Type | Description | |||
Color | A color expression that indicates the background color for the control's header. |
Use the BackColorHeader and ForeColorHeader properties to customize the control's header. Use the Def(exHeaderBackColor) property to change the background color or the visual appearance for a particular column, in the header area. If the Def(exHeaderForeColor) property is not zero, it defines the foreground color to paint the column's caption in the header area. Use the HeaderVisible property to hide the control's header. Use the BackColor property to specify the control's background color. Use the BackColorLevelHeader property to specify the background color of the header when it displays multiple levels. Use the BackColorSortBar property to specify the background color of the control's sort bar.
The following VB sample changes the visual appearance for the control's header. Shortly, we need to add a skin to the Appearance object using the Add method, and we need to set the last 7 bits in the BackColorHeader property to indicates the index of the skin that we want to use. The sample applies the "" to the control' header bar:
With G2antt1 With .VisualAppearance .Add &H24, App.Path + "\header.ebn" End With .BackColorLevelHeader = RGB(255, 255, 255) .BackColorHeader = &H24000000 End With
The following C++ sample changes the visual aspect of the control' header bar:
#include "Appearance.h" m_g2antt.GetVisualAppearance().Add( 0x24, COleVariant(_T("D:\\Temp\\ExG2antt.Help\\header.ebn")) ); m_g2antt.SetBackColorHeader( 0x24000000 );
The following VB.NET sample changes the visual aspect of the control' header bar:
With AxG2antt1 With .VisualAppearance .Add(&H24, "D:\Temp\ExG2antt.Help\header.ebn") End With .Template = "BackColorHeader = 603979776" End With
The 603979776 value indicates the &H24000000 in hexadecimal.
The following C# sample changes the visual aspect of the control' header bar:
axG2antt1.VisualAppearance.Add(0x24, "D:\\Temp\\ExG2antt.Help\\header.ebn"); axG2antt1.Template = "BackColorHeader = 603979776";
The 603979776 value indicates the 0x24000000 in hexadecimal.
The following VFP sample changes the visual aspect of the control' header bar:
With thisform.G2antt1 With .VisualAppearance .Add(36, "D:\Temp\ExG2antt.Help\header.ebn") EndWith .BackColorHeader = 603979776 EndWith