property Tree.FilterBarPrompt as String
Specifies the caption to be displayed when the filter pattern is missing.

String A string expression that indicates the HTML caption being displayed in the filter bar, when filter prompt pattern is missing. The FilterBarPromptPattern property specifies the pattern to filter the list using the filter prompt feature. 
By default, the FilterBarPrompt property is "<i><fgcolor=808080>Start Filter...</fgcolor></i>". The FilterBarPromptPattern property specifies the pattern to filter the list using the filter prompt feature. Changing the FilterBarPrompt property won't change the current filter. The FilterBarPromptColumns property specifies the list of columns to be used when filtering by prompt. The DisplayFilterButton property specifies whether the column's header displays a filter button. The VisibleItemCount property retrieves the number of visible items in the list. The control fires the FilterChanging event just before applying the filter, and  FilterChange once the list gets filtered. Use the FilterBarCaption property to change the caption in the filter bar once a new filter is applied. The FilterBarFont property specifies the font to be used in the filter bar. The FilterBarBackColor property specifies the background color or the visual aspect of the control's filter bar. The FilterBarForeColor property specifies the foreground color or the control's filter bar.

The FilterBarPrompt property supports HTML format as described here:

The FilterBarPrompt property has effect only if: