sets the bottom padding (space) of the column's header.
exColumnResizeContiguously64 Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control's content is updated while the user is resizing the column.