The movie illustrates how the ExGantt/JS can manage and adjust resource usage:

For instance, when a task necessitates the allocation of particular resources, the target control can be configured to display detailed information about how these resources are being utilized. To ensure that the resource data remains consistent across different parts of the system, you can employ the PutRes method to synchronize the source control with the target control. This synchronization mechanism ensures that any modifications made in the source control--such as updates to resource data, allocation adjustments, or changes in status--are automatically reflected in the target control. Conversely, any alterations made in the target control will also be communicated back to the source control, maintaining an up-to-date and accurate representation of resource usage in both controls.

The following movie shows the first look of the newly eXGraph/COM component

The Exontrol's ExGraph component is a versatile tool designed to meet the diverse needs of data visualization. With support for numerous chart types, it empowers users to represent their data in various formats, from simple line charts to complex radar charts, all within the same view. In addition to its extensive charting capabilities, our graph control offers seamless printing and print preview functionality, ensuring that users can easily generate hard copies of their charts with precision and clarity. The exGraph library lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.

The following movie shows the first look of the newly eXGraph/JS component

ExGraph/JS is a component that offers excellent graphical data visualization. It has many different types and styles of charts. Easy to use, zoom, resize, scroll, overview, legend, cursor view, owner-draw, numerous chart types to different axes in the same view, multiple views, and much more are features of the ExGraph/JS package. The ExGraph/JS is a HTML standalone-component, written in JavaScript, that uses no third-party libraries. The version of eXGraph for /COM, /NET and /WPF will be available in the near future.

The following movie shows the Predecessor/Successor feature

Tasks may have multiple predecessors or multiple successors. Before you begin establishing dependencies, it's important to understand that there are four types: Finish to Start (FS), the predecessor ends before the successor can begin, Start to Start (SS), the predecessor begins before the successor can begin, Finish to Finish (FF), the predecessor ends before the successor can end, Start to Finish (SF), the predecessor begins before the successor can end. The Predecessor/Successor columns show the bar's predecessor/successor based on its incoming/outgoing links. The control allows you to highlight the selected link, to add or remove the links based on the dependencies you type.

The following movie shows the expandable HTML caption feature

The expandable-captions allow you to expand(show)/collapse(hide) different information using "<a ;exp=>" or "<a ;e64=>" anchor ex-HTML tag. The exp/e64 field of the anchor stores the information to show once the user collapses/expands the caption. Any ex-HTML caption can be transformed to an expandable-caption, by inserting the anchor ex-HTML tag. For instance, "<solidline><b>Header</b></solidline><br>Line1<r><a ;exp=show lines>+</a><br>Line2<br>Line3" shows the Header in underlined and bold on the first line and Line1, Line2, Line3 on the rest. The "show lines" is shown instead of Line1, Line2, Line3 once the user clicks the + sign. The feature will be available for almost all components that provide the AnchorClick event, such as eXSwimlane, eXSurface, eXHTML, eXG2antt, and so on (/COM, /NET, /WPF and Javascript as well)

changes and additions for 2012, so far


The following movie shows the first look of the next Exontrol's eXContextMenu component: 

The eXContextMenu tool adds easily modal context menus to your /NET or /WPF application, and on any other Windows application.

Click on > link to see how it will work.

12-21-2012 ExTree,
*Added: The visual appearance of the item being dragged is shown outside of the control too, when OLEDropMode property is exOLEDropManual.
*Added: The items can be scrolled during OLE Drag and Drop, if the cursor is keep for a while on the first or last visible item ( OLEDropMode property is exOLEDropManual ).
*Added: The items can be expanded during OLE Drag and Drop, if the cursor is keep for a while on +/- button associated with the items ( OLEDropMode property is exOLEDropManual ).
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
12-21-2012 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: PNG support for picture properties.
*NEW: Ability to draw right-to-left for Hebrew, Arabic and other RTL languages ( flips the order of the columns, alignments, vertical scroll bar, ... )
*NEW: Ability to reorder the drawing parts ( checkbox, radio buttons, icons, ... ) in the cell. By default, the cell shows the parts in the following order: checkbox/radio button, icon, icons, picture, caption.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellDrawPartsOrder) property specifies the order of the drawing parts. Use this property to specify the order of the drawing parts within the column
*Added: Group.RightToLeft property indicates whether the group should draw right-to-left for RTL languages such as scrollbars on the left side, alignments, and so on
*Fixed: DelayScroll property can be between 0 and 1000.
12-19-2012 ExGrid,
*Added: The Event( EventID) event occurs once the control fires an event (available for /COM version only)
*Fixed: "Error executing code: FormActiveXControl (data source), method ... called with invalid parameters" on Dynamics AX environment is fired, if the application handles events with parameters passed by reference. On X++ you should use the Event event and EventParams method to handle this exception. The X++ is not able to handle the events with parameters passed by reference.
*Fixed: The OLE Drag and Drop can not be initiated in the Visual DataFlex (/COM version only ).
*Fixed: The control may fail if using merged cells in a code with no BeginUpdate/EndUpdate context.
*Fixed: Changing the ShowImageList property in design mode fails, if the component is hosted in a VC++ 2005, 2008 and 2010 application ( available for /COM only ).
12-19-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to specify ANY color to an EBN object, so you can use one EBN object to display it in any nuance, without embossing the shape and look of the EBN ( including transparent regions, and so on )
*Added: Significant improvements for control's performance while using a large number of EBN objects.
*Added: The EBN can be displayed using ANY color ( not only FF for rgb ). For instance, 0x1A88A5D indicates that EBN with the identifier 1 is displaying in Air Force blue color (#5D8AA8).
*Added: Items.ItemHeight(0) property changes the height for all items.
*Fixed: Moving the column by dragging is slow on Windows Vista/7
12-17-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to define bars that indicates non-working parts of the item, shortly you can define movable non-working bars/parts inside the item, like "holidays" bars
*Added: Chart.AllowNonworkingBars property specifies whether the chart treats bars with exBarTreatAsNonworking as non-working parts of the item.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarTreatAsNonworking property specifies whether a bar is treated as a non-working part of the item which uses the Items.ItemNonworkingUnits property to specify repetitive non-working parts of the item.
*Added: Saves and loads the HistogramBorderSize, HistogramBorderColor, HistogramItems, HistogramCriticalValue, HistogramGridLinesColor, HistogramRulerLinesColor, HistogramCumulativeColors, HistogramCumulativeOriginalColorBars, HistogramCumulativeShowLegend, ShowHistogramValues properties of the Bar object to/from XML files using the SaveXML and LoadXML
*Added: Saves and loads the exLinkPDMWorkingDelay and exLinkPDMDelay properties of the Link to/from XML files using the SaveXML and LoadXML
*Fixed: The Columns.Count property gets increased value if LoadXML method is called successively.
*Fixed: The Items.SchedulePDM returns a non-zero value which indicates an error, if the Chart.ResizeUnitScale property is not exDay, and the chart displays bars with Items.ItemBar(exBarKeepWorkingCount) option on True.
12-17-2012 ExSchedule,
*Added: An All-Day event that continues on multiple weeks display a continue icon to the end and / start of the week.
*Added: Background(exScheduleEventContinuePrevWeek) specifies the visual appearance of the sign that's shown when the current all-day event continues on the previously week.
*Added: Background(exScheduleEventContinueNextWeek) specifies the visual appearance of the sign that's shown when the current all-day event continues on the next week.
*Fixed: Displays in front, the All-Day events on the control's All-Day header ( ShowAllDayHeader property is True )
12-06-2012 ExMenu,
*Fixed: The control overrides all Alt+(some key) combinations, even if there is no accelerator for the combination in the control.
*Fixed: On Windows 7, the user can not open the open file dialog on MSDEV using the ShowImageList property ( VC 6.0 )
*Fixed: Removing a popup menu from control's internal editor ( design mode only ) fails, after clicking the OK button
12-06-2012 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: Allows exchanging the Name and Value columns by drag and drop
*Fixed: The selected date in a EditDate editor is shown in black if the SelBackColor property of the control uses EBN identifiers to change its visual appearance.
*Fixed: The Interfaces property fails if using the ANSI version.
*Fixed: Removes dependency to ATL.DLL file on evaluation version.
12-03-2012 ExG2antt,
*Added: The Items.Link("<pattern>",Property) = Value property changes the property for all links that match the specified pattern which may include wild characters such as *,?,# or []. For instance, Items.Link("<*>",exLinkShowDir) = False hides the arrow direction for all links.
*Added: The Key parameter of the get function Items.Link(Key,exLinksCount) supports wild card characters. If the Key parameter is a string that starts with < and ends on > as "<pattern>" , the pattern part indicates an expression that may include wild card characters such as '?' for any single character, '*' for zero or more occurrences of any character, '#' for any digit character. For instance, the Items.Link("<*>",exLinksCount) counts all links in the chart, or the Items.Link(0,"<*L>",exLinksCount) counts the links with the Key L or any Key that ends on L. ...2020
*Added: The Link(exLinkShowRound) property supports value 2 which indicates a straight line. A straight link shows the link in a single direction with no curve or bend. Currently, the exLinkShowRound option supports -1 (round), 0 (rectangular, default), 1(linear) and 2 (straight line)
*Added: The exLinkSolid style is used instead of exLinkTDot (default), if the link's size is greater than 1 ( AntiAliasing property is False ).
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarEndInclusive property indicates the inclusive ending point of the bar. Generally, the inclusive ending point of the bar is exBarEnd - 1. For instance, if a bar starts on 1/1/2001 and ends on 1/13/2001, the ending inclusive point is 1/12/2001.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarOutgoingLinks) and Items.ItemBar(exBarOutgoingLinksAll) gives a collection of links that start on the current bar, including its descendents. The exBarOutgoingLinksAsString and exBarOutgoingLinksAllAsString gives the same information excepts that the result is returned as a string.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarOutgoingBars) and Items.ItemBar(exBarOutgoingBarsAll) gives a collection of outgoing bars, including its descendents. A link between A and B, makes B the outgoing node of A The exBarOutgoingBarsAsString, exBarOutgoingBarsAllAsString gives the same information excepts that the result is returned as a string.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarIncomingLinks) and Items.ItemBar(exBarIncomingLinksAll) gives a collection of links that end on the current bar, including its ascendants. The exBarIncomingLinksAsString and exBarIncomingLinksAllAsString gives the same information excepts that the result is returned as a string.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarIncomingBars) and Items.ItemBar(exBarIncomingBarsAll) gives a collection of incoming bars, including its ascendants. A link between A and B, makes A the incoming node of B. The exBarIncomingBarsAsString, exBarIncomingBarsAllAsString gives the same information excepts that the result is returned as a string.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarOutgoingBarsDebug), Items.ItemBar(exBarOutgoingBarsAllDebug), Items.ItemBar(exBarIncomingBarsDebug) and Items.ItemBar(exBarIncomingBarsAllDebug) returns a list of outgoing or incoming bars as string, where that the bars are indicated by the caption of the cell in the tree column for the owner item.
*Fixed: Shows the arrow of the link proportionally with the size of the link, with no ending line behind (Chart.LinksWidth property)
*Fixed: The Print and Print Previews shows no links, if the Chart.LinksWidth property is greater than 1, and the Chart.LinksStyle property is not exLinkTDot or exLinkSolid
*Fixed: Sometimes, the Items.SchedulePDM method is unable to move the bars if the chart links bars with Zero-Length bars like Milestones.
12-03-2012 ExPrint,
*NEW: Ability to Print/Preview multiple components on the same document
*Added: PrintExts property sets/gets a safe array of objects to be sent to the printer.
*Added: The PrintExts property can print directly the component without having to use the Control.Object property ( VB6 ), as you would do with the Set .PrintExt = Control.Object, instead you can have PrintExts = Control

The following movie shows the first look of the next Exontrol's eXPivot component 

A pivot-table can automatically sort, count, total or give the average of the data stored in one table or spreadsheet. The user sets up and changes the summary's structure by dragging and dropping fields graphically.

Click on > link to see how it will work.

11-28-2012 ExLabel,
*NEW: Ability to show the label with a transparent background color ( use the parent's background appearance )
*Added: Transparent property indicates whether the control's background is transparent.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
11-28-2012 ExToolTip,
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Fixed: On terminal-servers (citrix), CPU-consumption varying from 1-4%, if multiple instances of the control is opened in the same time ( Exontrol.CommentWindow )
11-26-2012 ExOrgChart,
*Added: AllowMoveChart property indicates the combination of keys so the user moves or scrolls the chart at runtime.
*Added: LayoutStartChanging(Operation) notifies your application once the user starts a specified UI operation. For instance, the LayoutStartChanging(exEditNode) event occurs before editing a node.
*Added: LayoutEndChanging(Operation) notifies your application once the user ends a specified UI operation. For instance, the LayoutEndChanging(exEditNode) event occurs once the user edits an node at runtime.
*Fixed: Prevents firing the mouse events while the control is scrolled or inside UI objects are moved or resized.
11-26-2012 ExSlider,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
11-21-2012 ExG2antt,
*Added: Chart.OverlaidOnMoving property specifies whether the overlaid bars are re-arranged while the user moves or resizes at runtime a bar.
*Added: Chart.ShowEmptyBars property on 1 can be used with exBarKeepWorkingCount bars ( working/non-working bars )
*Fixed: Prevents calling recursively the AddLink event when calling the Items.AddLink method during the event.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the bar does not maintain its working count ( exBarWorkingCount while exBarKeepWorkingCount is True ) when and Undo operation is performed ( CTRL + Z ) for moving a bar from an item to another item ( exBarCanMoveToAnother ) and the items have different non-working parts ( Items.ItemNonWorkingUnits )
*Fixed: The overlays bars does not get arranged properly if the Chart.ShowEmptyBars property is not 0
*Fixed: The ChartStartChanging(exResizePercentBar) event notifies once the user starts resizing a percent bar ( A%B ).
*Fixed: The ChartEndChanging(exResizePercentBar) event notifies that the user ends resizing the percent bar ( A%B ).
*Fixed: Ensures that the full caption(s) of the bar fits the paper area where the bar is displayed, when printing.
*Fixed: A semi-transparent bars shows its non-working part extended to the right, for bars that are hosted by an item with custom working part being specified using the Items.ItemNonworkingUnits property.
*Fixed: A bar with zero-length ( such as milestone ) does not show the caption in the print preview.
*Fixed: If the Chart.ShowEmptyBars property is non-zero, the user can not resize the bar on left to value being indicated by the Chart.ShowEmptyBars property.
*Fixed: A Zero-length bar like a Milestone with the exBarKeepWorkingCount property on True, can be position on non-working days.
11-21-2012 ExGrid,
*Added: The GetItems(1) method retrieves an one-dimensional array that holds the handles of the items in the control as they are displayed ( sorted, filtered, ... ), and so the first element in the array ( item at position 0 ) indicates the handle of the first item in the control which can be different than the Items.FirstVisibleItem if the control is vertically scrolled. [ The GetItems(0) method gets the items ( the values ) in the control. ]
*Fixed: Foxpro crashes with C0000005 error, when having a dropdownlist in a column, clicking on the drop down button and calling the Column.Positon during the MouseDown event 
*Fixed: Only two items get selected when user selects multiple items by dragging an empty rectangle.
*Fixed: By default, the FilterBarPrompt is case sensitive for non-english characters ( russian, umlauts, ... ), instead case insensitive.
11-19-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to specify any COLOR for the control's frame/border/appearance if using EBN objects.
*Added: The Appearance property may specify any color to apply the EBN object to define the control's border. In other words, you can define the color and the visual aspect of the control's border/appearance.
*Added: The Background(exToolTipAppearance) property may specify any color to apply to tooltip's EBN so the control's tooltip can be shown using different colors.
*Added: DividerAlignmentEnum.DividerBoth indicates that item shows top and bottom divider lines.
*Fixed: The DividerAlignmentEnum.DividerCenter prevents painting the divider over the cell's content
*Fixed: Adjusts the hierarchy lines between rows when they contain divider items (Items.ItemDivider). 
*Fixed: The 'format' operator is not working properly on Spanish, German, Romanian, ... where the '.' character is using for grouping, instead decimal separator.
11-19-2012 ExButton,
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: Initial's Font Value is Arial, instead of MS Sans Serif ( required by HTML text decorations )
11-14-2012 ExPlorerBar,
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns. For instance the Template = "dim p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't handle the F2 key.
11-14-2012 ExTab,
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: Changing the ShowImageList property in design mode fails, if the component is hosted in a VC++ 2005, 2008 and 2010 application ( available for /COM only ).
*Fixed: On terminal-servers (citrix), CPU-consumption varying from 1-4%, if multiple instances of the control is opened in the same time ( Exontrol.CommentWindow )
11-12-2012 ExG2antt,
*Added: The Items.SchedulePDM method ignores the Chart.ShowEmptyBars property while it is not zero.
*Added: The exBarDuration property returns the duration/length of the bar as displayed, so if the Chart.ShowEmptyBars property is not zero, the exBarDuration property returns the duration of the bar as shown not as exBarEnd - exBarStart.
*Added: The exBarWorkingCount, exBarNonWorkingCount, exBarWorkingUnits, exBarWorkingUnitsAsString, exBarNonWorkingUnits, exBarNonWorkingUnitsAsString options of Items.ItemBar returns updated values if the Chart.ShowEmptyBars property is not 0.
*Added: Allows displaying the non-working parts being specified using the Items.ItemNonworkingUnits property, even if the Chart.ShowNonworkingUnits property and Chart.ShowNonworkingDates properties are False. In this case, you can still hide the non-working parts for these items by setting the Chart.NonworkingDaysPattern property on exPatternEmpty.
*Added: Automatically updates the Chart.FirstVisibleDate property when requires. For instance, while displaying days, you are zooming the chart to hours by excluding the non-working units, so the FirstVisibleDate points to a valid working unit.
*Fixed: If the inside zooming is not possible, the resizing cursor is not showing on the header of the chart.
*Fixed: Cannot resize a time-unit if the base's level Unit property is exHour and Count is 24, the equivalent for exDay.
*Fixed: Ignores the hidden ( InsideZoom.Width property is 0 ) inside-zoom units when scrolling the chart.
*Fixed: A bar with Items.ItemBar(exBarKeepWorkingCount) property set can not be resized properly, if the Chart.ShowEmptyBars property is not zero
*Fixed: The Items.ItemBar(exBarWorkingCount) property can not be set progressively while the Chart.ShowEmptyBars property is not zero.
11-12-2012 ExScrollBar,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
11-07-2012 ExList,
*Added: Translucent effect when performing drag and drop of columns within the control's header
*Fixed: Use the current cursor position while dragging a column to determine the new position, instead the center of the dragged columm.
*Fixed: The user can scroll the control's header ( if possible ) while dragging the columns outside of the control's area to left or to right
*Fixed: The hot tracking item is reset once a new item receives the focus ( aka using the arrow keys )
11-07-2012 ExRecord,
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: The text window do not accept ENTER key, if the Editor.EditType property is 18 (MemoDropDownType)
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the F2 key to unselect the current edit field.
11-05-2012 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Enable DAO support for DataSource property. ( /COM )
*Fixed: Apparently, The Column.FilterType property returns uninitialized value, and so, a column of DateType can not be filtered using the UI.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: The incremental search does not highlight Cyrillic characters.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the F2 key to unselect the current edit field.
11-05-2012 ExTree,
*Added: Translucent effect when performing drag and drop of columns within the control's header
*Added: The user can scroll the control's header ( if possible ) while dragging the columns outside of the control's area to left or to right
*Fixed: Use the current cusor position while dragging a column to determine the new position, instead the center of the dragged columm.
*Fixed: Moving the column by dragging is slow on Windows Vista/7

The following movie shows the Columns Float Bar feature: 

The Exontrol Columns Float Bar displays a floating bar that displays hidden and drag-able columns. Using this you can let the user to customize the visible columns in the control's view. 

Click on > link to see how it will work.

10-31-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to specify the style of the control's gridlines horizontal or vertical
*Added: GridLineStyle property specifies the style for the gridlines being shown in the list part of the control.
*Added: Chart.GridLineStyle property specifies the style for the gridlines being shown in the chart part of the control.
*Added: Level.GridLineStyle property specifies the style for the chart's vertical gridlines.
*Added: InsideZoomFormat.GridLineStyle property specifies the style for the vertical gridlines when a time scale unit is being zoomed.
*Fixed: Setting the Items.ItemBar(exBarMove) property on 1 moves the summary bar more than 1 day if it contains child bars being grouped using the Items.GroupBars property.
*Fixed: Prevents showing the columns area in the Print and Print Preview, if the Chart.PaneWidth(False) property is 0
*Fixed: Prevents showing the columns area in EMF format when invoking the Copy method, if the Chart.PaneWidth(False) property is 0
*Fixed: The Chart.PaneWidth(False) property returns only positive values.
*Fixed: The dates being marked by Chart.SelectDate property are not visible, for non-working parts of the chart, if it shown using solid pattern
10-31-2012 ExEditors,
*Fixed: Changing the ShowImageList property in design mode fails, if the component is hosted in a VC++ 2005, 2008 and 2010 application ( available for /COM only ).
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the F2 key to unselect the current edit field.
10-29-2012 ExSchedule,
*NEW: All-Day Header support, or an all-day event that stretches over multiple days can be displayed as a contiguously bar across those days
*Added: ShowAllDayHeader property specifies whether the control shows or hides the header for All-Day events. The Event.AllDayEvent property Indicates whether the event is an all day event.
*Added: AllowUpdateAllDayFlag property indicates if the All-Day flag for the events being moved using drop and drop are updated once the user drops the selection.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
10-29-2012 ExCalendar,
*Added: Shows the today marker with a semi-transparent color, if it is selected.
*Added: Background(exFocusDate) specifies the visual appearance for the focused date
*Added: Background(exFocusDateForeColor) specifies the foreground color for the focused date
10-24-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to format numbers
*Added: The 'format' binary operator gets the value as formatted number. For instance "value format '2|.|3|," displays the value with 2 digits, the decimal separator being the . character, and the integer part is grouping by 3 digits, while the separator for grouping is , character. The Column.FormatColumn, Column.ComputedField , Items.FormatCell, ConditionalFormat.Expression can use the 'format' operator.
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns. For instance the Template = "dim p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
*Fixed: The content of a divider item can not be centered if the cell being displayed belongs to the hierarchy column
*Fixed: Printing the control with thousand of EBN objects may increase the GDI handles indefinitely.
*Fixed: The hot tracking item is reset once a new item receives the focus ( aka using the arrow keys )
10-24-2012 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: DisplayBoolAs property specifies whether the boolean properties displays a check or True/False values.
*Added: The control is scrolled to the top when a new object gets selected. The focused item is keep when sorting the column by clicking the column's header.
*Added: The SPACE key selects the next available value for boolean properties or of EditFontName or EditDropDown type ( drop down list with predefined values such as enumerations, and so on )
*Fixed: The Enter key has no effect while editing for containers like Clarion.
10-22-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to show the histogram for selected bars
*Added: HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramSelectedBars specifies that the histogram shows the selected bars only. (Chart.HistogramView)
*Added: If the Chart.ScrollRange(exStartDate) and Chart.ScrollRange(exEndDate) point to the same valid date-time, the chart limits the view to a single day ( time-unit ). For instance, if #1/1/2001# indicates that the chart is limited to a single day, while if #1/1/2001 11:00:00AM# limits the view to a single hour ( 11 AM ).
*Added: Ensures that the chart displays the last time-unit if the Chart.ScrollRange is used. For instance, if the Chart.ScrollRange(exEndDate) is #1/31/2001 11:00:00 AM# and the chart gets magnified to minutes, it ensures that the #1/31/2001 11:59:00 AM# unit is visible.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemBar(exBarPercent100) property can not be set to values 29, 57 or 58 (
*Fixed: Sometimes, the bars shows moved relative to the chart's header, if the Chart.ShowNonworkingUnits property is False, the Level.Unit property exHour, Level.Count property is 24. 
*Fixed: The nonworking part being specified using the Items.ItemNonworkingUnits is not shown at correct position while printing or using the Copy method
*Fixed: The Chart.StartPrintDate or Chart.EndPrintDate returns the correct values only if they are called several times.
*Fixed: The control can not be printed outside of the scrolling range.
*Fixed: Two bars does not get overlaid if one is partially visible (/WPF version only)
10-22-2012 ExEdit,
*Fixed: On terminal-servers (citrix), CPU-consumption varying from 1-4%, if multiple instances of the control is opened in the same time ( Exontrol.CommentWindow )
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the [CTRL + ]F2 key to [mark or] jump from a bookmark to another.
10-17-2012 ExCalendar,
*Added: DateFromPoint( -1, -1) property gets the date from the cursor position.
*Added: The focused date is selected or unselected if pressing the CTRL + SPACE, while the SingleSel property is False
*Fixed: "Error executing code: FormActiveXControl (data source), method ... called with invalid parameters" on Dynamics AX environment is fired, if the application handles events with parameters passed by reference. On X++ you should use the Event event and EventParams method to handle this exception. The X++ is not able to handle the events with parameters passed by reference.
*Fixed: On terminal-servers (citrix), CPU-consumption varying from 1-4%, if multiple instances of the control is opened in the same time ( Exontrol.CommentWindow )
10-17-2012 ExSkinBox,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
10-15-2012 ExGrid,
*Added: Adjusts the height of the item into a drop down editor, based on the control's Font property, instead using the DefaultItemHeight property
*Added: Saves the Items.ItemBackColor, Items.ItemForeColor, Items.ItemData to XML file using the SaveXML method.
*Added: Saves the Items.CellBackColor, Items.CellForeColor, Items.CellData to XML file using the SaveXML method.
*Fixed: The Column(0).Position = 1 does not work, while the Column(1).Position = 0 works for a control with 2 columns.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the F2 key to unselect the current edit field.
10-15-2012 ExCalc,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
10-10-2012 ExList,
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set .HTMLPicture statement.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
*Fixed: The Copy method fails if creating EMF larger than 31720 pixels, or aprox 11.18 m. 
10-10-2012 ExSchedule,
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Added: Calendar.FirstVisibleDate property retrieves the first visible date in the calendar panel.
*Added: Calendar.LastVisibleDate property retrieves the last visible date in the calendar panel.
*Fixed: Calling Events.Remove during the AnchorClick event fails.
10-08-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to format individual cells using predefined functions as currency, short date, long date and other several options, including HTML formatting.
*Added: Items.FormatCell property specifies the custom format to display the cell's content, by ignoring the column's format ( Column.FormatColumn property )
*Added: EnsureOnSort property. Specifies whether the control ensures that the focused item fits the control's client area, after the user sorts the items, else the first visible item.
*Added: Translucent effect when performing drag and drop of columns within the control's header
*Fixed: Use the current cusor position while dragging a column to determine the new position, instead the center of the dragged columm.
*Fixed: The user can scroll the control's header ( if possible ) while dragging the columns outside of the control's area to left or to right
*Fixed: The control is still in updating mode, if the EndUpdate method is called several times.
*Fixed: The Copy method fails if creating EMF larger than 31720 pixels, or aprox 11.18 m. 
10-08-2012 ExFileView,
*Added: StateChange(StartFromToState) event occurs when the control starts applying the From/To format.
*Added: StateChange(EndFromToState) event occurs when the control ends applying the From/To format.
*Fixed: Closes the application if the user closes the form while a From/To operation is in progress.
*Fixed: The Copy method fails if creating EMF larger than 31720 pixels, or aprox 11.18 m. 
10-05-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Filter Prompt support ( The filter prompt feature allows you to filter the items as you type while the filter bar is visible on the bottom part of the list area )
*Added: FilterBarPromptVisible property shows or hides the filter prompt
*Added: FilterBarPromptType property specifies the type of the filter prompt
*Added: FilterBarPrompt property specifies the HTML caption to be displayed when the filter pattern is missing.
*Added: FilterBarPromptColumns property specifies the list of columns to be used when filtering using the prompt. By default, the filter prompt uses all columns.
*Added: FilterBarPromptPattern property specifies the pattern for the filter prompt.
*Added: Prevents canceling the moving or resizing the bars, if for some reason the operation is not possible, for instance, a bar within a group is not moveable.
*Fixed: Scrolling the chart using the overview area is faster.
*Fixed: Keeps the focused item on the previously selected if it is still visible, after applying the filter
*Fixed: Prevents creating a new bar when clicking link
10-05-2012 ExRollist,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing
10-03-2012 ExMenu,
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set .HTMLPicture statement.
*Added: Sends a WM_COMMAND message to the parent window, when sub menu is about to be opened ( equivalent with the OpenPopup event ). For instance In VFP9, you can use the BINDEVENT( thisform.hWnd, 273, thisform, "myselect" ) to catch the WM_COMMAND messages, instead catching the OpenPopup event which is not fired from modal forms, for _SCREEN object. The lParam parameter is 2, indicating the OpenPopup event ( event's identifier - 1 )
*Added: Sends a WM_COMMAND message to the parent window, when sub menu is about to be closed ( equivalent with the ClosePopup event ). For instance In VFP9, you can use the BINDEVENT( thisform.hWnd, 273, thisform, "myselect" ) to catch the WM_COMMAND messages, instead catching the ClosePopup event which is not fired from modal forms, for _SCREEN object. The lParam parameter is 3, indicating the ClosePopup event ( event's identifier - 1 )
10-03-2012 EXMLGrid,
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set .HTMLPicture statement.
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns. For instance the Template = "dim p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't handle the F2 key.
10-01-2012 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: A property that display child items, shares the entire item's area.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
*Fixed: Pressing the SPACE key on a property with DisplayCheck, and IncrementalSearch on exContains, toggles the property's value, and jumps to the next occurrence, it any. Current behavior, does not allow starting an incremental search with an empty character such as space.
*Fixed: The DisplayColorAs property has no effect for inside properties.
10-01-2012 ExPlorerTree,
*Added: Group.FilterBarPrompt property specifies the HTML caption to be displayed when the filter pattern is missing.
*Added: Group.FilterBarPromptColumns property specifies the list of columns to be used when filtering using the prompt. By default, the filter prompt uses all columns.
*Added: Group.FilterBarPromptPattern property specifies the pattern for the filter prompt.

The following movie shows the ScrollBar-Extension feature: 

The ScrollBar-Extension allows you to shrink the space used by control's scroll bars, and still using the scrollbars by using the extension which shows up outside of the control's client area.

Click on > link to see how it will work.

09-26-2012 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Auto-numbering support
*Added: The Column.FormatColumn and Items.FormatCell properties support auto-numbering functions as index, pos, apos, opos, rindex, rpos, rapos and ropos
*Added: The value formatting methods support dateS predefined function which gets a date based on the format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", no matter of regional settings compared with the date function.
*Fixed: The 0 after decimal separator is ignored in constant elements of computed fields or conditional expressions.
09-26-2012 ExOrgChart,
*Added: TemplateDef property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( available for /COM only, and useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE )
*Added: The Event( EventID) event occurs once the control fires an event (available for /COM version only)
*Fixed: "Error executing code: FormActiveXControl (data source), method ... called with invalid parameters" on Dynamics AX environment is fired, if the application handles events with parameters passed by reference. On X++ you should use the Event event and EventParams method to handle this exception. The X++ is not able to handle the events with parameters passed by reference.
*Fixed: The control fails if you click and hold the left mouse button on the thumb of the scrollbar itself and drag up and down and then click the right mouse button whilst the left button is still pressed
09-24-2012 ExG2antt,
*Added: The Chart.UnitWidthNonworking property works if the Count property for the base level is not 1.
*Added: The start and end points of the bar are automatically updated to a working unit, if the Items.ItemBar(exBarKeepWorkingCount) property is True
*Added: The Chart.IsNonworkingDate(Date,Item) property returns a boolean value that indicates whether the giving date-time is non-working or working unit. If the Item parameter is specified, the property returns the non-working units for specified item (Items.ItemNonworkingUnits)
*Added: Updates the cell's value ( Items.CellValue property ) with the result of the computed field (Column.ComputeField property ).
*Fixed: Rarely, right clicking while dragging the thumb ( left button is still pressed ) of the scroll bar fires an access violation.
*Fixed: Moving a bar with ItemBar(exBarKeepWorkingCount) property on true, from an item to another item with a different working area, does not update the ItemBar(exBarWorkingCount) property accordingly wuth the new working area.
*Fixed: For German format ( Regional and Language options ), a number followed by comma (,) character is interpreted as a double number, instead separating values, in computed expressions. For instance the expression "weekday(dvalue) in (0,6) ? '' : value" is interpreted as 0.6 ( double expression ) instead Sunday(0) or Saturday(6).
*Fixed: The bar does not keep the working units while moving, if the chart displays hours and Chart.NonworkingHours property is not zero
*Fixed: The bar displays fake working units between nonworking units when the chart displays hours ( Chart.UnitScale property is exHour, and the Bar.Name property is "Task:Split" )
*Fixed: If grid lines are shown for each level, the base level overrides the others, so only grid lines for base level are visible.
09-24-2012 ExFileView,
*Fixed: The control may take long time to show if the browsed folder contains larger ZIP files.
*Fixed: Sometime, the control is not properly released if using the FileType.From and To properties.
*Fixed: The content of the zip file is extracted only if clicking the +/- expand button.
*Fixed: The zip files are not included when ExpandFolders property is True, and the IncludeFilesInFolder property is True
09-24-2012 EBN/Gallery,
*Added: Ubuntu screen shot and x-script to generate it, in EBN/Gallery section.
09-19-2012 ExTree,
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns. For instance the Template = "dim p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Fixed: The Copy method fails if creating EMF larger than 31720 pixels, or aprox 11.18 m
*Fixed: Changing the ShowImageList property in design mode fails, if the component is hosted in a VC++ 2005, 2008 and 2010 application ( available for /COM only )
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
09-19-2012 ExList,
*Fixed: Removing a column fails, if the items are filtered.
*Fixed: By default, the FilterBarPrompt is case sensitive for non-english characters ( russian, umlauts, ... ), instead case insensitive.
*Fixed: The control may fail if using merged cells in a code with no BeginUpdate/EndUpdate context.
*Fixed: Changing the ShowImageList property in design mode fails, if the component is hosted in a VC++ 2005, 2008 and 2010 application ( available for /COM only ).
09-17-2012 ExToolTip,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
09-17-2012 ExCalendar,
*Added: The Event( EventID) event occurs once the control fires an event (available for /COM version only)
*Added: TemplateDef property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( available for /COM only, and useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE )
*Added: Ensures that the focused date is always visible when resizing the control, if the ShowMonthSelector property is False
*Added: Ensures that the January 1st or MinDate is visible on the top-left corner, if the ShowMonthSelector property is False

The following movie shows the ExLabel's Transparent feature: 

The Exontrol's eXLabel component allows you to use transparent background, which prevents showing the control's BackColor property, so the form window is responsible for providing the label's background appearance. 

Click on > link to see how it will work.

09-12-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to specify different widths for non-working units.
*Added: Chart.UnitWidthNonworking property specifies the width for non-working units.
*Added: InsideZoomFormat.PatternChart property specifies the pattern to be shown on the chart.
*Added: InsideZoomFormat.PatternColorChart property specifies the color to show the pattern within the chart.
*Added: Items.IntersectBars property specifies whether two bars intersect if returns 0, if -1 A is before B and 1 if A is after bar B
*Fixed: Adjusts the first visible date to base level settings when calling the Chart.ScrollTo method.
*Fixed: Speeds up the chart if it displays non-working units, using the Items.ItemNonworkingUnits property.
*Fixed: The level's tooltip is not shown when cursor hovers the first visible unit in the chart.
*Fixed: The unit being clicked can not be selected, after scrolling the chart using the header ( AllowChartScrollHeader property is True )
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: On terminal-servers (citrix), CPU-consumption varying from 1-4%, if multiple instances of the control is opened in the same time ( Exontrol.CommentWindow )
09-12-2012 ExSchedule,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
09-10-2012 ExPopupMenu,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
09-10-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: Auto-numbering support
*Added: The Column.FormatColumn and Items.FormatCell properties support auto-numbering functions as index, pos, apos, opos, rindex, rpos, rapos and ropos
*Added: The value formatting methods support dateS predefined function which gets a date based on the format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", no matter of regional settings compared with the date function.
*Added: The GetItems(1) method retrieves an one-dimensional array that holds the handles of the items in the control as they are displayed ( sorted, filtered, ... ), and so the first element in the array ( item at position 0 ) indicates the handle of the first item in the control which can be different than the Items.FirstVisibleItem if the control is vertically scrolled. [ The GetItems(0) method gets the items ( the values ) in the control. ]
*Fixed: The 0 after decimal separator is ignored in constant elements of computed fields or conditional expressions.
*Fixed: Removing a column fails, if the items are filtered.
*Fixed: By default, the FilterBarPrompt is case sensitive for non-english characters ( russian, umlauts, ... ), instead case insensitive.
*Fixed: The control may fail if using merged cells in a code with no BeginUpdate/EndUpdate context.
09-05-2012 ExGrid,
*Added: The SelBackMode property on exTransparent shows the selection using a semi-transparent color.
*Added: The selected rows loses the colors for cells ( CellBackColor, ItemBackColor ) when selecting ( SelBackMode = exTransparent )
*Added: EditorOptionEnum.exEditAllowContextMenu specifies whether the edit field displays the default content menu when the user right clicks it.
*Fixed: The Editor.Option(EditorOptionEnum) properties of boolean type returns values 0 or -1 instead false or true.
*Fixed: The colors for cells or items being selected are ignored in the print and print preview
*Fixed: The text window do not accept ENTER key, if the Editor.EditType property is 18 (MemoDropDownType)
09-05-2012 ExLabel,
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns.
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set .HTMLPicture statement.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
09-03-2012 ExEMail,
*Added: Message.SendOnce property indicates whether the message is sent once to the mail server, for all recipients, and the server takes the responsibility to delivery the message per all assigned recipients. This property must be set before calling the Send method.
*Fixed: The UTC datestamp that is applied to the outgoing email ignores Daylight Saving time setting
*Fixed: -- is shown on datestamp header, if the time zone is negative
*Fixed: +/-HH00 is always used for minute in the time zone, For instance the time zone (GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, is +0500, instead +0530
09-03-2012 ExCalcEdit,
*Fixed: On terminal-servers (citrix), CPU-consumption varying from 1-4%, if multiple instances of the control is opened in the same time ( Exontrol.CommentWindow )
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the F2 key.
08-30-2012 ExSlider,
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set .HTMLPicture statement.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: On terminal-servers (citrix), CPU-consumption varying from 1-4%, if multiple instances of the control is opened in the same time ( Exontrol.CommentWindow )
08-30-2012 ExThumbnail,
*Added: TemplateDef property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( available for /COM only, and useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE )
*Fixed: The OutputFile property generates empty files when running the /UNICODE version.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
08-27-2012 ExSchedule,
*NEW: Print and Print-Preview support.
*Added: The Print.Options = "FitToPage=On" option ( of the exprint ) indicates that the schedule's content should fit to a single page.
*Added: The Print.Options = "Range=<expression>" option ( of the exprint ) indicates the range of date to be print and print-preview, where <expression> supports value keyword that indicates the date to be printed, and the <expression> supports all operators and predefined functions of Calendar.Selection property. For instance, Print.Options = "Range=month(value) in (6,7)" lists July and August of the browsing year.
*Added: EnsureVisible(Date) method ensures that the specified date fits the client area of the schedule view
08-27-2012 ExButton,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
08-24-2012 ExScrollBar,
*Added: ScrollDelay specifies the time in ms, to delay the next scroll event, when the user clicks the scrollbar's buttons.
*Added: Ability to use or load PNG, TIFF or WMF picture on the control's background ( Picture property for /COM version ) , using the LoadPicture predefined function of the Template property. For instance, the [.Template = "Picture = LoadPicture(`E:\picture.png`)"] OR [.Picture = .ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`E:\picture.png`)")] loads the PNG picture on the control's background.
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property executes a x-script template and returns the result.
*Fixed: The control fails if you click and hold the left mouse button on the thumb of the scrollbar itself and drag up and down and then click the right mouse button whilst the left button is still pressed
08-24-2012 ExG2antt,
*Added: (globbing) The filter allows using [] for group of characters. The "[CB]at" matches Cat or Bat but not cat or mat.
*Added: BarResizing event notifies the application once the bar is moving or resizing ( The BarResize event is fired only after moving or resizing operation is done )
*Added: The "timeF" inside function retrieves the time as "HH:MM:SS" as string (24-hours format), not depending on the control panel's time format. For instance the timeF(1:23 PM) returns "13:23:00"
*Added: The "shortdateF" inside function retrieves the date as "MM/DD/YYYY" as string, not depending on the control panel's date format. For instance the shortdateF(December 31, 1971 11:00 AM) returns "12/31/1971".
*Added: The "dateF" inside function retrieves the date and time as "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS" as string, not depending on the control panel's date format. For instance the dateF(December 31, 1971 11:00 AM) returns "12/31/1971 11:00:00"
*Added: The Items.ItemBar(Item,"<pattern>",Property) = Value property changes the property for all bars ( in the item, if the Item parameter is not zero, or in the chart, if the Item parameter is 0 ) that match the specified pattern which may include wild characters such as *,?,# or []. Items.ItemBar(0,"<K*>",exBarColor) = RGB(255,0,0) changes the color for all bars that start with K.
*Fixed: The control looks for the first match instead looking for all possibilities, if the pattern contains more than one * character (any)
*Fixed: The Chart.Zoom method hangs if the Chart.UnitWidth property is larger than Chart.PaneWidth(True) property
*Fixed: The filter is not showing any object, if it contains more than one pattern.
*Fixed: Changing the FocusColumnIndex property programmatically does not starts the cell's editor , if the AutoEdit property is True.
08-16-2012 ExGrid,
*NEW: HOT tracking/hover of the rows/items
*Added: HotBackColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking background color.
*Added: HotForeColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking foreground color.
*Fixed: A column of boolean type with a CheckValueType editor assigned can not filter unchecked items if using the Column.CustomFilter property
*Fixed: The cells with CellBackColor set, shows no solid colors, if the SetBackMode property is exGrid.
08-16-2012 ExTab,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
08-14-2012 ExListBar,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
08-14-2012 ExPlorerBar,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
08-09-2012 ExComboBox,
*Added: Case-Sensitive support for filtering, if the Column.FilterType property includes the exFilterDoCaseSensitive (256). This flag can be combined with exFilter or exPattern to perform a case-sensitive filtering. By default, the filtering is case-insensitive, while the exFilterDoCaseSensitive flag is not included in the Column.FilterType property.
*Added: Ensures that the focused item fits the control's client area, if possible, if the filter is applied.
*Fixed: The control may fail if refilling with data when using no BeginUpdate/EndUpdate methods.
*Fixed: The grid line between top locked part unlocked area of the control is not shown.
08-09-2012 ExGantt,
*Added: The SelBackMode property on exTransparent shows the selection using a semi-transparent color.
*Added: The selected rows loses the colors for cells ( CellBackColor, ItemBackColor ) when selecting ( SelBackMode = exTransparent )
*Fixed: The cells with CellBackColor set, shows no solid colors, if the SetBackMode property is exGrid.
*Fixed: The colors for cells or items being selected are ignored in the print and print preview
*Fixed: Only two items get selected when user selects multiple items by dragging an empty rectangle.
*Fixed: The control fails, if the Items.RemoveItem is called twice on the same handle.
*Fixed: The Column(0).Position = 1 does not work, while the Column(1).Position = 0 works for a control with 2 columns.
*Fixed: Foxpro crashes with C0000005 error, when having a dropdownlist in a column, clicking on the drop down button and calling the Column.Positon during the MouseDown event 
*Fixed: The get_HTMLPicture property gets empty object on the /NET version.
*Fixed: A bar with zero-length ( such as milestone ) does not show the caption in the print preview.

The following movie shows the New HTML Decorative feature: 

Enrich your app, using the newer HTML format which supports shadows, outlined characters, gradient text, and so on.

Click on > link to see how it will work.

08-07-2012 ExG2antt,
*Added: Note.PartAlignment property specifies the horizontal alignment of text inside the note's part.
*Added: The Columns.Item(Caption) or Columns(Caption) is case insensitive.
*Added: Hides or shows a bar if the Items.ItemBar(exBarTransparent) property is 100. For instance, if the Items.ItemBar(exBarTransparent) property is 100, the bar and its links are not visible.
*Added: Note.RelativePosition property supports positioning the note relative to the starting point of the bar, or ending point of the bar, if passing string expressions.
*Fixed: Removing a summary bar produces GPF once an older child item is moved or resized.
*Fixed: The "Not a legal OleAut date" exception is fired if the ItemBar(exBarStartPrev) or ItemBar(exBarEndPrev) is called during the BarResizing event.
*Fixed: System.AccessViolationException occurs if the Items.RemoveBar or Items.ClearBars is called during the BarResize event
*Fixed: The moving or resizing bar operation ends as soon a bar is removed during an event.
*Fixed: The Columns.Item property retrieves nothing, if the column is not found, instead firing an error.
*Fixed: The MDI form requires an extra click to activate it, once a modeless dialog is closed. The dialog contains a VB6 UserControl that hosts the control. ATL3.0 BUG
*Fixed: Clips the bar's caption to the chart's view, when using the Copy or CopyTo methods.
08-07-2012 ExEMail,
*Added: Content-Type header based on the file's extension. For instance, a PDF file goes as "application/pdf" type, and a TXT file goes as "text/plain" type
*Fixed: The "application/x-msdownload" is used to indicate that an attachment follows.
*Fixed: The Content-Disposition carries the NAME optional parameter instead FILENAME, so some email clients provide a noname attachment.
*Fixed: The Content-Disposition indicates an attachement instead attachment
08-03-2012 ExSchedule,
*Added: Calendar.OnSelectDate property indicates the action that the control performs once the user selects a new date in the calendar panel.
*Added: DayViewWidth property indicates the width of the day's view in the schedule panel.
*Added: DayViewHeight property indicates the height of the day's view in the schedule panel.
*Added: DayViewOffsetX property indicates the horizontal scroll position of the schedule's view.
*Added: DayViewOffsetY property indicates the vertical scroll position of the schedule's view.
08-03-2012 ExEdit,
*Fixed: Adjusts properly the height of the context code, when the control's Context collection contains a single element.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the selected context item is not inserted to the control if it is empty.
*Fixed: The context menu is higher than it should be if the control's Font uses a fixed size font.
08-01-2012 ExLabel,
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
08-01-2012 ExOrgChart,
*NEW: Inline editing support (the user can inline edit and update the node's caption)
*Added: AllowEdit property indicates the combination of keys that user can use to perform inline editing of the node.
*Added: Node.Editable property specifies whether the node's caption is editable or read only at runtime
*Added: Background(exEditNodeBackColor) specifies the edit's background color while editing.
*Added: Background(exEditNodeForeColor) specifies the edit's foreground color while editing.
08-01-2012 ExHelper,
*Added: System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US") to C# definition of Convert.ToDateTime method ( internal usage only )
*Added: Includes the literal value in comments for VBA, VFP programming languages, for properties of enumeration type.
*Fixed: Generates a cast to original ENUMeration type, for values that uses the | operator ( C++ language ) (cannot convert parameter from 'int' to 'ENUM' type)
*Fixed: Better bit-or combinations for properties of enumeration types.

We are proud to announce, that the ExSchedule component is ready, including the documentation, how-to questions and several samples that comes with the control's setup. Available as COM/ActiveX, /NET Assembly, /WPF Component, ANSI or UNICODE, 32 or 64-bit edition.

Few of features that ExSchedule provides are:

  • Ability to enlarge or zooming the scheduler, from one year to minutes, using the middle mouse button
  • Ability to smoothly navigate from one date to another by dragging the scheduler 
  • Multiple selection support, or ability to remove, move or resize all selected appointments/events at once 
  • Ability to define the one or more non-working parts of any day, week, month, ... with a different pattern, colors, and so on, based on custom expressions 
  • Repetitive events support, or scheduling something that occurs at the same time multiple days
  • Inline editing support, with transparent background support,
  • Easy way to define the control's visual appearance in design mode, using XP-Theme elements or EBN objects
  • and more

We would like to remind you, that we will keep maintaining and improving all of our products, including the new one.


06-27-2012 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to format numbers
*Added: The 'format' binary operator gets the value as formatted number. For instance "value format '2|.|3|," displays the value with 2 digits, the decimal separator being the . character, and the integer part is grouping by 3 digits, while the separator for grouping is , character. The Column.FormatColumn, Column.ComputedField , Items.FormatCell, ConditionalFormat.Expression can use the 'format' operator.
*Added: Sorts the column by string using the user-default ANSI code page obtained from the operating system ( Fixed: German „umlauts“  are lexicographic ordered )
*Fixed: The sorting of items is lost, once the filter is cleared.
06-27-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: PNG support for picture properties.
*Added: PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF image format support.
*Added: <%loc_d1%> indicates the first letter of the weekday using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_d2%> indicates the first two letters of the weekday using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_d3%> is equivalent with <%loc_ddd%> which indicates the day of the week as a three-letter abbreviation using the current user settings
*Added: <%loc_m1%> indicates the first letter of the month using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_m2%> indicates the first two letters of the month using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_m3%> is equivalent with <%loc_mmm%> which indicates the month as a three-letter abbreviation using the current user settings
*Fixed: The SelectionChanged event is fired every time the user clicks outside items area, if the SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: The mouse or key events could be fired while user scrolls the control's content.
06-25-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to associate a bar or a date with fully customizable notes or boxes, that can show HTML text, pictures, ebns, and so on.
*Added: Chart.Notes property retrieves a collection of notes.
*Added: Chart.ShowNotes property specifies whether the control shows or hides the control's notes ( boxes ).
*Added: Chart.NoteFromPoint property retrieves the note from the cursor
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarPercent100) property specifies a value between 0 and 100 that indicates the percent value to display the bar's progress. Use this option to associate a slider/spin in a cell with a bar in the chart area.
*Added: Ability to enumerate the objects in the VisualAppearance collection ( /COM version ).
*Added: Updates the default visual aspect of the left, right, top, and bottom arrows to navigate the months/years in a drop down type editor
*Fixed: exBarKeepWorkingCount, exBarShowRange and exBarCanMoveToAnother options of the Items.ItemBar property initialized to false ( boolean values ), instead empty.
*Fixed: exLinkVisible, exLinkShowDir options of the Items.Link property initialized to false ( boolean values ), instead empty.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemBar(exBarExtraCaption) returns empty, if no extra caption associated, instead a zero sized safe array.
*Fixed: Prevents infinite loop while previewing the control using the eXPrint, if the Chart.UnitWidth property is larger than chart's width.
06-25-2012 ExHelper,
*Added: Exontrol.ExSchedule component to the controls list.
*Fixed: The generated code for X++, JScript does not include the ending ; character.
*Fixed: Removes the 0 from the tail of the number after the decimal separator in the generated code, if the user changes a property of Integer/Number type.
*Fixed: The tool fails to select a new object to be browsed on Windows 2000.
*Fixed: Prevents executing the previously template when the tool is starting up, so the tool can be shown if a crash occurred before.
06-18-2012 ExGrid,
*Added: Print.Options("FitToPage = On") indicates that the eXGrid component is using one page to show its content on Print and Print Preview ( Exontrol.eXPrint version must be 5.2, or greater )
*Added: Ability to print and print preview the inside controls being added using the Items.InsertControlItem ( aka. Exontrol.Grid, MSComCtl2.MonthView, ... ). Curently, this is available for Exontrol.ExGrid/COM version only
*Added: Ability to be printed or previewed when the control is hosted by another component ( for instance using the Items.InsertControlItem of Exontrol.Grid component ) (#PRF_CLIENT#)
*Fixed: The get_HTMLPicture property gets empty object on the /NET version.
06-18-2012 ExPropertiesList,
*NEW: Ability to specify unsortable properties.
*Added: Property.Sortable property specifies whether the item that hosts the property may change its position while sorting. An unsortable item does not change its position while sort is performed. For instance, you can set some property to be always on top, using the Property.Position = 0 and Property.Sortable = False.
*Added: TemplateDef property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE, xBasic, Unipaas, ... )
*Added: Calling Select method on the same object does refresh the values of the visible properties.
06-13-2012 ExG2antt,
*Added: Chart.StartBlockUndoRedo() method starts recording the UI operations as a block of undo/redo operations.
*Added: Chart.EndBlockUndoRedo() method ends recording the UI operations and adds the undo/redo operations as a block, so they all can be restored at once, if Undo method is performed.
*Added: Items.Link(exLinkPDMWorkingDelay) property specifies the delay in working units between two bars when they are linked together.
*Added: Items.Link(exLinkPDMDelay) property specifies the delay between two bars when they are linked together.
*Added: The Items.ItemBar(0,"<*>",Property) = Value property changes the property for all bars in the chart.
*Added: Prevents changing the selected items background and foreground colors when printing.
*Fixed: The PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF pictures are not showing when printing the control.
*Fixed: The Chart.DateTickerLabel property uses the English names for months, days, instead using the current settings ( Chart.MonthNames, Chart.WeekDays )
*Fixed: The /NET Assembly does not update at runtime the properties saved in design-mode.
06-13-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to specify a different background color or visual appearance for the item in the chart panel (#09162010#).
*Added: The Chart.ItemBackColor property specifies the item's background color or the visual appearance in the chart panel.
*Added: The Chart.ClearItemBackColor property clears the item's background color or the visual appearance in the chart panel.
*Added: Sorts the column by string using the user-default ANSI code page obtained from the operating system ( Fixed: German „umlauts“  are lexicographic ordered )
*Added: Items.ItemMinHeight property limits the height of the item when resizing.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemMaxHeight property can not be set on -1.
*Fixed: Prevents infinite loop while previewing the control using the eXPrint, if the Chart.UnitWidth property is larger than chart's width.
*Fixed: Printing the chart may fail if the chart is limited using the ScrollRange, and a bar exceeds the limited area.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemBackColor property does not specify anymore the item's background color in the chart part of the control. Use the Chart.ItemBackColor property
06-11-2012 ExplorerTree,
*Added: Group.FilterBarPrompt property specifies the HTML caption to be displayed when the filter pattern is missing.
*Added: Group.FilterBarPromptColumns property specifies the list of columns to be used when filtering using the prompt. By default, the filter prompt uses all columns.
*Added: Group.FilterBarPromptPattern property specifies the pattern for the filter prompt.
06-11-2012 ExMenu,
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
06-06-2012 ExCalendar,
*Added: BackgroundPartEnum.exDaysHeaderForeColor option specifies the foreground color for the days header ( equivalent with the exDaysHeader excepts that it changes the background / visual appearance of the days header ).
*Added: BackgroundPartEnum.exWeeksHeaderForeColor option specifies the foreground color for the weeks header ( equivalent with the exWeeksHeader excepts that it changes the background / visual appearance of the weeks header ).
*Added: BackgroundPartEnum.exMarkTodayForeColor option specifies the foreground color for today date ( equivalent with the exMarkToday excepts that it changes the background / visual appearance of the today date ).
*Added: BackgroundPartEnum.exDateTodayForeColor option specifies the foreground color for Today button ( equivalent with the exDateTodayDown and exDateTodayUp excepts that it changes the background / visual appearance of the Today button for down and up states ).
06-06-2012 ExTree,
*Fixed: Removing a column fails, if the items are filtered.
*Fixed: By default, the FilterBarPrompt is case sensitive for non-english characters ( russian, umlauts, ... ), instead case insensitive.
*Fixed: The control fails, if the Items.RemoveItem is called twice on the same handle.
*Fixed: The control may fail if using merged cells in a code with no BeginUpdate/EndUpdate context.
06-05-2012 ExList,
*Fixed: Only two items get selected when user selects multiple items by dragging an empty rectangle.
*Fixed: Foxpro crashes with C0000005 error, when having a dropdownlist in a column, clicking on the drop down button and calling the Column.Positon during the MouseDown event 
*Fixed: The scroll bar's thumb position is not updated while scrolling using the mouse.
*Fixed: The colors for cells or items being selected are ignored in the print and print preview
06-05-2012 EXMLGrid,
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Added: Appearance.RenderType property specifies the way colored EBN objects are displayed on the component. For instance use the RenderType on -3 (0xFFFFFFFD), no color is applied, -2, for OR-color scheme (0xFFFFFFFE), -1 (0xFFFFFFFF) for AND-color scheme, ( older EBN color schemes ). The RenderType property is 0 by default, which indicates an A-color scheme. The first significant byte indicates the transparency while the other bytes indicates the RGB value.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
05-30-2012 ExGantt,
*Fixed: Prevents firing the Click or RClick event when the user clicks the control's header bar, so the Click/RClick event is fired only if clicked the items/chart area.
*Fixed: The FocusItem property retrieves the previously focused item during the Click event, if the control's SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: The Click event is fired before SelectionChanged event, if the control's SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: The focused item is changed to the item being expanded, if the ExpandItem is called during the DragDrop event.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the SelectionChanged event is fired twice, if the control's SingleSel property is False.
05-30-2012 ExOrgChart,
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set .HTMLPicture statement.
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns. For instance the Template = "dim p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Fixed: The ExploreFromNode = Root is ignored, instead using the ExploreFromNode = .Root.Key works.
*Fixed: The Root.Index property fails, instead returning 0.
05-28-2012 ExG2antt,
*Added: Saves the summary bars information to XML format, when using the SaveXML method.
*Added: Save and load exBarColor, exSummaryBarBackColor, exSummaryBarBackColorTransparent, exBarMinDuration, exBarMaxDuration, properties to XML format (Color, SummaryBackColor, SummaryTransparent, MinDuration, MaxDuration)
*Added: Save and load exLinkArrowColor, exLinkShowRound properties to XML format (ArrowColor, ShowRound)
*Added: Saves the Items.ItemBackColor, Items.ItemForeColor, Items.ItemData to XML file using the SaveXML method.
*Added: Saves the Items.CellBackColor, Items.CellForeColor, Items.CellData to XML file using the SaveXML method.
*Added: Adjusts the Chart.FirstVisibleDate property when the user scrolls the chart and the base Level's Count property is greater than 1, and Level.UnitScale is exHour, exMinute or exSecond.
*Fixed: If a summary bar has margins (exBarMinStart, exBarMaxStart, exBarMinEnd, exBarMaxEnd) moving the summary bar or any child bar outside the limited portion fails with Stack overflow.
*Fixed: Updates the bars in a group if several bars are moved at once.
*Fixed: The Chart.LinkFromPoint property retrieves the key of the links only if the AntiAliasing property is True.
*Fixed: The rectangle around the selected bar or link is shown in black an white
*Fixed: Ungroup the linked bars if a link is removed and it has the Items.Link(exLinkGroupBars) property different than GroupBarsOptionsEnum.exGroupBarsNone
05-28-2012 ExScrollBar,
*Added: The Event( EventID) event occurs once the control fires an event (available for /COM version only)
*Added: TemplateDef property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( available for /COM only, and useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE )
*Added: The Button parameter of MouseMove event can be 4 which indicates that the middle mouse button ( wheel button ) is pressed.
*Fixed: "Error executing code: FormActiveXControl (data source), method ... called with invalid parameters" on Dynamics AX environment is fired, if the application handles events with parameters passed by reference. On X++ you should use the Event event and EventParams method to handle this exception. The X++ is not able to handle the events with parameters passed by reference.
05-23-2012 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to specify unsortable items.
*Added: Items.SortableItem property specifies whether the item may change its position while sorting. An unsortable item does not change its position while sort is performed.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemMaxHeight property can not be set on -1.
*Fixed: The mouse or key events could be fired while user scrolls the control's content.
05-23-2012 ExFileView,
*Added: Asynchronous property specifies whether the files and folders information is loading in the background.
*Added: File.ParseName retrieves the name of the file or folder including its extension.
*Added: The Expand method requires relative name, so it is good to use the full path too.
*Fixed: The File.Name gets the filename without the known extension, if the Explorer has the "Hide extensions for known file types" option set.
05-21-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to specify the style of the control's gridlines horizontal or vertical
*Added: GridLineStyle property specifies the style for the gridlines being shown in the list part of the control.
*Added: Chart.GridLineStyle property specifies the style for the gridlines being shown in the chart part of the control.
*Added: Level.GridLineStyle property specifies the style for the chart's vertical gridlines.
*Added: Items.ExpandItem(0) property expands or collapses all items.
*Fixed: Ensures that the full caption(s) of the bar fits the paper area where the bar is displayed, when printing.
*Fixed: The scroll bar's thumb position is not updated while scrolling using the mouse.
*Fixed: Sometimes, clicking the overview part of the chart when it contains no bars scrolls the content to Dec 30, 1899. ( Chart.OverviewVisible is True )
*Fixed: An "StackExceptionError" exception may occurs if the chart has margins ( Chart.ScrollRange property ), and the chart's overview section is visible ( Chart.OverviewVisible property is set ).
05-21-2012 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: Appearance.RenderType property specifies the way colored EBN objects are displayed on the component. For instance use the RenderType on -3 (0xFFFFFFFD), no color is applied, -2, for OR-color scheme (0xFFFFFFFE), -1 (0xFFFFFFFF) for AND-color scheme, ( older EBN color schemes ). The RenderType property is 0 by default, which indicates an A-color scheme. The first significant byte indicates the transparency while the other bytes indicates the RGB value.
*Added: The Event( EventID) event occurs once the control fires an event (available for /COM version only)
*Fixed: "Error executing code: FormActiveXControl (data source), method ... called with invalid parameters" on Dynamics AX environment is fired, if the application handles events with parameters passed by reference. On X++ you should use the Event event and EventParams method to handle this exception. The X++ is not able to handle the events with parameters passed by reference.
*Added: Sorts the column by string using the user-default ANSI code page obtained from the operating system ( Fixed: German „umlauts“  are lexicographic ordered )
05-16-2012 ExG2antt,
*Added: The BarParentChange event is fired once again when the user releases the mouse, as well during dragging to a new parent. This way you can control changing the bar's parent only when the user releases the left mouse button.
*Added: Shows the disable cursor while moving a bar from a parent to another, if the operation is not possible ( such as when it is possible to have two bars with the same key in the same item or Cancel parameter is set on True, during the BarParentChange event )
*Added: The Key parameter of the get function Items.ItemBar(Item,Key,exBarsCount) supports wild card characters. If the Key parameter is a string that starts with < and ends on > as "<pattern>" , the pattern part indicates an expression that may include wild card characters such as '?' for any single character, '*' for zero or more occurrences of any character, '#' for any digit character. The Item parameter could be 0 which indicates all items, or a valid handle for a single item. For instance, the Items.ItemBar(0,"<*>",exBarsCount) counts all bars in the chart, the Items.ItemBar(Item,"<*>",exBarsCount) counts all bars in the specified Item, or the Items.ItemBar(0,"<K*>",exBarsCount) counts the bars with the Key K or any Key that starts on K, from the entire chart.
*Fixed: The Undo/Redo queue is filling with intermediate MoveBar operations during moving selected bars.
*Fixed: The BarResize event is fired only when releasing the mouse once the user moves selected bars ( the selected bars are shown with a focus rectangle around ), so no intermediate BarResize event during moving.
*Fixed: The AnchorClick event is not fired when clicking a hyperlink that belongs to extra captions being assigned using the Items.ItemBar(exBarExtraCaption) property
*Fixed: The /NET Assembly shows no information in design mode, such as version of the control.
*Fixed: The scrolling of the chart remains active if the user releases the mouse out of the chart.
*Fixed: Updates properties of the bar associated with values in the items area ( Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar property is True ) such as exBarWorkingCount, exBarNonWorkingCount and related when the user moves or resizes a bar in the chart area.
05-16-2012 ExGrid,
*Added: Sorts the column by string using the user-default ANSI code page obtained from the operating system ( Fixed: German „umlauts“  are lexicographic ordered )
*Added: Items.ItemMinHeight property limits the height of the item when resizing.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemMaxHeight property can not be set on -1.
*Fixed: The mouse or key events could be fired while user scrolls the control's content.
*Fixed: Prevents showing the top grid line for the first visible item that's locked ( ShowLockedItems property is True )
05-14-2012 ExPlorerTree,
*NEW: Filter Prompt support ( The filter prompt feature allows you to filter the items as you type while the filter bar is visible on the bottom part of the list area )
*Added: Group.FilterBarPromptVisible property shows or hides the filter prompt
*Added: Group.FilterBarPromptType property specifies the type of the filter prompt
*Fixed: Keeps the focused item on the previously selected if it is still visible, after applying the filter.
05-14-2012 ExThumbnail,
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns.
*Added: Ability to use or load PNG, TIFF or WMF picture on the control's background ( Picture property for /COM version ) , using the LoadPicture predefined function of the Template property. For instance, the [.Template = "Picture = LoadPicture(`E:\picture.png`)"] OR [.Picture = .ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`E:\picture.png`)")] loads the PNG picture on the control's background.
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
05-09-2012 EXMLGrid,
*NEW: Ability to specify any COLOR for the control's frame/border/appearance if using EBN objects.
*Added: The Appearance property may specify any color to apply the EBN object to define the control's border. In other words, you can define the color and the visual aspect of the control's border/appearance.
*Added: The Background(exToolTipAppearance) property may specify any color to apply to tooltip's EBN so the control's tooltip can be shown using different colors.
05-09-2012 ExMenu,
*Fixed: The drop down portion of the main menu is opened once the cursor hovers the menu bar, while the ShowPopup method is performed.
*Fixed: Prevents displaying the "OnMessageHook" in the Output panel ( OutputDebugString )
*Fixed: The Visibility property does not support all values from 0 to 100 contiguously.

The following movies show few of the features that Exontrol's eXSchedule provides: 

  This is the first look of the Exontrol's eXSchedule, which is not released yet. The Exontrol's eXSchedule tool allows you to display and arrange the appointments to a calendar view. Features like zooming, skinning, drag and drop, grouping, filtering, multiple selection, multiple integrated time scales, and more can be seen in this movie.


  The ExSchedule allows you to specify different non-working times for any day using your custom functions, highlighting parts of the time scales such as zones, and also allows you to add multiple timers to indicate the events from the moment.


Click on > link to see how it works.  We hope you to enjoy it.

05-07-2012 ExTree,
*Added: Sorts the column by string using the user-default ANSI code page obtained from the operating system ( Fixed: German „umlauts“  are lexicographic ordered )
*Added: Items.ItemMinHeight property limits the height of the item when resizing.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemMaxHeight property can not be set on -1.
*Fixed: The sorting of items is lost, once the filter is cleared.
05-07-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to use the locale date/time format ( as indicated in Regional and Language Options ) in functions as: Level.Label, Level.ToolTip, Chart.Label, Chart.LabelToolTip, Chart.FormatDate, Chart.OverviewToolTip, Chart.ToolTip, InsideZoomFormat.InsideLabel, InsideZoomFormat.OwnerLabel, Note.PartText and Note.Text methods.
*Added: <%loc_sdate%> indicates the date in the short format using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_ldate%> indicates the date in the long format using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_ddd%> indicates day of week as a three-letter abbreviation using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_dddd%> indicates day of week as its full name using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_mmm%> indicates month as a three-letter abbreviation using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_mmmm%> indicates month as its full name using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_gg%> indicates period/era using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_dsep%> indicates the date separator using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_time%> indicates the time using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_time24%> indicates the time in 24 hours format without a time marker using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_AM/PM%> indicates the time marker such as AM or PM using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_A/P%> indicates the one character time marker such as A or P using the current user settings.
*Added: <%loc_tsep%> indicates the time separator using the current user settings.
05-02-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: Several new options to draw bars with borders, gradient, patterns, shadow and so on.
*Added: The Pattern property of the Bar object may be a combination of predefined patterns with exPatternBox, exPatternGradientHBox, exPatternGradientVBox, exPatternGradient3Colors, exPatternThickBox or exPatternThickBox, values indicating a bar width solid border, linear gradient, linear vertical gradient, using 3 colors or a bar with a thick frame.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarPattern) property specifies the pattern to display the bar.
*Fixed: The links are not properly loaded from XML format when data contains child nodes ( LoadXML )
05-02-2012 ExCalendar,
*NEW: Easy way to define the control's visual appearance in design mode, using XP-Theme elements or EBN objects.
*Added: VisualDesign property specifies the control's visual appearance. The VisualDesign value is a BASE64 encoded string, that can be defined using the control's WYSWYG Visual Design Editor, which can be invoked by selecting the control in Design Mode, select Properties, go to the VisualDesign property and click the ... in the Properties browser. The value for this property can be used on /COM, /NET or /WPF. The /WPF version does not have the inside editor, instead any you can use the /COM or /NET to generate the BASE64 encoded strings for this property.
*Fixed: On Windows 7, the user can not open the open file dialog on MSDEV using the ShowImageList property ( VC 6.0 )
04-25-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to specify multiple captions, icons, pictures for a bar at once.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarExtraCaption) property retrieves or sets a collection of extra captions being assigned to the bar.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarExtraCaptionHAlign) property specifies the horizontal alignment for each extra caption assigned to the bar.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarExtraCaptionVAlign) property indicates the vertical alignment for each extra caption assigned to the bar.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarExtraCaptionHOffset) property retrieves or sets the offset to move horizontally the extra caption relative to its default position.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarExtraCaptionVOffset) property retrieves or sets the offset to move vertically the extra caption relative to its default position.
*Added: The Key parameter of the Items.RemoveBar(Item,Key) method accepts wild card characters. If the Key parameter is a string that starts with < and ends on > as "<pattern>" , the pattern part indicates an expression that may include wild card characters such as '?' for any single character, '*' for zero or more occurrences of any character, '#' for any digit character. The Item parameter could be 0 which indicates all items, or a valid handle for a single item. For instance, the Items.RemoveBar(Item,"<*>") removes all bars of specified Item while Items.RemoveBar(0,"<*>"), removes all bars from the entire chart, or Items.RemoveBar(Item,"<K*>") removes the bars with the Key K or any Key that starts on K, from the specified Item.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemBar(exBarMove) property does not keep the working units count if the Items.ItemBar(exBarKeepWorkingCount) property is True.
*Fixed: Scrolling the chart, moving or resizing a bar does not stop if the user releases the mouse button outside of the chart ( /WPF version only )
*Fixed: The BarResize event is not called for affected bars during the SchedulePDM, if the SchedulePDM methid is called during the BarResizing/BarResize event
04-25-2012 ExHelper,
*Added: Ability to use or load PNG, TIFF or WMF picture on the control's background ( Picture property for /COM version , using the LoadPicture predefined function of the exscript ( programming language of the Template ). For instance, the Picture = LoadPicture("E:\picture.png") loads the PNG picture on the control's background.
*Added: Includes the ID and Index to ProeprtiesList's NameItemsCollection proerty
*Added: The context menu of the Template panel, shows a "Call Custom Template" item, that can be used to execute a custom template any time. For instance, you can call the print(Version) to display the control's Version property.
*Added: The CTRL + S saves the current context ( current Template, Filtering prompt, sorting column, ... ) and after run the current Template.
04-23-2012 ExList,
*Added: Sorts the column by string using the user-default ANSI code page obtained from the operating system ( Fixed: German „umlauts“  are lexicographic ordered )
*Added: Items.ItemMinHeight property limits the height of the item when resizing.
*Added: Ability to be printed or previewed when the control is hosted by another component ( for instance using the Items.InsertControlItem of Exontrol.Grid component ) (#PRF_CLIENT#)
*Fixed: The Items.ItemMaxHeight property can not be set on -1.
04-23-2012 ExPropertiesList,
*NEW: PNG support for picture properties.
*Added: PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF image format support.
*Added: The Button parameter of MouseMove event can be 4 which indicates that the middle mouse button ( wheel button ) is pressed.
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only carriage returns. For instance the Template = "dim p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Fixed: The property's value is not changed when leaving the field.
04-18-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Precedence Diagramming Method ( PDM or scheduling activities in a project plan )
*Added: Items.SchedulePDM( Item, Key ) method schedules the bars in the chart starting from giving bar, using PDM.
*Added: ChartStartChanging(exPDM) event is fired when the PDM scheduling begins.
*Added: ChartEndChanging(exPDM) event is fired when the PDM scheduling ends.
*Fixed: Improves the speed of collecting non-working parts of the chart ( visible when zooming ).
*Fixed: The BarResize event is not fired if the bar's start or end date is changed during the AddLink or AllowLink event
*Fixed: Limits the margins of the bar to exBarMinStart, exBarMaxStart, exBarMinEnd, exBarMaxEnd attributes when the user moves grouped or summary bars
*Fixed: Prevents moving the bars outside its margins ( if specified using exBarMinStart, exBarMaxStart, exBarMinEnd, exBarMaxEnd attributes), by code using the Items.ItemBar(exBarMove) property
*Fixed: The Chart.RemoveSelection method fires AccessViolationException (attempted to read or write protected memory) if removing bars being included in summary bars.
*Fixed: The chart takes longer time to display non-working parts, if the Count property of the base level is not 1.
*Fixed: Adjusts the Chart.FirstVisibleDate property based on the Level.Count property when the user left scrolls the chart, if the Chart.ShowNonworkingUnits property is False, and the Level.Count property is greater than 1.
04-18-2012 ExScrollBar,
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only carriage returns.
*Added: Prevents updating the UI parts of the control while moving or resizing UI objects ( detect small mouse movement or large mouse movement )
*Fixed: Sometimes, the dragging operation is not stopped if the user releases the mouse outside of the control
*Fixed: Prevents firing the mouse events while the control is scrolled or inside UI objects are moved or resized.

The following screen shot shows the exCRD format will support hierarchy lines: 

The eXCRD allows your rows to be displayed however you want with the control row layout capabilities. 

Click on > link to see how it will work. 

04-17-2012 ExCalendar,
*Added: Prevents updating the UI parts of the control while moving or resizing UI objects ( detect small mouse movement or large mouse movement )
*Fixed: Sometimes, the dragging operation is not stopped if the user releases the mouse outside of the control
*Fixed: Prevents firing the mouse events while the control is scrolled or inside UI objects are moved or resized.
04-17-2012 ExComboBox,
*Added: DividerAlignmentEnum.DividerBoth indicates that item shows top and bottom divider lines.
*Fixed: The DividerAlignmentEnum.DividerCenter prevents painting the divider over the cell's content
*Fixed: Adjusts the hierarchy lines between rows when they contain divider items (Items.ItemDivider). 
*Fixed: The content of a divider item can not be centered if the cell being displayed belongs to the hierarchy column

The following screen shot shows the scroll by line feature we will support: 

Ability to vertically scroll the control's content line by line, if the ScrollBySingleLine property is True, such the Items.FirstVisibleItem can be partially visible. The smooth scrolling will have effect only if pressing the vertical up or down scroll buttons. For instance, if your view displays items with different sizes, the current scrolling makes a new first visible item any time the scrolling buttons are clicked, instead smooth scrolling the control content.

This video shows how you can combine the vertical smooth scrolling by clicking the up or down buttons with dragging the cursor up or down. 

Click on > link to see how it will work. 

04-04-2012 ExGrid,
*Added: Opens the focused editor once the user releases the key, while AutoEdit property is True, for faster navigation through items or cells.
*Fixed: Closing the current editor (EditClose method), and re-opening it using the Edit method during the KeyDown event shows the newly editor as unusable.
*Fixed: Ensures that the selected value fits the editor's drop down client area, for DropDownListType editors.
*Fixed: The 0 after decimal separator is ignored in constant elements of computed fields or conditional expressions.
04-04-2012 ExFileView,
*Added: Option(exSizeFormat) property specifies the format of the Size column ( by default, KBytes, but you can specify to display files in GB, MB, KB or Bytes )
*Added: IsBusy property indicates whether the control still collects information about current files and folders.
*Fixed: The Size column is not properly sorted if contains large files ( GB files )
*Fixed: Hides the file's comment or tooltip when user presses a key.
04-02-2012 ExOrgChart,
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
*Fixed: Changing the ShowImageList property in design mode fails, if the component is hosted in a VC++ 2005, 2008 and 2010 application ( available for /COM only ).
*Fixed: The get_HTMLPicture property gets empty object on the /NET version.
04-02-2012 ExButton,
*Added: Ability to use or load PNG, TIFF or WMF picture on the control's background ( Picture property for /COM version ) , using the LoadPicture predefined function of the Template property. For instance, the [.Template = "Picture = LoadPicture(`E:\picture.png`)"] OR [.Picture = .ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`E:\picture.png`)")] loads the PNG picture on the control's background.
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set .HTMLPicture statement.
*Fixed: The control's Picture is not being displayed if the UseTransparency property is True
03-31-2012 ExG2antt,
*Added: Prevents creating new bars inside disabled items ( Items.EnableItem property, Chart.AllowCreateBar ), at runtime.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarMinDuration) specifies the minimum duration for a bar, while the exBarMaxDuration specifies the maximum duration for a bar.
*Added: The Background(exDragDropAlign) specifies the alignment of the drag and drop image relative to the cursor.
*Added: The WordFromPoint(X,Y,Highlight) property retrieves the word from the specified position, and highlights it if it is found and the Highlight parameter is true. A word is delimited by empty characters such as space or tabs.
*Added: ScrollBarsEnum.exVScrollOnThumbRelease scrolls the control's content when the user releases the thumb of the vertical scroll bar.
*Added: ScrollBarsEnum.exHScrollOnThumbRelease scrolls the control's content when the user releases the thumb of the horizontal scroll bar.
*Added: The Items.Link(exLinkShowRound) supports 0 ( default, false, rectangular links ), -1 ( true, round links ), and 1 for direct links.
*Fixed: Shows disabled items as unselected in the chart area ( similar with the items area ).
*Fixed: Updates visually the summary bar area when Items.UndefineSummaryBars or Items.DefineSummaryBars method is called, outside of the BeginUpdate/EndUpdate statement.
03-28-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: The 'in' function in computing formulas increases significantly the time to evaluate it. For instance, if you have the formula such us 'value = 1 or value = 2 or value = 22 or value = 45 or value = 12', ... you can have the 'value in (1, 2, 22, 45, 12)'. In other words, if the set contains about 1000 elements for instance, the evaluator takes max 8 checking to determine if the specified value fits the set, else requires 1000 checking is required to verify each or condition in the sequence.
*NEW: The 'switch' function similar with 'in' function retrieves the value being found in the collection, or a default value if the element is not found. The first element in the collection is the result being returned by 'switch' function when the value is not found in the collection, else the 'switch' returns the value itself. All elements in the collection MUST be constant values. For instance, the "value switch ('not found', 11, 23, 45, 129, 123,99)" means that if the value is 33, the 'not found' string is returned, while if the value is 45, the switch returns 45.
*NEW: The 'case()' function includes any number of case instances. A 'case' instance may contains a statement that is executed once the value is found in the 'case' collection. The 'case' unary operator gets the value being specified by respective statement or the value itself. For instance, the 'int(value) case (1 : value + 1 ; 2 : value * 2)' specifies that if the value is 1 the statement returns 2, while if the value is 2, the statement returns 4, and for any other value it returns the value itself. Also the 'case()' can be used with 'switch' as for instance "%0 switch ('not found',11,22,33,44,55) case (11 : %0 + %1 ; 22 : %1 * 1.19; 33 : len(str(%0)))" indicates that if the value in the column 0 is 11, the result will be the sum between first column and second column, else if the value is 22 the result is the second column value multiplied by 1.19, else if the value is 33 the return is the length of the value in the first cell, if the value is 44 or 55, the result is 44 or 55, while for any other value the result will be 'not found'. The 'in', 'switch' and 'case()' increases significantly the speed to evaluate constant values instead using 'and', 'or' operators to build complicated formulas that could be time consuming.
*Added: The 'case()' function available for computing properties such us: Bar.ShowHistogramValues, Chart.CondInsideZoom, Column.ComputedField, Column.FormatColumn, ConditionalFormat.Expression, Level.FormatLabel, Items.ItemNonworkingUnits
*Added: The Items.ItemBar(exBarKeepWorkingCount) property specifies whether the bar in the histogram uses the Items.ItemBar(exBarWorkingCount) value instead the duration of the bar ItemBar(exBarDuration). The Bar.HistogramType should be exHistOverAllocation
*Added: The 'in' and 'switch' function available for computed properties. For instance, a in (b,c,d,e) returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the a is b or c or d or e, and so on. The elements of the collection should be constants. The 'in' function is available for properties such us: Bar.ShowHistogramValues, Chart.CondInsideZoom, Column.ComputedField, Column.FormatColumn, ConditionalFormat.Expression, Level.FormatLabel, Items.ItemNonworkingUnits
*Fixed: The Items.RemoveAllItems method releases the occupied memory too.
*Fixed: The ItemBar(exBarWorkingCount) property never returns if the ItemNonWorkingUnit property indicates a non-repetitive formula. For instance, shortdate(value) = #7/14/2009#
03-28-2012 ExSkinBox,
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set .HTMLPicture statement.
*Added: If the X and Y parameters of the Out method are of a string type and indicates a valid window handle, the message box is displayed centered relative to specified window. For instance, the MsgBox1.Out "Aka", , , , Str(Me.hWnd), Str(Me.hWnd) displays the message box centered relative to the form.
*Added: If the X and Y parameters of the Input method are of a string type and indicates a valid window handle, the input box is displayed centered relative to specified window. For instance, the MsgBox1.Input "Aka", , , , Str(Me.hWnd), Str(Me.hWnd) displays the input box centered relative to the form.
03-26-2012 ExGantt,
*Added: The FilterBarCaption property supports built-in HTML format.
*Fixed: The <br> tag is ignored in the Column.HTMLCaption, while the HeaderSingleLine property is False ( by default ).
*Fixed: In MS Access, accessing a column using the Item property of the Columns by passing a variable fails, if not using the CStr function.
*Fixed: The user is not able to resize the columns if "Switch primary and secondary buttons" is checked.
*Fixed: The tooltip shown for objects in the chart area can not display icons or pictures using the <img> HTML tag.
03-26-2012 ExHelper,
*Added: The CTRL + F, opens and focuses the filter prompt in Template and Properties panels.
*Added: The context menu of the Template panel, shows a "Google For" item, that can be used to search using Google for the selected keyword.
*Added: Prevents adding new lines to the Print output, when the output receives the focus, so you can easily copy the Output content.
*Fixed: The option "get automatically from our server", fails, if loads large documentation files ( aka 512K )!
03-21-2012 ExThumbnail,
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set .HTMLPicture statement.
*Added: Multiples options to extract thumbnails from the input file.
*Fixed: The *.CDR files ( CorelDraw X4 ) can not be previewed on Windows 7
*Fixed: Changing the ShowImageList property in design mode fails, if the component is hosted in a VC++ 2005, 2008 and 2010 application ( available for /COM only ).
03-21-2012 ExCalendar,
*Fixed: When setting both MinDate and MaxDate to "02/29/2012", or setting both MinDate and Value to "02/29/2012", application fails.
*Fixed: Displaying a black frame around the today date if it is selected, and the SelBackColor reffers to an EBN object ( MarkToday property is True )
*Fixed: The Template property shows no ... button in the properties browser.
*Fixed: Run-time error '-1 (ffffffff)' may occurs if clicking the drop down portion of the control.

The following picture shows the columns on the gantt's chart section:

Ability to display one or more columns in the chart section of the gantt, while the items section is not required to be shown. The layout to display the columns in the chart section will use the CRD format. The columns on the chart may display any element, as it does on the items section.

Click on > link to see how it will work. 

03-19-2012 ExGrid,
*NEW: Auto-numbering support
*Added: The Column.FormatColumn and Items.FormatCell properties support auto-numbering functions as index, pos, apos, opos, rindex, rpos, rapos and ropos
*Added: The value formatting methods support dateS predefined function which gets a date based on the format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", no matter of regional settings compared with the date function.
*Added: A light gray border around the drop down editors with Editor.PopupAppearance on ShadowApp ( by default ).
03-19-2012 ExMenu,
*Added: ScrollOnDrop property specifies the effect to show the popup menu when clicking an item, such as scrolling or fading effect. Previously, the type of the ScrollOnDrop property is Boolean, while currently it is of ShowPopupEffectEnum enumeration type. By default, the ScrollOnDrop property is exShowPopupLightUp
*Fixed: Sometimes, the tooltip is not shown for sub-items ( items in the drop down portion of the control )
*Fixed: Prevents showing the highlight of the top-item when using the ShowPopup method.
03-14-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to show double lines curves in the histogram, by setting different values for Bar.HistogramColor and Bar.HistogramBorderColor properties.
*Added: LevelLineEnum.exLevelQuarterHeight defines a quarter line to be shown as a tick line in the chart's level.
*Added: Grouped bars with prevent changing the length/duration of the bar (GroupBarsOptionsEnum.exPreserveBarLength) type and ItemBar(exBarKeepWorkingCount) property on True, keeps the working unit count, instead the length/duration of the bar, in other words the bar's duration may be changed, while the number of working units keeps constant when the user moves a bar in the group.
*Added: Draws bars using gradient colors specified by the Bar.StartColor and Bar.EndColor properties, if the Bar.Pattern property is exPatternBox.
*Added: The Items.ItemBar(0,Key,Property) = Value property changes the property of giving bar in all items ( all bars with the same key )
*Added: The Chart.HistogramValueFromPoint property retrieves the value from the chart's histogram.
*Added: The Chart.DateFromPoint property retrieves the date in the chart's histogram too.
*Fixed: Clips the bar's histogram when it uses EBN files, and the bar's HistogramType property is exHistOverAllocation
*Fixed: Ignores setting the ItemBar(exBarKeepWorkingCount) property for summary bars.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the Chart.ShowNonWorkingUnits property on false hangs the control.
*Fixed: Limits the bars to first and last working unit if Chart.ShowNonWorkingUnits property is False and Chart.
*Fixed: Clicking the overview area brings the bars in the center of the chart, if all bars fit the chart's client area.
*Fixed: The control hangs when getting the value of the Items.ItemBar(exBarWorkingCount) property, while the Chart.NonworkingDays property is 0 and the chart displays non-working days added using the Chart.AddNonworkingDate method.
03-13-2012 ExPlorerTree,
*Added: Improves the performances when parsing the HTML formats.
*Added: mod operator divides two numbers and returns only the remainder. This is valid for computed, conditional expressions.
*Fixed: If the Column.FilterOnType property is True, the filter is applied twice so the time is doubled.
*Fixed: In the /NET Assembly, the Column.FilterType property always retrieves exAll.
03-13-2012 EXMLGrid,
*NEW: Ability to specify ANY color to an EBN object, so you can use one EBN object to display it in any nuance, without embossing the shape and look of the EBN ( including transparent regions, and so on )
*Added: Significant improvements for control's performance while using a large number of EBN objects.
*Added: The EBN can be displayed using ANY color ( not only FF for rgb ). For instance, 0x1A88A5D indicates that EBN with the identifier 1 is displaying in Air Force blue color (#5D8AA8).
*Fixed: Printing the control with thousand of EBN objects may increase the GDI handles indefinitely.

The following picture shows the type of links between tasks:

The new type of link is the straight link, which defines a direct line between tasks. Currently, the link between bars can be rectangular, round or straight. Any link can show or hide its direction using a predefined arrow or a specified EBN object.  

Click on > link to see how it will work. 

03-07-2012 ExPropertiesList,
*NEW: HOT tracking/hover of the rows/items
*Added: HotBackColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking background color.
*Added: HotForeColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking foreground color.
*Fixed: The control fails if displays a property with a negative value as HEXa.
03-07-2012 ExTree,
*NEW: Defines new type of hierarchy lines such as exGroupLines, exGroupLinesInside or exGroupLinesOutside (LinesAtRoot property)
*Added: Prevents selecting only visible items when performing incremental searching ( filtered items, ExpandOnSearch, Items.ItemHeight )
*Added: The parent item does not indent the children with Indent property, if the LinesAtRoot property is exGroupLinesOutside, and all of them are flat. A flat item is an item contains no child items.
*Added: Ensures that the focused item fits the control's client area, if possible, if the filter is applied.
03-05-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to display values in the chart's histogram
*Added: Bar.ShowHistogramValues specifies the formula that returns the color to display the selected values in the histogram for specified type of bar. For instance the "value > 100" displays in the histogram only values greater then 100%
*Added: Chart.SelBarColor property specifies the color or EBN object to display the selected bars in the chart.
*Added: Items.FindBar(Key) property gets the handle of the item that hosts the bar.
*Added: The Items.ClearBars(0) removes all bars for all items.
*Fixed: The 64-bit version of the control fires "System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt" when user tries to resizes a column by clicking the control's header.
*Fixed: The exG2antt/NET assembly shows a black frame when the parent form changes its parent using the MDIParent property.
03-05-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to specify padding for cells in the column
*NEW: The 'in' function in computing formulas increases significantly the time to evaluate it. For instance, if you have the formula such us 'value = 1 or value = 2 or value = 22 or value = 45 or value = 12', ... you can have the 'value in (1, 2, 22, 45, 12)'. In other words, if the set contains about 1000 elements for instance, the evaluator takes max 8 checking to determine if the specified value fits the set, else requires 1000 checking is required to verify each or condition in the sequence.
*NEW: The 'case()' function includes any number of case instances. A 'case' instance may contains a statement that is executed once the value is found in the 'case' collection. The 'case' unary operator gets the value being specified by respective statement or the value itself. For instance, the 'int(value) case (1 : value + 1 ; 2 : value * 2)' specifies that if the value is 1 the statement returns 2, while if the value is 2, the statement returns 4, and for any other value it returns the value itself. Also the 'case()' can be used with 'switch' as for instance "%0 switch ('not found',11,22,33,44,55) case (11 : %0 + %1 ; 22 : %1 * 1.19; 33 : len(str(%0)))" indicates that if the value in the column 0 is 11, the result will be the sum between first column and second column, else if the value is 22 the result is the second column value multiplied by 1.19, else if the value is 33 the return is the length of the value in the first cell, if the value is 44 or 55, the result is 44 or 55, while for any other value the result will be 'not found'. The 'in', 'switch' and 'case()' increases significantly the speed to evaluate constant values instead using 'and', 'or' operators to build complicated formulas that could be time consuming.
*NEW: The 'switch' function similar with 'in' function retrieves the value being found in the collection, or a default value if the element is not found. The first element in the collection is the result being returned by 'switch' function when the value is not found in the collection, else the 'switch' returns the value itself. All elements in the collection MUST be constant values. For instance, the "value switch ('not found', 11, 23, 45, 129, 123,99)" means that if the value is 33, the 'not found' string is returned, while if the value is 45, the switch returns 45.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellPaddingLeft) specifies the left padding (space) of the cells within the column. The similar options are: exCellPaddingRight, exCellPaddingTop and exCellPaddingBottom to control the right, top and bottom padding.
*Added: Column.Def(exHeaderPaddingLeft) specifies the left padding (space) of the column's header. The similar options are: exHeaderPaddingRight, exHeaderPaddingTop and exHeaderPaddingBottom to control the right, top and bottom padding.
*Added: The 'in', 'switch' and 'case()' functions available for properties such us: Column.ComputedField, Column.FormatColumn, ConditionalFormat.Expression
02-29-2012 ExComboBox,
*NEW: PNG support for picture properties.
*Added: PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF image format support.
*Added: Items.ExpandItem(0) property expands or collapses all items.
*Added: Items.ItemMinHeight property limits the height of the item when resizing.
02-29-2012 ExSlider,
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only carriage returns.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
02-27-2012 ExPrint,
*Added: Ability to scroll the page by dragging the cursor up, down left or right, while it is zoomed in the Print Preview ( By default, if the user clicks the page with no moving the mouse, the page get change its zooming factor ).
*Added: CopyTo(Path) method copies the pages to EMF files to specified path, for viewing or editing later using applications such as MS Office Picture Manager, MS Paint, and so on. The CopyTo can be called after PrintExt property, and calling the Preview is not required.
*Added: AutoRelease property specifies whether the object itself is auto-released when the object to be printed, or when the user closes the Preview's frame. This property has effect only if calling BEFORE the Preview method. This property is currently available for /COM version.
02-27-2012 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to specify unsortable items.
*Added: Items.SortableItem property specifies whether the item may change its position while sorting. An unsortable item does not change its position while sort is performed.
*Fixed: The control is still in updating mode, if the EndUpdate method is called several times.
*Fixed: The get_HTMLPicture property gets empty object on the /NET version.

The following picture shows the Padding support, which will be included:

Padding support - defines the space between the element border and the element content. The padding clears an area around the content (inside the border) of an element, and does not affect the element's background color. The Column.Def(exCellPaddingLeft), exCellPaddingRight, exCellPaddingTop and exCellPaddingBottom defines in pixels the left, right, top and bottom padding (space) of the cells within the column. The Column.Def(exHeaderPaddingLeft), exHeaderPaddingRight, exHeaderPaddingTop and exHeaderPaddingBottom defines the padding ( spaces ) of the column's caption in the control's header.

Click on > link to see how it will work. 

02-20-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: Filter Prompt support ( The filter prompt feature allows you to filter the items as you type while the filter bar is visible on the bottom part of the list area )
*Added: FilterBarPrompt property specifies the HTML caption to be displayed when the filter pattern is missing.
*Added: FilterBarPromptColumns property specifies the list of columns to be used when filtering using the prompt. By default, the filter prompt uses all columns.
*Added: FilterBarPromptPattern property specifies the pattern for the filter prompt.
*Added: FilterBarPromptVisible property shows or hides the filter prompt
*Added: FilterBarPromptType property specifies the type of the filter prompt
02-20-2012 ExScrollBar,
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set .HTMLPicture statement.
*Fixed: Changing the ShowImageList property in design mode fails, if the component is hosted in a VC++ 2005, 2008 and 2010 application ( available for /COM only ).
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
02-17-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to change the item's background color for bars that belongs to a summary bar, for summary portion only.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exSummaryBarBackColor) property specifies the item's background color for bars that belongs to the summary bar.
*Added: Items.ItemBar(exBarCanResize) property may be 1 and so user can resize the left side of the bar, or 2 so the right side of the bar is resizable. If 0/False, the bar can not be resized, -1/True the bar can be resized on both sides.
*Added: The FilterBarCaption property supports HTML format.
*Added: Centers the bars when changing the zooming scale, in the overview area.
*Added: Allows using the SHIFT and/or CTRL keys combination while creating, moving or resizing the bar using the mouse
*Fixed: The Editor.AddItem method fails once an uninitialized string is passed.
02-17-2012 ExPropertiesList,
*Fixed: A property of COLOR type displays the RRGGBB color, if it refers an EBN object that is not found.
*Fixed: The checkbox is not shown on a drop down enum type, if the property has been added manually
*Fixed: By default, the FilterBarPrompt is case sensitive for non-english characters ( russian, umlauts, ... ), instead case insensitive.
*Fixed: The Copy method fails if creating EMF larger than 31720 pixels, or aprox 11.18 m. 
02-15-2012 ExCalendar,
*NEW: Ability to place a picture on the control's background.
*Added: Picture property retrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control's background. ( The /NET version provides the BackgroundImage property )
*Added: PictureDisplay property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's background. ( The /NET version provides the BackgroundImageLayout property )
*Added: Ability to use or load PNG, TIFF or WMF picture on the control's background ( Picture property for /COM version ) , using the LoadPicture predefined function of the Template property. For instance, the [.Template = "Picture = LoadPicture(`E:\picture.png`)"] OR [.Picture = .ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`E:\picture.png`)")] loads the PNG picture on the control's background.
02-15-2012 ExSkinBox,
*Fixed: The HTMLPicture property is ignored if AutoClose property is set
*Fixed: Ignores the ending HTML tags, if they are not used previously ( for instance, the < /b > is not displayed in the sequence "ABC< /b >" )
02-13-2012 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to format individual cells using predefined functions as currency, short date, long date and other several options, including HTML formatting.
*Added: Items.FormatCell property specifies the custom format to display the cell's content, by ignoring the column's format ( Column.FormatColumn property )
*Fixed: Only two items get selected when user selects multiple items by dragging an empty rectangle.
*Fixed: The get_HTMLPicture property gets empty object on the /NET version.
02-13-2012 ExShellView,
*Added: Prevents browsing the parent folder if user presses the Backspace key, if the KeyCode parameter of the KeyDown event is set on 0.
*Fixed: The KeyUp, KeyPress events are never fired.
02-13-2012 ExFolderView,
*Fixed: Expanding the Homegroup special folder in Windows 7 fails.
02-13-2012 ExHelper,
*Added: The xscript may contain several commands separated by ; not only "\n\r" ( newline ) characters. For instance the Template = "dim p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Added: The { to start a block, or the } to end a block can be placed to ANY location, not necessary at the starting of the line
*Added: The context menu of the Template panel, shows a "Copy To Single Line" item, that can be used to convert and copy to the clipboard the current x-script code as a single line, eliminating the comments.
*Added: The context menu of the Template panel, shows a "Refresh" item, that refreshes the control's content based on the current script.

Easy way to define the control's visual appearance in design mode 

Ability to define the visual appearance for known UI part of the control, using elements from the current XP theme or EBN files. The user can define the visual appearance of any part by dragging the XP/EBN element to any known UI part of the component. The VisualDesign property will be available for /COM and /NET. The movie shows how easily you can define the eXCalendar's visual appearance.

Click on > link to see how it will work.

02-09-2012 ExFileView,
*Added: IncludeParentLabel property specifies the label to be shown in the parent items ( ability to specify the full, parsed, relative or name of the parent folder ).
*Fixed: Prevents showing the 1/1/1601 02:00 AM in the Modified column ( system objects that do not support file time )
*Fixed: The ApplyFilter method is ignored if the objects are not loaded ( DoEvents is no longer requires to be called before ApplyFilter programmatically )
*Fixed: Sometimes, on Windows XP, the .. folder ( IncludeParent property ) shows ??? characters. 
*Fixed: The control displays NO check-boxes if the UseVisualTheme property is 0 ( exNoVisualTheme )
02-08-2012 ExGantt,
*Added: Prevents removing the data from the control such as columns, items and bars, when LoadXML method is called, so you can use the LoadXML to load only the regional changes such as month names, week days and so on.
*Fixed: The Columns.Count property gets increased value if LoadXML method is called successively.
*Fixed: Sometimes, removing an item that hosts an inside control fails.
*Fixed: Keeps the focused item on the previously selected if it is still visible, after applying the filter.

The following screen shot shows how we will support the Exclude clause in the Filtering support: 

Ability to exclude the items when filtering by using a UI checkbox Exclude in the drop down filter window. The FilterListEnum.exShowExclude flag indicates whether the drop down filter window shows or hides the Exclude checkbox. For instance, clicking the Exclude checkbox, will makes the control to exclude selected items from the list.

Click on > link to see how it will work. 


The following screen shot shows how we will support the smooth scrolling with a Picture on the control's Background. 

Ability to use or load PNG, TIFF or WMF picture on the control's background ( Picture property for /COM version ) , using the LoadPicture predefined function of the Template property. For instance, the [.Template = "Picture = LoadPicture(`E:\picture.png`)"] OR [.Picture = .ExecuteTemplate("loadpicture(`E:\picture.png`)")] loads the PNG picture on the control's background.

Click on > link to see how it will work.

02-06-2012 ExOrgChart,
*NEW: Ability to specify any HTML caption on any link ( and so icons, pictures, anchors and so on )
*Added: Node.ShowLinkDir property shows or hides the direction between the node and its parent.
*Added: Node.LinkCaption property specifies the HTML caption on the node's link.
*Added: LinkCaptionFromPoint property gets the node whose caption on the link hovers the specified point.
02-06-2012 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to specify any COLOR for the control's frame/border/appearance if using EBN objects.
*Added: The Appearance property may specify any color to apply the EBN object to define the control's border. In other words, you can define the color and the visual aspect of the control's border/appearance.
*Added: The Background(exToolTipAppearance) property may specify any color to apply to tooltip's EBN so the control's tooltip can be shown using different colors.
*Fixed: Closes the opened editor if the user focuses the control's filter prompt bar.
*Fixed: Printing the control with thousand of EBN objects may increase the GDI handles indefinitely.
02-01-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to show links with different attributes based on the user selection, for instance shows only links that starts from selected bars only.
*Added: Chart.ShowLinksColor( ShowLinksEnum ) property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to display the links based on the user selection.
*Added: Chart.ShowLinksWidth( ShowLinksEnum ) property specifies the width to display the links based on the user selection.
*Added: Chart.ShowLinksStyle( ShowLinksEnum ) property gets or sets a value that indicates the style to display the links based on the user selection.
*Added: by default, the MarkSearchColumn property is set on False
*Added: Items.ItemBar( exBarNonWorkingUnits ) property retrieves a collection of pairs ( start-end ) that indicates the non-working parts of the bar. The /NET Assembly provides: Items.get_BarNonWorkingUnits() of Date[] type
*Added: Items.ItemBar( exBarNonWorkingUnitsAsString ) property displays as string the list of pairs ( start-end ) that indicates the non-working parts of the bar. The /NET Assembly provides: Items.get_BarNonWorkingUnitsAsString()
*Added: Items.ItemBar( exBarWorkingUnits ) property retrieves a collection of pairs ( start-end ) that indicates the working parts of the bar. The /NET Assembly provides: Items.get_BarWorkingUnits() of Date[] type
*Added: Items.ItemBar( exBarWorkingUnitsAsString ) property displays as string the list of pairs ( start-end ) that indicates the working parts of the bar. The /NET Assembly provides: Items.get_BarWorkingUnitsAsString()
02-01-2012 ExLabel,
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
*Fixed: Changing the ShowImageList property in design mode fails, if the component is hosted in a VC++ 2005, 2008 and 2010 application ( available for /COM only ).
01-30-2012 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to specify unsortable items.
*Added: Items.SortableItem property specifies whether the item may change its position while sorting. An unsortable item does not change its position while sort is performed.
*Added: The GetItems(1) method retrieves an one-dimensional array that holds the handles of the items in the control as they are displayed ( sorted, filtered, ... ), and so the first element in the array ( item at position 0 ) indicates the handle of the first item in the control which can be different than the Items.FirstVisibleItem if the control is vertically scrolled. [ The GetItems(0) method gets the items ( the values ) in the control. ]
*Fixed: The colors for cells or items being selected are ignored in the print and print preview
01-30-2012 ExEdit,
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Added: Shows the selected text using a disabled color, if the HideSelection is False, and the control loses the focus. 
*Fixed: Resets the selection and moves the caret to the starting position, when Text property is changed.
01-25-2012 ExSlider,
*Fixed: Clicking the slider jumps to the value from point, instead increasing the value by LargeChange property.
*Fixed: Disables changing the slider's value when user right clicks the control.
*Fixed: Prevents changing the slider's value when the cursor is outside the control.
*Fixed: Fires the MouseUp event if the user releases the mouse outside of the control.
01-25-2012 EXMLGrid,
*Added: The Event( EventID) event occurs once the control fires an event (available for /COM version only)
*Fixed: "Error executing code: FormActiveXControl (data source), method ... called with invalid parameters" on Dynamics AX environment is fired, if the application handles events with parameters passed by reference. On X++ you should use the Event event and EventParams method to handle this exception. The X++ is not able to handle the events with parameters passed by reference.
*Fixed: Extra characters are inserted in the next line if the breaking element is a picture that does not fit the current line.
*Fixed: Ignores the ending HTML tags, if they are not used previously ( for instance, the < /b > is not displayed in the sequence "ABC< /b >" )
01-23-2012 ExGantt,
*NEW: VisualAppearance.Add reads EBN files from byte[] or safe arrays of VT_I1 or VT_UI1. In other words, you can add EBN files directly to resources and use them as .VisualAppearance.Add(ID, Namespace.My.Resources.EBN) for vb/net or .VisualAppearance.Add(ID, Namespace.Properties.Resources.EBN) for c#, where the ID is the new identifier to be added, and the EBN is the identifier in the resource for the EBN file.
*Added: Ensures that the chart displays the last time-unit if the Chart.ScrollRange is used. For instance, if the Chart.ScrollRange(exEndDate) is #1/31/2001 11:00:00 AM# and the chart gets magnified to minutes, it ensures that the #1/31/2001 11:59:00 AM# unit is visible.
*Added: If the Chart.ScrollRange(exStartDate) and Chart.ScrollRange(exEndDate) point to the same valid date-time, the chart limits the view to a single day ( time-unit ). For instance, if #1/1/2001# indicates that the chart is limited to a single day, while if #1/1/2001 11:00:00AM# limits the view to a single hour ( 11 AM ).
*Fixed: The Chart.ScrollRange property does not work properly when the Chart.UnitScale property is set to exHour, exMinute or exSecond.
01-23-2012 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to specify ANY color to an EBN object, so you can use one EBN object to display it in any nuance, without embossing the shape and look of the EBN ( including transparent regions, and so on )
*Added: Significant improvements for control's performance while using a large number of EBN objects.
*Added: The EBN can be displayed using ANY color ( not only FF for rgb ). For instance, 0x1A88A5D indicates that EBN with the identifier 1 is displaying in Air Force blue color (#5D8AA8).
*Fixed: The cell's value is written on database before validation, if the control's DataSource points to a ADO/DAO recordet ( /COM )
*Fixed: Changing Items.CellValue property during the ValidateValue event does not call the ValidateEvent event again
*Fixed: The 'format' operator is not working properly on Spanish, German, Romanian, ... where the '.' character is using for grouping, instead decimal separator.
01-17-2012 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: OptionEnum.exEditFolderShowPath indicates whether the EditFolder editor shows the current selected path ( by default, False ).
*Added: OptionEnum.exEditFolderTitle specifies the title to select a folder for EditFolder editor ( by default, "Select Folder" ).
*Added: OptionEnum.exEditFolderIncludeFiles specifies whether files are included in the EditFolder editor ( by default, False ).
*Added: OptionEnum.exEditFolderNewUI specifies whether the EditFolder editor uses the new user interface ( by default, False ).
*Added: OptionEnum.exEditFolderShowEditBox specifies whether the EditFolder editor displays an edit box field ( by default, True ).
*Added: OptionEnum.exEditFolderAllowMakeDir specifies whether the EditFolder editor includes a button to allow creating a new folder ( by default, False ).
01-17-2012 ExMenu,
*Added: Focusable property gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control can receive focus.
*Fixed: Updates the control's Enabled state when the menu is placed on _SCREEN object of the Visual FoxPro.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the menu's background is not erased when the ScrollOnDrop property is True, and the mouse is moved quickly.
01-15-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: PNG support for picture properties.
*Added: PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF image format support.
*Added: The Items.ItemBar(exBarWorkingCount) ( of double type not int ) specifies the number of days to be working units. For instance, 1 indicates a full day, while 0.5 indicates 12 hours.
*Added: The Items.ItemBar(exBarNonWorkingCount) ( of double type not int ) specifies the number of days to be non-working units. For instance, 1 indicates a full non-working day, while 0.5 indicates 12 non-working hours.
*Added: MouseDown or MouseUp event with Button parameter on 4, if the user presses or releases the middle mouse button.
*Fixed: Moving a bar of few hours is resized to a full day, while ItemBar(exBarKeepWorkingCount) property is true and the Chart.ResizeScaleUnit property is set time units as second, minutes or hours.
*Fixed: Removing certain objects during events of the control may fail.
*Fixed: Can select a link by dragging but not using single click. 
*Fixed: Clips the chart's links to unlocked area, so links can be shown in the locked area.
01-15-2012 ExPlorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to specify unsortable items.
*Added: Group.Items.SortableItem property specifies whether the item may change its position while sorting. An unsortable item does not change its position while sort is performed.
*Added: The filter on type operation is called after a half of a second once the last character is typed, to avoid calling filterting too many times
*Added: The FilterChaning event is called before applying the filter, so you can count the time to filter the items.
*Added: Increases significantly the speed to filter items using the * (any character) pattern ( FilterOnType )
01-08-2012 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to format individual cells using predefined functions as currency, short date, long date and other several options, including HTML formatting.
*Added: Items.FormatCell property specifies the custom format to display the cell's content, by ignoring the column's format ( Column.FormatColumn property )
*Fixed: The get_HTMLPicture property gets empty object on the /NET version.
*Fixed: The second parameter (Parent) of PutItems method is ignored ( /NET version )
01-08-2012 ExList,
*Added: The SelBackMode property on exTransparent shows the selection using a semi-transparent color.
*Added: The selected rows loses the colors for cells ( CellBackColor, ItemBackColor ) when selecting ( SelBackMode = exTransparent )
*Fixed: The cells with CellBackColor set, shows no solid colors, if the SetBackMode property is exGrid.

Ability to scroll the control's content with no usage of scrollbar, for touch screens or tablet PCs...

Ability to smoothly scroll the control's content. Click a row, and start dragging up or down, and the control's content is moved up or down. The feature could be useful for touch screens or tablet PCs, but works on desktop machines too. The scrolling is performed as you would do a Drag And Drop operation. The scrolling is performed pixel by pixel for a smooth motion.

Click on > link to see how it will work. 

01-03-2012 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to add programmatically custom entries to chart's undo/redo queue such as updating color for a bar, and so on
*Added: LinkPropertyEnum.exLinkArrowColor may specify the EBN object to be displayed instead the arrow.
*Added: Chart.UndoListAction( Action, Count ) property specifies the last undo actions, where Action parameter indicates the action being listed, and the Count parameter specifies the maximum number of entries being listed.
*Added: Chart.RedoListAction( Action, Count ) property specifies the first redo actions, where Action parameter indicates the action being listed, and the Count parameter specifies the maximum number of entries being listed.
*Added: Items.StartUpdateBar property starts changing properties of the bar, so EndUpdateBar method adds programmatically updated properties to undo/redo queue.
*Added: Items.EndUpdateBar(StartUpdateBar) method adds programmatically updated properties of the bar to undo/redo queue.
*Added: Items.StartUpdateLink property starts changing properties of the link, so EndUpdateBar method adds programmatically updated properties to undo/redo queue.
*Added: Items.EndUpdateLink(StartUpdateLink) method adds programmatically updated properties of the link to undo/redo queue.
*Fixed: Two adjacent and overlaid bars shows up as linear or stacked when moving together.
*Fixed: The Chart.ShowNonworkingUnits property is ignored if the Count property of the base level is not 1.
*Fixed: The control hangs if it has no bars, and the Chart.OverviewVisible property is not zero and the Chart.ShowNonworkingUnits property is False.
*Added: The content of the file ( image files BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, ICO..., EBN files, or BASE64 representation of icon list, images or EBN files ) is displayed when cursor hovers a string. A string is delimited by "or ` characters.
*Added: Resets the caret/cursor position once a new question, programming language is selected.
*Added: The CTRL + K on Template panel selects the string from the caret position or appropriate to it.
*Fixed: The Undo and Redo for x-script panel is lost once the template is applied to the current control ( CTRL+S ).